Red Cross volunteers will no longer respond on-site in 10 Milwaukee ZIP codes

Point taken. White people never attack anyone. [emoji55]
"Black-on-White violence."

"White-on-Black violence."

Plug those keys into YouTube and report back on the comparison. You're going to find the ratio in favor of Black-on-White violence to be not only grossly in favor of Black-on-White, but an increasingly menacing statement of reality in contemporary America, one which cannot be tolerated.
If we ask a dozen people to define the word, racist, we'll receive a lot of very different responses. So, what is your definition of that word?

This is a serious, not a smart-ass, question. The words racist and racism are vastly over-used and mis-used in much of today's discourse on social issues.
Yeah, the word is thrown around for almost anything.

If you prefer to be around white folks, you're a racist.
If you're in an argument with a black person, you're a racist.
If someone wants to shut you up or embarrass you, they call you a racist.
If you disagree with the obnoxious thugs who support, or run, BLM, you're a racist.
If you disagree with reparation horseshit, you're a racist.
if you hate the way black snowflakes are ruining our colleges and universities, you're a racist.
If you get angry about never-ending riots, whining, looting, thievery, and general baboon-like behavior, you're a racist.
If you call out people who make never-ending excuses for black failure, you're a racist.
If you support the police, you're a racist.
If you're against people breaking our immigration laws, you're a racist.
If you wear a MAGA cap, you're a racist.
If you say anything that a worthless bleeding heart asshole disagrees with, you're a racist.

I could go on but you get the idea. The word racist has become meaningless from overuse. It has lost it's value, if it ever had one.

Incidentally, the so-called "N-word" (and many other words) would also lose all of it's power if brain-dead PC fuckheads did not try to control everyone else's use of our once great English language. This is just one way these PC pricks are damaging our country. Fuck the PC police.
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After lying she says "I didn't get a lot..what I expected."

Then asked about her GoFundMe page. She said, "they can have their money back." Is anyone in the world stupid enough to believe she'd return any money? Lol...

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