Released Gitmo detainee involved in consulate attack


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
Go figure...

So...a guy who was being held for terrorism (including involvement in 911 attacks, the ORIGINAL 911 attacks, not the ones we get every single year on the anniversary that progressives pretend are our fault and coincidental) was RELEASED TO LIBYA on the "condition" that they keep him in jail.

In 2007.

Our white house admin and state department are working hard to get us killed.

Sufyan Ben Qumu is thought to have been involved and even may have led the attack, Fox News' intelligence sources said. Qumu, a Libyan, was released from the U.S. prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, in 2007 and transferred into Libyan custody on the condition he be kept in jail. His Guantanamo files also show he has ties to the financiers behind the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

Read more: Al Qaeda, ex-Gitmo detainee involved in consulate attack, intelligence sources say | Fox News
I started a thread on this but I've lost it :lol: so I'll help drive yours.

Here's what's really interesting. This AQ former Gitmo prisoner was let out by Qaddafi and then ended up being a rebel leader.

So why didn't intelligence, U.S. or Brit know that AQ was really part of the Libyan overthrow?

Or worse yet, did intelligence know that the rebels were AQ and just allowed them to take over all the weapons Qaddafi had stored?

This is really a big spanner in the works of the perception of "Arab Spring" and so called democracy.
Go figure...

So...a guy who was being held for terrorism (including involvement in 911 attacks, the ORIGINAL 911 attacks, not the ones we get every single year on the anniversary that progressives pretend are our fault and coincidental) was RELEASED TO LIBYA on the "condition" that they keep him in jail.

In 2007.

Our white house admin and state department are working hard to get us killed.

Sufyan Ben Qumu is thought to have been involved and even may have led the attack, Fox News' intelligence sources said. Qumu, a Libyan, was released from the U.S. prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, in 2007 and transferred into Libyan custody on the condition he be kept in jail. His Guantanamo files also show he has ties to the financiers behind the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

Read more: Al Qaeda, ex-Gitmo detainee involved in consulate attack, intelligence sources say | Fox News

I thought the attack was spontaneous?
And the fault of abused free speech!

Guess not! Bummer for progressives.
The most visible White House Spokesperson on the Sunday circuit now looks like a complete and utter and foolish and stupid and idiotic person on the planet.

Susan Rice. You know the US Ambassador to the UN. Who is being touted as Hillary's replacement if Obama gets a second term.

The most visible White House Spokesperson on the Sunday circuit now looks like a complete and utter and foolish and stupid and idiotic person on the planet.

Susan Rice. You know the US Ambassador to the UN. Who is being touted as Hillary's replacement if Obama gets a second term.

Go figure...

So...a guy who was being held for terrorism (including involvement in 911 attacks, the ORIGINAL 911 attacks, not the ones we get every single year on the anniversary that progressives pretend are our fault and coincidental) was RELEASED TO LIBYA on the "condition" that they keep him in jail.

In 2007.

Our white house admin and state department are working hard to get us killed.

Sufyan Ben Qumu is thought to have been involved and even may have led the attack, Fox News' intelligence sources said. Qumu, a Libyan, was released from the U.S. prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, in 2007 and transferred into Libyan custody on the condition he be kept in jail. His Guantanamo files also show he has ties to the financiers behind the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

Read more: Al Qaeda, ex-Gitmo detainee involved in consulate attack, intelligence sources say | Fox News

I thought the attack was spontaneous?

Obama continues to lie about this as recently as last night:

Obama: U.S. consulate attack in Libya not an act of war

Obama: U.S. consulate attack in Libya not an act of war - The Washington Post

The media, of course, will simply refuse to challenge him.

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