Red states gain new Congressional seats from blue states.


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
The 2009 state population estimates are the last be released before the 2010 census, which will determine how the 435 seats in the House of Representatives — and the Electoral College — are apportioned beginning with the 2012 election....


Election Data Services, a political consulting firm specializing in redistricting, projects that at current trends Illinois, Iowa, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania would each lose one congressional seat in 2010 and Ohio would lose two.

States poised to gain a seat are South Carolina, Washington, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Nevada and Utah. Texas would gain three seats.

Missouri is expected to keep its nine congressional seats -
I found this while researching RGS's thread in the Current Events forum

I wanted to see what states were gaining population.

This is what I found.

Washington is the only traditionally blue state gaining population.

The rest are all traditionally red states gaining Congressional seats at the expense of blue states.

No wonder the Dems wanted ACORN to conduct the Census.
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The 2009 state population estimates are the last be released before the 2010 census, which will determine how the 435 seats in the House of Representatives — and the Electoral College — are apportioned beginning with the 2012 election....


Election Data Services, a political consulting firm specializing in redistricting, projects that at current trends Illinois, Iowa, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania would each lose one congressional seat in 2010 and Ohio would lose two.

States poised to gain a seat are South Carolina, Washington, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Nevada and Utah. Texas would gain three seats.

Missouri is expected to keep its nine congressional seats -

I found this while researching RGS's thread in the Current Events forum.

I wanted to see what states were gaining population.

This is what I found.

Washington is the only traditionally blue state gaining population.

The rest are all traditionally red states gaining Congressional seats at the expense of blue states.

No wonder the Dems wanted ACORN to conduct the Census.

It won't happen though. Obama has moved the Census into the White House. The census will be a political tool and the numbers will be cooked to aid the democrats.
ACORN conducting the Census? Maybe the Black Panthers should get in on that stuff too? Wow what a scam. How bout those fantastic "Community Organizers?" Yikes!
What you don't mention is that the increase in population is not in white males. Increasing hispanic (legal) population is accounting for a major increase in red states.
With the ever decreasing inclusiveness of the Republican party, you will see more formerly red states turning blue
What you don't mention is that the increase in population is not in white males. Increasing hispanic (legal) population is accounting for a major increase in red states.
With the ever decreasing inclusiveness of the Republican party, you will see more formerly red states turning blue

You think that they vote 95% democrat? think again, the GOP generally gets ~45% of their votes, and way more on issues like gay marriage.
What you don't mention is that the increase in population is not in white males. Increasing hispanic (legal) population is accounting for a major increase in red states.
With the ever decreasing inclusiveness of the Republican party, you will see more formerly red states turning blue

You think that they vote 95% democrat? think again, the GOP generally gets ~45% of their votes, and way more on issues like gay marriage.

They used to...they used to

Until the GOP went ape shit on Sotomayor, until they allowed their racist element to lable all hispanics as illegals, until they started to push English only legislation
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What you don't mention is that the increase in population is not in white males. Increasing hispanic (legal) population is accounting for a major increase in red states.
With the ever decreasing inclusiveness of the Republican party, you will see more formerly red states turning blue

You think that they vote 95% democrat? think again, the GOP generally gets ~45% of their votes, and way more on issues like gay marriage.

They used to...they used to

Until the GOP went ape shit on Sotomayor, until they allowed their racist element to lable all hispanics as illegals, until they started to push English only legislation

Don't kid yourself. Some of the most vocal voices against illegals are legit Hispanics. Maybe they don't want the "plato o plomo" crowds in their hoods?
I don't think Obama and the Democrats will be getting too many votes from the Dust Bowl they created in Central California.
What you don't mention is that the increase in population is not in white males. Increasing hispanic (legal) population is accounting for a major increase in red states.
With the ever decreasing inclusiveness of the Republican party, you will see more formerly red states turning blue

You think that they vote 95% democrat? think again, the GOP generally gets ~45% of their votes, and way more on issues like gay marriage.

They used to...they used to

Until the GOP went ape shit on Sotomayor, until they allowed their racist element to lable all hispanics as illegals, until they started to push English only legislation

Ummmm....what elections were held since Sotomayor was confirmed as a Judge on SCOTUS? What basis do you make this "fact" on?

OH MY GOD!!!! Heaven's to Betsy...god forbid we should have to speak english IN AMERICA!!!...AND ASSIMILATE!!!!!
What you don't mention is that the increase in population is not in white males. Increasing hispanic (legal) population is accounting for a major increase in red states.

With the ever decreasing inclusiveness of the Republican party, you will see more formerly red states turning blue

You got it. The increases don't necessarily mean more votes for Republicans. The increasing population very well may mean those red states will be purple in a few years.
What you don't mention is that the increase in population is not in white males. Increasing hispanic (legal) population is accounting for a major increase in red states.
With the ever decreasing inclusiveness of the Republican party, you will see more formerly red states turning blue

For Republicans and their losing streak, desperation is the mother of invention... Inventing stories where they win in a landslide at midterm.
What you don't mention is that the increase in population is not in white males. Increasing hispanic (legal) population is accounting for a major increase in red states.
With the ever decreasing inclusiveness of the Republican party, you will see more formerly red states turning blue

I can't really think of a policy that excluded hispanics in anything. Not one single policy whatsoever.
What you don't mention is that the increase in population is not in white males. Increasing hispanic (legal) population is accounting for a major increase in red states.
With the ever decreasing inclusiveness of the Republican party, you will see more formerly red states turning blue

For Republicans and their losing streak, desperation is the mother of invention... Inventing stories where they win in a landslide at midterm.

You should pay attention to the headlines... Although not predicting a "landslide", there is a number of articles predicting GOP gains in 2010...

None of them were invented...

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