Recession is Over- Thanks to the GOP!

The visionary work by John Boehner and Mitch McConnell has led us out of the recession. You know Team Obama is sad today. From CNN Breaking News: Economy grows for first time in a year, with GDP rising 3.5 percent in third quarter.

And from the AP: Daily Record | Morris County NJ | AP Wire

I love that OP.

Mr spay on tan,and the gay guy are the two biggest obstructionists ever.I bet Boehner cries
again today right on cue. Scum, both of them!
The visionary work by John Boehner and Mitch McConnell has led us out of the recession. You know Team Obama is sad today. From CNN Breaking News: Economy grows for first time in a year, with GDP rising 3.5 percent in third quarter.

And from the AP: Daily Record | Morris County NJ | AP Wire

LOL, Boehner and McConnell as visionary. That's truly funny.
Hopefully we are in a recovery, and now is a good time for all those right of center to begin rewriting history, even before it is history.

Headline (for The Onion & Colbert Report):
Bush Tax Cuts End Recession!
November 1, 2009, from The Washington Times
Visionary Republicans saw the recession as far back as 2002 and cut taxes then to end the recession of 2007. Messrs. Boehner and McConnell, their colleagues and friends in Business and Industry, and the decider, president George W. Bush, were able to predict a recession years in advance and end it by an historic tax cut and war of choice, even before the recession began.
Mr. Bush, and his former mentor, Mr. Cheney, will celebrate their success at an event schedule for today at the famous Bull near Wall Street. Large pennents proudly proclaiming "Mission Accomplished" will be handed out courtesy of the Heritage Foundation and the Palin for President Committee. Gov. Palin herself will be the head speaker, scheduled to give Mr. Bush and Mr. Cheney the first annual Medal of Nostrdamus. At the same time Gov Palin will provide clarity to disabuse the public of the belief that Nostradamus was French, and provided her unquestionable opinion that he was in reality an Alaskan.
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In fact, the economy is stabilizing because of the actions taken by the governments of both Bush and Obama, maybe Bush even more so.

If you love something, hold it close, even if facts defy faith.

Yeah, I see your "Bush tax cuts saved the economy thread."

That's pretty amusing, but its not taken seriously outside of those who listen to talk radio all day.
In fact, the economy is stabilizing because of the actions taken by the governments of both Bush and Obama, maybe Bush even more so.

If you love something, hold it close, even if facts defy faith.

Yeah, I see your "Bush tax cuts saved the economy thread."

That's pretty amusing, but its not taken seriously outside of those who listen to talk radio all day.

Humor is important; laughter is the best medicine.
The visionary work by John Boehner and Mitch McConnell has led us out of the recession. You know Team Obama is sad today. From CNN Breaking News: Economy grows for first time in a year, with GDP rising 3.5 percent in third quarter.

And from the AP: Daily Record | Morris County NJ | AP Wire

Gee Mr Capitalism sure are right. The republicans sure did a heckuva betcha!

You know what really sucks??
All those voters are going to give the credit to President Obama...isn't that the way it always works? republicans do the work and Obama gets ALL the credit.
Those stupid voters are only going to remember that republicans voted NO on stimulus and TARP, they are only going to remember the republican projections of an Obama economy that will fail

It sucks being a republican doesn't it???
The visionary work by John Boehner and Mitch McConnell has led us out of the recession. You know Team Obama is sad today. From CNN Breaking News: Economy grows for first time in a year, with GDP rising 3.5 percent in third quarter.

And from the AP: Daily Record | Morris County NJ | AP Wire

Gee Mr Capitalism sure are right. The republicans sure did a heckuva betcha!

You know what really sucks??
All those voters are going to give the credit to President Obama...isn't that the way it always works? republicans do the work and Obama gets ALL the credit.
Those stupid voters are only going to remember that republicans voted NO on stimulus and TARP, they are only going to remember the republican projections of an Obama economy that will fail

It sucks being a republican doesn't it???

If the GOP had never talked down the economy, it wouold never have rebounded. Eric Cantor should probably when the 2010 Nobel Prize for economics.
The Bush Administration has stood in favor of tax cuts through thick and thin. In the midst of a booming economy and large projected budget surpluses, President Bush’s top economic policy initiative — both as a candidate in 2000 and upon taking office — was to cut taxes. When the economy slowed, the Bush Administration’s response also was dominated by tax cuts. Now, in the face of yawning deficits and its own pledge to reduce them, the Administration has again put forward large, permanent tax cuts as part of its most recent budget.

This analysis offers a comprehensive review of the Bush Administration’s tax cuts. It assesses their costs, benefits to different income groups, and economic effects to date, as well as down the road. It both synthesizes previous findings about the individual tax measures and includes new findings about their combined effects, using new distributional analyses by the UrbanI nstitute-Brookings Institution Tax Policy Center and fresh cost estimates by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. The early returns on the effects of the tax cuts have not been good
By Joel Friedman and Isaac Shapiro
I don't give any credit.

The US is at 9.8% unemployment, the highest in 30 years.

The recession will be over as far as I am concerned, when people are employed.

Michigan where I am at is at 15.3% unemployment.
The Bush Administration has stood in favor of tax cuts through thick and thin. In the midst of a booming economy and large projected budget surpluses, President Bush’s top economic policy initiative — both as a candidate in 2000 and upon taking office — was to cut taxes. When the economy slowed, the Bush Administration’s response also was dominated by tax cuts. Now, in the face of yawning deficits and its own pledge to reduce them, the Administration has again put forward large, permanent tax cuts as part of its most recent budget.

This analysis offers a comprehensive review of the Bush Administration’s tax cuts. It assesses their costs, benefits to different income groups, and economic effects to date, as well as down the road. It both synthesizes previous findings about the individual tax measures and includes new findings about their combined effects, using new distributional analyses by the UrbanI nstitute-Brookings Institution Tax Policy Center and fresh cost estimates by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. The early returns on the effects of the tax cuts have not been good
By Joel Friedman and Isaac Shapiro

That may be true. IF YOU ARE A COMMIE!

Face it, tax cuts always spur the economy and bring in more revenue. If we had a tax rate of zero percent, we would have flying cars by now.
The visionary work by John Boehner and Mitch McConnell has led us out of the recession. You know Team Obama is sad today. From CNN Breaking News: Economy grows for first time in a year, with GDP rising 3.5 percent in third quarter.

And from the AP: Daily Record | Morris County NJ | AP Wire

Gee Mr Capitalism sure are right. The republicans sure did a heckuva betcha!

You know what really sucks??
All those voters are going to give the credit to President Obama...isn't that the way it always works? republicans do the work and Obama gets ALL the credit.
Those stupid voters are only going to remember that republicans voted NO on stimulus and TARP, they are only going to remember the republican projections of an Obama economy that will fail

It sucks being a republican doesn't it???

If the GOP had never talked down the economy, it wouold never have rebounded. Eric Cantor should probably when the 2010 Nobel Prize for economics.

How right you are!

The republicans saved our economy single handedly.

But the voters are going to give ALL the credit to Obama. It comes with being president. Bush was president when things crashed, Obama was president when it rebounded

Life sucks don't it?
The Bush Administration has stood in favor of tax cuts through thick and thin. In the midst of a booming economy and large projected budget surpluses, President Bush’s top economic policy initiative — both as a candidate in 2000 and upon taking office — was to cut taxes. When the economy slowed, the Bush Administration’s response also was dominated by tax cuts. Now, in the face of yawning deficits and its own pledge to reduce them, the Administration has again put forward large, permanent tax cuts as part of its most recent budget.

This analysis offers a comprehensive review of the Bush Administration’s tax cuts. It assesses their costs, benefits to different income groups, and economic effects to date, as well as down the road. It both synthesizes previous findings about the individual tax measures and includes new findings about their combined effects, using new distributional analyses by the UrbanI nstitute-Brookings Institution Tax Policy Center and fresh cost estimates by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. The early returns on the effects of the tax cuts have not been good
By Joel Friedman and Isaac Shapiro

That may be true. IF YOU ARE A COMMIE!

Face it, tax cuts always spur the economy and bring in more revenue. If we had a tax rate of zero percent, we would have flying cars by now.

I suppose we would need to (have flying cars), the roads would be full of pot holes, and covered by ice, snow or mud in winter.
Your use of the word "COMMIE!" seems a bit, well, childish. Its use causes me to wonder, are you old enough to post on this message board? Of course maturity is not always measured in age, you might be a rather dumb adult.
"Obama was handed horror. They want him to fix it."
-- Piggy Noonan, calling the Bush era "horror" Link
But VP Biden said we were in a Depression just the other day. Is it a Recovery already? :confused:

From what I've read the growth was from stimulus spending. When that goes away (we can't keep it going forever) then the growth goes away.

But, if you think the economy grew on it's own then next quarters' growth will be the same or more right? 3.5-4.5 percent right?

Home sales went down. "Cash for Clunkers" is over. Consumer confidence is down. Unemployment is still high. I'd be shocked if growth next quarter was the same or more.

And while nobody can foresee what's gonna' happen with the dollar, it can't be good when foreign countries start dumping it as the main reserve currency. Those dollars are gonna' come back to our shores and cause inflation (which is a hidden tax by the way).

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