

Lakhota's my *****
Jun 4, 2011
When did conservatives or republicans want ZERO regulation....I love liberal strawmen arguments.......
Can anyone show me a major republican that said this?
I don't remember that. I recall them wanting fair regulations that allowed businesses to function and expand.

I do remember them wanting more regulations. It was back in 2003, I think. There was this giant argument about some kind of impending financial crisis and there were red flags due to the practices at Fannie and Freddie. It was the tip of the iceberg, but the Dems said it was a bunch of hogwash. Maxine Waters, Barney Frank and others told the Republicans basically that they were full of shit and that there were no problems. The Republicans wanted an investigation or at least more regulations and oversight and the Dems were so offended by this that they blocked any further discussion. They called the hearings a "political lynching of Franklin Raines." Of course, Raines left with millions of dollars before the big crash. He should have gone to jail, but I think he actually got a position in the Obama administration.
I don't remember that. I recall them wanting fair regulations that allowed businesses to function and expand.

I do remember them wanting more regulations. It was back in 2003, I think. There was this giant argument about some kind of impending financial crisis and there were red flags due to the practices at Fannie and Freddie. It was the tip of the iceberg, but the Dems said it was a bunch of hogwash. Maxine Waters, Barney Frank and others told the Republicans basically that they were full of shit and that there were no problems. The Republicans wanted an investigation or at least more regulations and oversight and the Dems were so offended by this that they blocked any further discussion. They called the hearings a "political lynching of Franklin Raines." Of course, Raines left with millions of dollars before the big crash. He should have gone to jail, but I think he actually got a position in the Obama administration.

you're right on everything...democrats want less regulations on minorities buying homes...OOOOPS

but what's funny is democrats always portray republicans/conservatives as wanting ZERO regulation, so when they heard Romney say SOME regulation was good, they didnt understand.......they think it's a move to the center....LOL...these people are so uninformed and stupid
I don't remember that. I recall them wanting fair regulations that allowed businesses to function and expand.

I do remember them wanting more regulations. It was back in 2003, I think. There was this giant argument about some kind of impending financial crisis and there were red flags due to the practices at Fannie and Freddie. It was the tip of the iceberg, but the Dems said it was a bunch of hogwash. Maxine Waters, Barney Frank and others told the Republicans basically that they were full of shit and that there were no problems. The Republicans wanted an investigation or at least more regulations and oversight and the Dems were so offended by this that they blocked any further discussion. They called the hearings a "political lynching of Franklin Raines." Of course, Raines left with millions of dollars before the big crash. He should have gone to jail, but I think he actually got a position in the Obama administration.

you're right on everything...democrats want less regulations on minorities buying homes...OOOOPS

but what's funny is democrats always portray republicans/conservatives as wanting ZERO regulation, so when they heard Romney say SOME regulation was good, they didnt understand.......they think it's a move to the center....LOL...these people are so uninformed and stupid

The left always groups people and assumes that they must think a certain way. They do this with minorities, Republicans and everyone else. Then they act shocked when a person is actually different from the stereotype they tagged them with.

So, they were wrong yet again, but they blame it on Romney for not living up to their description of him. How screwed up is that?
When did conservatives or republicans want ZERO regulation....I love liberal strawmen arguments.......
Can anyone show me a major republican that said this?

Of course Conservatives want regulation.

They want to outlaw collective bargaining. They want no Unions. They want to regulate what you can and can't say. And they want Christianity to make policy in this country.


We know we know..
When did conservatives or republicans want ZERO regulation....I love liberal strawmen arguments.......
Can anyone show me a major republican that said this?

Of course Conservatives want regulation.

They want to outlaw collective bargaining. They want no Unions. They want to regulate what you can and can't say. And they want Christianity to make policy in this country.


We know we know..

Ok so now we are super regulators, make up your guys are hilarious.
It is funny how you say we want to regulate your life...just because we think people shouldnt be aborted....
yet you dont like school choice,
choice in healthcare
medicare choice
social security choice
choice of owning a SUV of other gas guzzler
choice of getting vechicles in black paint
choice of setting my thermostat
choice in spanking kids
choice of foods

liberals dont like any of these things........interesting
When did conservatives or republicans want ZERO regulation....I love liberal strawmen arguments.......
Can anyone show me a major republican that said this?

Of course Conservatives want regulation.

They want to outlaw collective bargaining. They want no Unions. They want to regulate what you can and can't say. And they want Christianity to make policy in this country.


We know we know..

Ok so now we are super regulators, make up your guys are hilarious.'re a super faggot.

And fantasizing about a man being your bitch...

Gotta love it.

It is funny how you say we want to regulate your life...just because we think people shouldnt be aborted....
yet you dont like school choice,
choice in healthcare
medicare choice
social security choice
choice of owning a SUV of other gas guzzler
choice of getting vechicles in black paint
choice of setting my thermostat
choice in spanking kids
choice of foods

liberals dont like any of these things........interesting

Don't forget choosing our lightbulbs, home appliances, what kind of toilets we should have and how much we are allowed to practice free speech. I also hate the thought of government dictating how my home will look, including the roof and what kind of car will be in my driveway.

Some schools have decided that children who refuse to eat certain foods are racist, so they are working on getting them to eat different types of ethnic foods. Some teachers have actually determined that it's wrong for children to have best friends, so they discourage children from becoming closer with others. If they see children always hanging out at recess with the same child, they separate them and force the children to play with someone else. Other school districts are so obsessed with race that they are starting to bus children long distances so that every school can be perfectly balanced by color. That is all that matters to them.

The big one for me is the healthcare choices. We're so screwed if that crappy legislation stands. They already took away my aerosol asthma inhaler and replaced it with one that doesn't work as well, then I'll pay as estimated 3 times as much for my healthcare insurance, but cannot expect better quality for the money. With so many doctors threatening to quit practicing and fewer going into the medical field, we'll end up with some mediocre doctors who speak poor English. I pity those over 70, who won't get surgeries they need and anyone on dialysis will be out of luck. Population control will be the objective over quality of care. Which Democrat said that old people have a duty to die? I think this legislation will force them to fulfill that duty.
It is funny how you say we want to regulate your life...just because we think people shouldnt be aborted....
yet you dont like school choice,
choice in healthcare
medicare choice
social security choice
choice of owning a SUV of other gas guzzler
choice of getting vechicles in black paint
choice of setting my thermostat
choice in spanking kids
choice of foods

liberals dont like any of these things........interesting

The above is an ignorant and idiotic post.

If conservatives believe abortion is wrong, than don’t practice it; but don’t use the authority of government to violate the Constitutional right to privacy and expand that authority into one’s bedroom. This will forever be a point of conservative hypocrisy.

‘Liberals’ have no opposition to ‘school choice,’ they disagree with enriching private schools with taxpayer funds at the expense of public schools.

They have no opposition as to choice in healthcare, one may purchase any health insurance policy or none at all.

If ‘Medicare choice’ means one advocates the Ryan plan, no, that’s not opposition to ‘Medicare choice,’ that’s opposition to a reckless and irresponsible ‘plan’ designed to leave low-income seniors without healthcare when they retire in the future.

The same is true with ‘Social Security choice,’ ending the program with no provisions for low-income wage-earners when they retire is not a ‘choice,’

‘Liberals’ have never proposed any law prohibiting the ownership of a particular vehicle, it’s color, how one sets his thermostat, how one disciplines his children, or what food he may eat.

The myths the right contrives and believes in are remarkable.

As to the OP, ‘liberals’ have never accused conservatives of advocating ‘zero’ regulation; the accurate accusation is that the regulation the right advocates is, for the most part, wholly lacking, insufficient, and often benefits those to be regulated rather than the public to be protected.
It is funny how you say we want to regulate your life...just because we think people shouldnt be aborted....
yet you dont like school choice,
choice in healthcare
medicare choice
social security choice
choice of owning a SUV of other gas guzzler
choice of getting vechicles in black paint
choice of setting my thermostat
choice in spanking kids
choice of foods

liberals dont like any of these things........interesting

The above is an ignorant and idiotic post.

If conservatives believe abortion is wrong, than don’t practice it; but don’t use the authority of government to violate the Constitutional right to privacy and expand that authority into one’s bedroom. This will forever be a point of conservative hypocrisy.

‘Liberals’ have no opposition to ‘school choice,’ they disagree with enriching private schools with taxpayer funds at the expense of public schools.

They have no opposition as to choice in healthcare, one may purchase any health insurance policy or none at all.

If ‘Medicare choice’ means one advocates the Ryan plan, no, that’s not opposition to ‘Medicare choice,’ that’s opposition to a reckless and irresponsible ‘plan’ designed to leave low-income seniors without healthcare when they retire in the future.

The same is true with ‘Social Security choice,’ ending the program with no provisions for low-income wage-earners when they retire is not a ‘choice,’

‘Liberals’ have never proposed any law prohibiting the ownership of a particular vehicle, it’s color, how one sets his thermostat, how one disciplines his children, or what food he may eat.

The myths the right contrives and believes in are remarkable.

As to the OP, ‘liberals’ have never accused conservatives of advocating ‘zero’ regulation; the accurate accusation is that the regulation the right advocates is, for the most part, wholly lacking, insufficient, and often benefits those to be regulated rather than the public to be protected.

Dems bitch that people want to deny abortions because we won't pay for it. Idiots. Do whatever the hell you want and you make the payments. I am not responsible for your choices.

Under the Obamacare law, we must purchase healthcare insurance or face fines or jail. What a choice. And it will be mandatory to have our body fat checked. Maybe we don't want to do that, but no choice.

Liberals are considering laws to control what we eat. NY already banned large sodas. Most restaurants have taken sugar off the table and replaced it with the substitutes. There is talk of taxing sugar and other foods the libs deem inappropriate. Raising the cost makes it harder to buy things, especially in a crappy economy with high inflation and record high unemployment. They are denying us some of our favorite foods because they will price them out of our budgets. And they will force people to buy health insurance, which will be more expensive than it is now, so we won't have money for other things.

Cap and trade policies that are being pushed by the EPA chief will cause energy costs to skyrocket, as Obama said, and people will be forced to use the substandard appliances or pay through the nose. It has been suggested that a law be passed forcing everyone to paint their roofs white. The Cash for Clunkers, which lost the tax payers money, was the first step in getting rid of old vehicles. It is already difficult to find parts for older models and the program forced auto dealers to destroy the cars traded in. Wouldn't want someone to get hold of a part and keep their old car running.

Gas prices are through the roof and getting worse. California has so many taxes on each gallon that they pay more than the rest of the country. Obama said he liked the $5 and up price per gallon, but thought it should rise slowly. It has.

I'm sure if a parent is seen spanking their children, some liberal social worker will show up.

No one has a choice with Medicare or Social Security. Who said anything about taking it away from others, some people would like to opt out, but can't. But, they have to have all the workers participate, not that they'll ever get benefits down the road, but they need their money to keep the Ponzi scheme going as long as possible.
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It is funny how you say we want to regulate your life...just because we think people shouldnt be aborted....
yet you dont like school choice,
choice in healthcare
medicare choice
social security choice
choice of owning a SUV of other gas guzzler
choice of getting vechicles in black paint
choice of setting my thermostat
choice in spanking kids
choice of foods

liberals dont like any of these things........interesting

Choice makes things difficult. It would be so much easier if Obama would make all my decisions for me so I didn;t have to think at all. Come to think of it, why stop there? Maybe he could pick my employment, my interests, my desires, and even my wife! WOW! life sure would be easy if I had no freedom at all!
You certainly DO like straw, where is the liberal who said THAT exactly?

I'll give you the grandaddy of deregulation promising to get rid of as many as he can:

I've put a freeze on pending regulations and set up a task force under Vice President Bush to review regulations with an eye toward getting rid of as many as possible. I have decontrolled oil, which should result in more domestic production and less dependence on foreign oil. […]

Reagan, Ronald, Address to the Nation on the Economy, February 5, 1981 retrieved December 4, 2011 from Ronald Reagan: Address to the Nation on the Economy

And I'm eliminating that ineffective Council on Wage and Price Stability.‖

Reagan, Ronald, Address to the Nation on the Economy, February 5, 1981

He did like SOME regulation:
Tucked into a bill that increased regulations on individual citizens in order to make it harder to qualify for SS Disability benefits was this little gift to corporations and the wealthiest Americans:

In addition, this bill reduces from 30 percent to 10 percent the rate of Virgin Islands tax imposed on certain payments of Virgin Islands source income to U.S. corporations, citizens, and resident aliens. The lowering of the tax rate will significantly encourage U.S. investment in the Virgin Islands and will give the Virgin Islands parity with Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands.

Ronald Reagan: "Statement on Signing a Bill Amending the Social Security Disability Insurance System ," January 12, 1983. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project, retrieved December 4, 2011 from Ronald Reagan: Statement on Signing a Bill Amending the Social Security Disability Insurance System

of course you can't get rid of all regulation you don't like, so why not get rid of some regulators too?

I've already placed a freeze on hiring replacements for those who retire or leave government service.

Reagan, Ronald, Address to the Nation on the Economy, February 5, 1981

From a 1983 Statement by the Department of Justice, speaking on behalf of the gipper:

The new appointment procedure created by the Congress has effectively imposed constitutional limitations on the duties that the Commission may perform. […] Therefore, it should be clear that although the Commission will continue to perform investigative and informative functions, it may not exercise enforcement, regulatory, or other executive responsibilities that may be performed only by officers of the United States.

Reagan, Ronald, "Statement on Signing the United States Commission on Civil Rights Act of 1983 ," November 30, 1983. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project. Retrieved December 4, 2011 from Ronald Reagan: Statement on Signing the United States Commission on Civil Rights Act of 1983

college students were not immune from regulations:

It does not constitute political interference with intellectual freedom for the taxpaying citizens – who support the college and university systems – to ask that, in addition to teaching, they build character on accepted moral and ethical standards.
Reagan, Ronald, Governor of California, Inauguration Address, January 5, 1967

nor were protesters:

[Those] with a grievance can seek redress in the courts or Legislature, but not in the streets. Lawlessness by the mob, as with the individual, will not be tolerated. We will act firmly and quickly to put down riot or insurrection wherever and whenever the situation requires.

Reagan, Ronald, Governor of California, Inauguration Address, January 5, 1967
When did conservatives or republicans want ZERO regulation....I love liberal strawmen arguments.......
Can anyone show me a major republican that said this?

You must love to debate strawmen given that you've just invented one to debate.

When did conservatives or republicans want ZERO regulation....I love liberal strawmen arguments.......
Can anyone show me a major republican that said this?
There was one, specific Texan who pushed such an agenda......


[ame=]Q&A: Leslie & Andrew Cockburn - YouTube[/ame]

SEE: 5:00 thru 12:00


How quickly people forget just such magical-times, when The Government was so much less intrusive.....

[ame=]Great Depression - YouTube[/ame]​
If conservatives believe abortion is wrong, than don’t practice it; but don’t use the authority of government to violate the Constitutional right to privacy and expand that authority into one’s bedroom. This will forever be a point of conservative hypocrisy.


They [liberals] have no opposition as to choice in healthcare, one may purchase any health insurance policy or none at all.

So, you're distinguishing 'liberals' from supporters of PPACA?
When did conservatives or republicans want ZERO regulation....I love liberal strawmen arguments.......
Can anyone show me a major republican that said this?

I don't remember that. I recall them wanting fair regulations that allowed businesses to function and expand.


Yeah.....that's what happened.....


[ame=]Money, Power & Wall St: Greece Pt1 | PBS America - YouTube[/ame]

Money, Power & Wall $treet

"Allowing The Marketplace To Regulate Itself"
The left always groups people and assumes that they must think a certain way.

[ame=]Rachel Maddow: Fox News To White People: Be Very Afraid! Black People Are Coming To Get You! Part 1 - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Rachel Maddow: Fox News To White People: Be Very Afraid! Black People Are Coming To Get You! Part 2 - YouTube[/ame]

I wonder if we might open up the conversation beyond a partisan pissing match?

I see a fundamental shift away from egalitarian, justice-based law, toward a corporatist regulatory state. Both major parties have contributed to this change.

I propose we try to answer the following questions, in hopes of adding some clarity to what we're talking about concerning regulations.

What is a "regulation" in contrast with ordinary law?

What is different about how it is created and enforced?

What implications does a regulatory legal structure have on the government required to support it?
When did conservatives or republicans want ZERO regulation....I love liberal strawmen arguments.......
Can anyone show me a major republican that said this?

Of course Conservatives want regulation.

They want to outlaw collective bargaining. They want no Unions. They want to regulate what you can and can't say. And they want Christianity to make policy in this country.

.....And, Welfare!!!

Don't forget how they've always expected The Government to......


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