“Religion” causes mayhem, murder once again upon innocents


Gold Member
Nov 20, 2012
Are we Christians out of line for speaking out more about these global atrocities than our secular brother or secular governments? Just because there is a crazy Christian here or there causing terrible harm to others, does that disqualify any point we are trying to make?... such as, there is a God and a message coming from Jesus for the world? Can we not speak to the presence of “the evil one” in this world?

Do we have to passively listen to all the “experts” who tell us the Newtown murderer and now the firefighter murderer are a victim of mental illness and the only cure is more clinical exposure? Just because the world is not willing to listen does that mean we cannot provide an opinion, if not evidence, for another source of this evil?

Switching gears, slightly: On Christmas Eve as Christians in Nigeria attended mass, Islamic fanatics gunned down 12 of them at two churches because they apparently do not like the fact some people do not believe the way they do. Maybe it was not a big deal because it happened last year on Christmas Day in Nigeria, too, where 39 Christans were killed attending Christmas services. So that become a news blip for a day and everyone moves on with their own lives. Ok, but as one article below speaking on Islamic extemism (from 10/29/12) says “Imagine the unspeakable fury that would erupt across the Islamic world if a Christian-led government in Khartoum had been responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Sudanese Muslims over the past 30 years. Or if Christian gunmen were firebombing mosques in Iraq during Friday prayers. Or if Muslim girls in Indonesia had been abducted and beheaded on their way to school, because of their faith.”

My point: This horrific terrorism by Islamic fanatics occurs every week in all parts of the world and the world shrugs and moderate Islam remains uncomfortably quiet about it. Shrug if that is all you can do, but do not attack those more concerned for calling it what it is --- i.e., a demonic evil. Until this world wakes up, the devil will continue to wreak havoc and terror in Newton, in Nigeria, in Sudan, in Rwanda, and in just about anywhere each week we when get more breaking news that we choose to try to reconcile in secular terms or ignore altogether.


Christmas eve attacks leave 12 dead in NigeriaNewsCNN by: CNN StaffTuesday, December 25, 2012

A Christian worshiper from Nigeria and her son wait to pray at the Church of Nativity in Bethlehem, Monday, Dec. 24. Gunmen attacked worshipers during prayer in Nigeria on Christmas eve, killing six people, including the pastor, and setting the building on fire. Six others were killed at First Baptist Church in Maiduguri, in Borno state. Photo Credit:AP/Adel Hana At least 12 people died in northern Nigeria when attackers raided two churches during Christmas Eve services, police said.

One assault occurred at the Church of Christ in Nations in Postikum, in Yobe province. Gunmen attacked worshipers during prayer, killing six people, including the pastor, and setting the building on fire

Worshipers also were attacked at the First Baptist Church in Maiduguri, in Borno state. A deacon and five church members were killed.

Read more: Christmas eve attacks leave 12 dead in Nigeria | Times 247


Christmas attacks in Nigeria by sect kill 39

Christmas attacks in Nigeria by Muslim sect kill 39

LAGOS, Nigeria (AP) – Terror attacks across Nigeria by a radical Muslim sect killed at least 39 people Sunday, with the majority dying on the steps of a Catholic church after celebrating Christmas Mass as blood pooled in dust from a massive explosion.

Authorities acknowledged they could not bring enough emergency medical personnel to care for the wounded outside St. Theresa Catholic Church in Madalla near Nigeria's capital. Elsewhere, a bomb exploded amid gunfire in the central Nigeria city of Jos and a suicide car bomber attacked the military in the nation's northeast as part of an apparently coordinated assault by the sect known as Boko Haram.


Scourge against Christians in the Middle East continues

By Rupert Shortt 8:38PM GMT 29 Oct 2012

Imagine the unspeakable fury that would erupt across the Islamic world if a Christian-led government in Khartoum had been responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Sudanese Muslims over the past 30 years. Or if Christian gunmen were firebombing mosques in Iraq during Friday prayers. Or if Muslim girls in Indonesia had been abducted and beheaded on their way to school, because of their faith.

Such horrors are barely thinkable, of course. But they have all occurred in reverse, with Christians falling victim to Islamist aggression. Only two days ago, a suicide bomber crashed a jeep laden with explosives into a packed Catholic church in Kaduna, northern Nigeria, killing at least eight people and injuring more than 100. The tragedy bore the imprint of numerous similar attacks by Boko Haram (which roughly translates as “Western education is sinful”), an exceptionally bloodthirsty militant group.

Other notable trouble spots include Egypt, where 600,000 Copts – more than the entire population of Manchester – have emigrated since the 1980s in the face of harassment or outright oppression.


Mali: Islamists take pickaxes to Timbuktu's ancient mausoleums

Armed groups occupying Timbuktu in northern Mali have used pickaxes to smash up any remaining mausoleums in the ancient city.

Tuareg rebels and other separatists and al-Qaeda linked militant groups took advantage of a coup in Mali in March to seize control of a vast chunk of territory where the Islamists have since imposed a brutal form of Islamic law Photo: AFP1:48AM GMT 24 Dec 2012
The rebels' ruthless implementation of their version of Islamic law comes just days after the United Nations approved a military force to wrest back control of the conflict-ridden area.

"Not a single mausoleum will remain in Timbuktu, Allah doesn't like it," Abou Dardar, leader of the Islamist Ansar Dine group, told AFP. "We are in the process of smashing all the hidden mausoleums in the area."

Witnesses confirmed the claims.

Anything that doesn't fall under Islam "is not good. Man should only worship Allah," Mohamed Alfoul, a member of Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), said.

The vandalism of the Muslim saints' tombs in the UNESCO World Heritage site came a day after other Islamists in the northern city of Gao announced they had amputated two people's hands.


Nigeria church attack kills 15 — mostly children NewsUPI by: UPIMonday, October 29, 2012

Soldiers stand guards outside St. Rita's Catholic church following a suicide bombing in Kaduna, Nigeria, Sunday, Oct. 28. Photo Credit:AP A suicide car bomb exploded [during Sunday Mass] at a Catholic church in Kaduna, Nigeria, killing at least 15 people and injuring 150, mostly children, an archbishop said. ...

"I feel more pained in my heart over this unfortunate incident as 90 percent of the victims are children," [said the archbishop of Kaduna Diocese, Matthew Man-Ndagoso.] ...

No group had taken responsibility for the bombing, though similar attacks have been made by Islamic militant group Boko Haram, which has fought to overthrow the government and implement Sharia law, the BBC reported.

Read more: Nigeria church attack kills 15
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Atheists want Christians to just die, let themselves be murdered by the morally superior atheists. Or, muslims as in Nigeria.

What's ironic, is that once the muslims kill the Christians, they go on to kill the atheists!
Atheists want Christians to just die, let themselves be murdered by the morally superior atheists. Or, muslims as in Nigeria.

What's ironic, is that once the muslims kill the Christians, they go on to kill the atheists!

Christians dont want Athiests dead?
Oh your christiany outlook is you want a religious war?

Well since you were curious enough to ask; I don't want any war. But as a Christian, I am very grateful for my Christian nation standing up to the devil and the godless despots who wreak havoc in the world destroying innocent lives.

My point in this post was that it is a dunce who tries to tie all religions together because one of them goes off the deep end (like fanatical Islam). Do some research and make some distinctions.

The other point is anyone who thinks religion is why we have war has not done any honest research period. We would have it all the more without Christianity in the world, other religions need to defend their own morals or sins.
LOL yea, the millions that have died in the name of Christianity was standing up for it, and proudly done. In the DARK AGES. You realize if all that BS didnt happen, we could probably be far more advanced now, right?
LOL yea, the millions that have died in the name of Christianity was standing up for it, and proudly done. In the DARK AGES. You realize if all that BS didnt happen, we could probably be far more advanced now, right?

I realize this much... I am currently talking to someone who has no interest in the truth, so I keep my posts short.

You just carry too much unfounded animosity towards Christianity to make an honest objective opinion about the facts. ----- speaking of "dark ages" ---------
Not really. I posted that because you were saying ignorant things like this :

I am very grateful for my Christian nation standing up to the devil and the godless despots who wreak havoc in the world destroying innocent lives.

other religions need to defend their own morals or sins.
Atheists want Christians to just die, let themselves be murdered by the morally superior atheists. Or, muslims as in Nigeria.

What's ironic, is that once the muslims kill the Christians, they go on to kill the atheists!

Christians dont want Athiests dead?

Not at all. Not even close. The dead don't repent and go on to live useful lives.
Maybe one day the world will grow out of "religion"

One can only hope.

Why did Catholics and Prodestants kill each other for decades in Northern Ireland?

Don't both religions preach essentially the same thing?

This happened because "religion" is a creation of MAN - not GOD.

God is everywhere. God is in your heart, in your soul. God doesn't need a building. God doesn't need a spokesperson. God doesn't need you to show up on a certain day for a social event - God is open 24-7-365. And God certainly doesn't need your money.

I've been to the Mormon center in SLC. Nice digs. Cost a fortune.

Would God love them any less if they had a card table and two folding chairs?

God would LOVE it, and God's vision of Eden on Earth would come to pass, if man would reject religious doctrine and its "them vs. us" mentality.

We aren't ready for that.

Religion is, essentially, "God For Dummies".
LOL yea, the millions that have died in the name of Christianity was standing up for it, and proudly done. In the DARK AGES. You realize if all that BS didnt happen, we could probably be far more advanced now, right?

Can you justify that?

The Dark Ages started with the fall of Rome, "Extinguishing the light of Rome" as the world's most advanced civilization. It had nothing to do with religion. If Rome had not become decadent, had it not devolved into hedonism, debauchery and degredation we might be more advanced today. But, it did, and it fell of his own corruption. If you want to blame Christians for something, blame them for the Age of Enlightenment, of reason, morality and really superb art. Yes there were religious wars as Christianity became ascendant over the savagery so prevalent at the time. But the Christians won that war, those wars, without which we would not have the advancement we have.

Had there been no religious wars, we wouldn't have done without wars at all, we would just have had wars over different reasons. Rome pacified the world by force, not because they were communist democrats.
Not really. I posted that because you were saying ignorant things like this :

I am very grateful for my Christian nation standing up to the devil and the godless despots who wreak havoc in the world destroying innocent lives.

other religions need to defend their own morals or sins.

Maybe you need to expand on your message or point.

Here is what I believe, and not only believe it, but am certain it is true.

The Devil exists. Or did you think Jesus was lying about that?
The Devil has been given some power to influence the minds and actions of human beings. To those who think he is a total fake they are more vulnerable.
The Devil seeks the ruin of all souls because of his utter contempt for God.
The Devil causes a weak or sinful man to convince himself to do something are worse that any sane and decent person with a modicum of a conscience would to --- like murder 20 little first graders. Like blow up a bus full of women and children in the Middle EAst and yell God is Great I am going to heaven now. Like murder 11 million innocent people in concentration camps.

You don't want to believe in the devil, Don't! Just excuse me when I laugh (out of place) listening to TV show pop psychologists. And all your other secular explanations.
LOL yea, the millions that have died in the name of Christianity was standing up for it, and proudly done. In the DARK AGES. You realize if all that BS didnt happen, we could probably be far more advanced now, right?

Can you justify that?

The Dark Ages started with the fall of Rome, "Extinguishing the light of Rome" as the world's most advanced civilization. It had nothing to do with religion. If Rome had not become decadent, had it not devolved into hedonism, debauchery and degredation we might be more advanced today. But, it did, and it fell of his own corruption. If you want to blame Christians for something, blame them for the Age of Enlightenment, of reason, morality and really superb art. Yes there were religious wars as Christianity became ascendant over the savagery so prevalent at the time. But the Christians won that war, those wars, without which we would not have the advancement we have.

Had there been no religious wars, we wouldn't have done without wars at all, we would just have had wars over different reasons. Rome pacified the world by force, not because they were communist democrats.

The dark ages was a "supression of free thought" Remember Galileo and others who were imprisoned, killed and/or tortured by going against church "dogma" because of their scientific discoveries? At that time educatioon was not open to the public, per say. Another example : Giordano Bruno, philosopher and astronomer, burned at the stake for espousing the theory that the earth and other planets revolved around the sun.

The history of Christian oppression of individual life, rights, values, happiness, pleasure, and sexuality is well documented...

The Huns and Goths had soemthign to do with the fall of Rome, right?
Not really. I posted that because you were saying ignorant things like this :

I am very grateful for my Christian nation standing up to the devil and the godless despots who wreak havoc in the world destroying innocent lives.

other religions need to defend their own morals or sins.

Maybe you need to expand on your message or point.

Here is what I believe, and not only believe it, but am certain it is true.

The Devil exists. Or did you think Jesus was lying about that?
The Devil has been given some power to influence the minds and actions of human beings. To those who think he is a total fake they are more vulnerable.
The Devil seeks the ruin of all souls because of his utter contempt for God.
The Devil causes a weak or sinful man to convince himself to do something are worse that any sane and decent person with a modicum of a conscience would to --- like murder 20 little first graders. Like blow up a bus full of women and children in the Middle EAst and yell God is Great I am going to heaven now. Like murder 11 million innocent people in concentration camps.

You don't want to believe in the devil, Don't! Just excuse me when I laugh (out of place) listening to TV show pop psychologists. And all your other secular explanations.

You are certain? Your faith is strong. Kudos on that. I dont have any faith in religion. Especially the Devil or Jesus. religion is man-made IMO. I do not doubt a supreme being, just any religious idols
It's quite simple.

Murdering Christians is a legitimate response to religious oppression even if it occurred 1,000 years ago.

Christians defending themselves are killer thugs who have to be stopped.
LOL yea, the millions that have died in the name of Christianity was standing up for it, and proudly done. In the DARK AGES. You realize if all that BS didnt happen, we could probably be far more advanced now, right?

So how far back are you going to go?

How about the past, say 100 years or so. Any mass killings by the evil Christians?

Christians don't give a rat's ass about athiests. The athiests will get their just rewards in the end.
Rome collapsed because it got too big to govern effectively. It turned into a free-for-all and every man for himself. The Rule of Law began to collapse. Then the infrastructure collapsed. By the time Rome was sacked (circa 450 AD), its goose was already cooked. It grew too fat and got lazy. Heck, they had split the Empire in two a hundred years BEFORE the barbarians arrived at the gates.

Rone collapsed because no one there really CARED if it did or not any longer.
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Rome collapsed because it got too big to govern effectively. It turned into a free-for-all and every man for himself. The Rule of Law began to collapse. Then the infrastructure collapsed. By the time Rome was sacked (circa 450 AD), its goose was already cooked. It grew too fat and got lazy. Heck, they had split the Empire in two a hundred years BEFORE the barbarians arrived at the gates.

Rone collapsed because no one there really CARED if it did or not any longer.

Sounds like the United States today and in the near future.
Not really. I posted that because you were saying ignorant things like this :

I am very grateful for my Christian nation standing up to the devil and the godless despots who wreak havoc in the world destroying innocent lives.

other religions need to defend their own morals or sins.

Maybe you need to expand on your message or point.

Here is what I believe, and not only believe it, but am certain it is true.

The Devil exists. Or did you think Jesus was lying about that?
The Devil has been given some power to influence the minds and actions of human beings. To those who think he is a total fake they are more vulnerable.
The Devil seeks the ruin of all souls because of his utter contempt for God.
The Devil causes a weak or sinful man to convince himself to do something are worse that any sane and decent person with a modicum of a conscience would to --- like murder 20 little first graders. Like blow up a bus full of women and children in the Middle EAst and yell God is Great I am going to heaven now. Like murder 11 million innocent people in concentration camps.

You don't want to believe in the devil, Don't! Just excuse me when I laugh (out of place) listening to TV show pop psychologists. And all your other secular explanations.

You are certain? Your faith is strong. Kudos on that. I dont have any faith in religion. Especially the Devil or Jesus. religion is man-made IMO. I do not doubt a supreme being, just any religious idols

No sweat, I believe you are telling me the truth. But I am just not buying these horrific killers and evil minds are simply the result of mental illness or some suppressed anger as a child or whatever. Once a person is certain that God exists (me) you quickly rule out flimsy secular answers. They ignore the elephant, or should I say devil, in the room.

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