Refugee Immigration = European Suicide

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
In this video you will see how this began and why the UN - who is the mastermind behind the Arab spring and the plan to ousts Libyan leader - Qaddafi. -was strategic in its goal to flood Europe with immigrants that would create the chaos we are witnessing today. This video reveals how the UN orchestrated the greatest crisis in the history of Europe and the Middle East in order to achieve their endgame - A New World Order that will forever change the lives of everyone in the world. What an evil organization the UN is - using guilt to force the Europeans to accept what they created and when guilt didn't work? They used force. The EU works for the UN. Not it's own people.

So that video was made on June 5, 2015 - the narrator ends with a serious warning to Europe - "Wake up or die"....

As we can see by the news pouring out of Europe today - they did not wake up and the invasion is on.

The African migrants once they arrived in Italy - what you didn't see - what you haven't heard -

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Finland -

Commentary - In mid-September, 2015, Finnish patriots formed a human barricade to force Islamic invaders back over the northern border of their nation into Sweden. If patriots across Europe would ignore the globalist propaganda that falsely identifies the invaders as starving refugees, the sacking of Europe would be averted. Will that happen? Time will tell.........

More evidence which exposes globalist propaganda - look at the brand new backpacks, well fed, well dressed "refugees" - Finland is onto the scam - listen to this:

Only 409 of these people actually came from Syria. Listen to the video -only 409 people are actually from Syria and the other 99% are coming from other countries - what a massive deception! Out of 19,000 of these people who flooded Finland -almost all are men and all but 409 people are from other Islamic nations - NOT SYRIA.
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This is why the UN proposes gun rights should be removed here in the US and convinced a lot of people they should turn in their guns. I used to belong to a small prophetic group back in 2006 that shared whenever something important came up. The one saw an invasion such as this coming. The part that was not shown was it would be leadership pushing that agenda.
Let the refugees suffer and die. As Jesus would want.

They are invaders. Not refugees. Watch the video and pay attention. The guilt trip is false and it isn't working on the Europeans. it won't work on me either. These are not refugees. They are INVADERS. Wake up.
Let the refugees suffer and die. As Jesus would want.
Old school keep them closer to where they belong. These refugees are being force out of their own countries or moving in the crowds to get to another place for a larger agenda.
This is why the UN proposes gun rights should be removed here in the US and convinced a lot of people they should turn in their guns. I used to belong to a small prophetic group back in 2006 that shared whenever something important came up. The one saw an invasion such as this coming. The part that was not shown was it would be leadership pushing that agenda.
Oh I can just imagine it. A bunch of obese gun nuts sitting in a room during the height of the Iraq war predicting the Muzzies are coming and calling themselves prophetic :rofl:
History shows us when one group wants control they can easily stir a population of another group to take action. The theory behind that is slaughter those masses who do not go along after the job of taking over is completed.
This is why the UN proposes gun rights should be removed here in the US and convinced a lot of people they should turn in their guns. I used to belong to a small prophetic group back in 2006 that shared whenever something important came up. The one saw an invasion such as this coming. The part that was not shown was it would be leadership pushing that agenda.
Oh I can just imagine it. A bunch of obese gun nuts sitting in a room during the height of the Iraq war predicting the Muzzies are coming and calling themselves prophetic :rofl:
Think what you like.
Let the refugees suffer and die. As Jesus would want.
The family of Jesus (Mary and Joseph) were on Herod's watch list of potential subversives and had to flee Judea into Egypt as refugees. They were unable to return home until informed by an angel of the king's death. Surely refugee status of Jesus as a young boy, recorded in Matthew 2, must have some significance for Christians, else why would it be in there?
Let the refugees suffer and die. As Jesus would want.

They are invaders. Not refugees. Watch the video and pay attention. The guilt trip is false and it isn't working on the Europeans. it won't work on me either. These are not refugees. They are INVADERS. Wake up.
In this video you will see how this began and why the UN - who is the mastermind behind the Arab spring and the plan to ousts Libyan leader - Qaddafi. -was strategic in its goal to flood Europe with immigrants that would create the chaos we are witnessing today. This video reveals how the UN orchestrated the greatest crisis in the history of Europe and the Middle East in order to achieve their endgame - A New World Order that will forever change the lives of everyone in the world. What an evil organization the UN is - using guilt to force the Europeans to accept what they created and when guilt didn't work? They used force. The EU works for the UN. Not it's own people.

Ah ha! Just as I suspected, they're just getting into those leaky boats for the fun of it. Who knew?
This is why the UN proposes gun rights should be removed here in the US and convinced a lot of people they should turn in their guns. I used to belong to a small prophetic group back in 2006 that shared whenever something important came up. The one saw an invasion such as this coming. The part that was not shown was it would be leadership pushing that agenda.
Here is an evangelist speaking about the invasion -
Immigration and the status of refugees are valid and important topics. However, this kind of "oh noes, my bullshit idea of 'race' is being genocidedededed!" nonsense belongs in the Conspiracy Forum. There are legitimate political and security issues relating to terrorism and the chaos that Syria has become (thanks obama), but the mewling of some pathetic race-obsessed coward is anything but legitimate. Noise from cowards and bigots only obstructs necessary focus.
This is why the UN proposes gun rights should be removed here in the US and convinced a lot of people they should turn in their guns. I used to belong to a small prophetic group back in 2006 that shared whenever something important came up. The one saw an invasion such as this coming. The part that was not shown was it would be leadership pushing that agenda.
Here is an evangelist speaking about the invasion -

Yes a trojan horse is what it is.

An Algerian French philosopher weighs in on what is happening - watch the video - then comment - thank you.
This is why the UN proposes gun rights should be removed here in the US and convinced a lot of people they should turn in their guns. I used to belong to a small prophetic group back in 2006 that shared whenever something important came up. The one saw an invasion such as this coming. The part that was not shown was it would be leadership pushing that agenda.
Here is an evangelist speaking about the invasion -

Yes a trojan horse is what it is.

Be careful you fake Christians, he might have been sent by ISIS!


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