Reich--infracstructure projects-no "skilled workers"--no "white male workers"

n Open Letter to Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Michelle Malkin

In a time like this, when tempers are riding high and many Americans are close to panic about their jobs and finances, you have a special responsibility to consider the accuracy of what you say and the consequences of inflammatory and erroneous statements. In the last few days, manifestly distorting my words and pulling them out of context, you have accused me of wanting to exclude white males from jobs generated by the stimulus package. Anyone who takes a moment to examine what I actually said and wrote knows this to be an absurd misrepresentation of my position (see this). My goal is and has always been to create as many opportunities for as wide a group as possible, and not exclude anyone from access. There is and has never been any ambiguity about this. The hate mail I have received since your broadcast suggests that the mischievous consequences of your demagoguery are potentially dangerous, in addition to being destructive of rational and constructive political discourse. I urge you to take responsibility for your words. Words and ideas have real world consequences, and you have demonstrated a cavalier disregard for both.

If you can't find something to smear you opponent with, the either distort what they said or just fucking make it up: The Limbaugh Creed

Sounds more like the Rayboy creed, but what the heck does that have to do with anything?
And this old very skilled white male fully supports the idea.

WHAT idea? Screwing whites and boosting everyone else?

This is the problem with the white race: most of its members are four-square for the genocide of their own people. They're so fucking cowardly and brainwashed to believe that they're the source of all evil on the planet that they mouth support for affirmative action, bow before multiculturalism, and vote for Obama in the quivering hope that they'll be "forgiven" for their race.

I am sick of it.

Whites are human beings. They aren't perfect and slavery sure was a big mistake, but that's long gone. Whites today have a right to exist. They have a right to live in a country that their ancestors built and bled for. They don't owe any other race a goddamn thing. They owe blacks a boat ticket back. They owe Hispanics a humane bus ride back to Mexico. Face it: these races have to come to the countries WE BUILT to get ahead. You never see whites flocking to Haiti and leeching of its welfare system (if it has one). White guilt makes the whole thing go.

Robert Reich is a pathetic little Jew who owes his life to white gentiles who fork over tax dollars so he can turn around and screw them out of what they're owed. On the list of fuckers I'd kill slow on the day of reckoning, he's moved up a few notches.

There is no "white" race. And it's pointless to pretend there is.
It ain't white its caucasian and Arabs are caucasians of the Arabic Ethnic group. If the only thing a man or woman has to be proud of is the color of his or her skin then on the whole he or she is pretty damn worthless.

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