Refused Charter Because of Religion


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. "Compton Unified School District in California rejected the two applications for a charter school because the applicant was a church leader.

2. Pastor Charles Patrick of the Sunago Christian Fellowship Church has applied for the right to open a charter school in Los Angeles in what he identified as a safe area of the city. He said that his application was made by him personally and had nothing to do with the church nor would the school be affiliated with the church in any way and that he had not planned to teach religion and the school would be run under the secular guidelines of the state.

3. “A pastor is entitled to as much right under the First Amendment as any individual is, especially when they’re going to be using the funds, in this case, for secular purposes… I think that what we’re seeing here is a move toward trying to prevent any person of faith from really being involved.”

4. Frontier Legal Foundation has taken up Pastor Patrick’s cause and has filed a lawsuit against those involved with the denials on the grounds his Frist Amendment rights being violated. They point out that constitutional case law has shown that a religious institution is permitted by law to receive funding when the money is to be used for secular purposes including education and medical care.

5. For those that believe that the Establishment Clause would support the school district’s denial of Pastor Patrick’s application, the Frontier Legal Foundation says it doesn’t. The Establishment Claus was intended to protect every US citizen from being discriminated against and as such, the district’s decision fails the case-law test.

6. ...Compton Unified School District is guilty of religious discrimination, joining the ranks of other school districts, local, state and federal governments.

7. ...would the school district also deny the request from a Muslim imam?

8. and see if the courts uphold Pastor Patrick’s constitutional rights or will they follow the example of other California courts who are as liberal as they come, and side with the school district."
Christian Applicant Denied Charter School Because of Faith*|*Godfather Politics

"America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within."
Attributed to Josef Stalin STALIN QUOTES 1
1. "Compton Unified School District in California rejected the two applications for a charter school because the applicant was a church leader.

Is that the official reason given, or just this guy whining like a bitch? :dunno:
1. "Compton Unified School District in California rejected the two applications for a charter school because the applicant was a church leader.

Is that the official reason given, or just this guy whining like a bitch? :dunno:

That seems to be the contention...but second paragraph suggests it may be in question.

Lawyers for the Compton Unified School District listed Mr. Patrick's religious leadership position in the community as a reason for the denial…. The lawsuit challenges Article IX, Section 8, of the California constitution, which states "No public money shall ever be appropriated for the support of any sectarian or denominational school, or any school not under the exclusive control of the officers of the public schools; nor shall any sectarian or denominational doctrine be taught, or instruction thereon be permitted, directly or indirectly, in any of the common schools of this State."

The heart of the case is whether Mr. Patrick's charter school application was denied based on his religious affiliation. The legal test, and Frontier Legal Foundation's new presence in California, may have significant implications.
Can clergy run charter schools? | school, charter, patrick - Opinion - The Orange County Register

A similar story from NYC...

"Now he wants to create a charter school -- a public school enjoying considerable autonomy from, among other burdens, teachers unions. It would be affiliated with his New Horizon Church. But New York's constitution has a Blaine Amendment" George F. Will - Fighting History In Harlem

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