Religion and Ethics 2.0

Unless you know, you have to ask yourself, who the freak is EN.KI?
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The religious nature of atheism explains their hostility towards traditional religions which is that of one rival religion over another.
It's because your religion was created about "god" and was based on more ancient religions that said nothing about gods. They talked about the Anunnaki, but they didn't regard them as gods.

It was later civs that turned those original ideas into several fictional books, one of which is the OT.
So you have to ask yourself why?

They didn't have archaeologists back then that could uncover the earth to see the written stuff. They played the telephone game. They passed along things, word to ear, and it went from the Anunnaki, to pagan religions, to monotheistic religions. It's a pretty obvious progression to me. And each change in religion, came with power to control the masses to fight for the ruler.

If Christianity was right, there would be no other religions or ideas, and I would be struck dead! No need for the Crusades or Inquisitions. But they're just a bandwagon jumper, as are many others. You're just borne into it, so you don't understand, or refuse, the history.Just blindly believe it. And ignore history.
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The same can be said about racist people in certain areas of the US.

You can't give it up, because that's the way you were born. That's all you know, even though it's obviously wrong.
Militant atheists see no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure.
We actually see the opposite. Jus sayin....
And I'm not militant. Far from it.

Just don't believe in your fantasy world.
I have no respect for followers of religion.

I do have respect for people of faith, and people who follow the rightous path regardless of faith.

Religion is the true evil in society.
I have no respect for followers of religion.

I do have respect for people of faith, and people who follow the rightous path regardless of faith.

Religion is the true evil in society.
That’s what makes you a militant atheist.
Nope I'm not militant in any way. That's what I argue against.

Religious are militant by nature.

That's how they get things done.
I'd love to see that poster! Lol

But I do have many posters of your wicked ideals!
I'd love to see that poster! Lol

But I do have many posters of your wicked ideals!
You condemn respect for people for their religious beliefs and you want to abolish religion. That’s a militant atheist. Own it.

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