Recent Poetry


Senior Member
Aug 5, 2004
Just a couple of poems I've written recently..

Sonnet: West Ward

Terminal troupe of feet pajamas goes
From room to room, sliding ‘round the corners,
Skittering passed the numb and mute mourners;
Here is where death reaps what a parents sews.
Where hats conceal wounds, where everyone knows
Your name and dose; where friends are foreigners;
And so it goes: you are the coroners’.
Your face is a mirror, your disease it shows.
But the troupe barges in in masks they made
That they wear to pretend they’re far away,
Where their parents can still stand to touch them,
Where the tears waiting behind their eyes fade,
Where folks will see them and not need to say,
May God bless you and keep you, child, amen.


Breaking the Fourth Wall

partitioned off by 10,000 days
I’m merely in lieu of everyone else.

my apartment has me apart from function synapse firing
filling out crosswords irreverent answers ignorant of clues
C-O-U-L-D E-V-E-R-Y-O-N-E J-U-S-T D-E-C-O-M-P-R-E-S-S-?
L-I-K-E R-I-G-H-T N-O-W-?

I collected bridges to myself obsessively; she was one of them
no one else commutes to the Self.
I quit and burned the bridges, which smolder and contort like matchsticks
while I watch, standing on the opposite shore.

Through the walls I hear a chair dragged across a wooden floor
And I feel obliged to cough loudly or knock a heavy book to the ground
Orchestrated cacophony, I play my part, for nothing’s sake
Because on the opposite shore I can’t hear the symphony.
If I could keep you
As I once saw you

With no cares to see
Not knowing what I know
Nor sharing it with friends...

Cloud tops
In your sight tonight
Any care in sight
Taking with you all that's yours
To return another day, perhaps.

When we take another turn around we see
What is there for you and me
Wanting what was once both ours
And chancing across the stars

To remember what once was ours
Forever once…

To time the right talk
Or take a walk

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Uncle Ferd wrote a short poem...

... is called Lil' Miss Wigglesworth...

... is also a tongue twister (no pun intended)...

... if ya say it real fast 5 times...

... Lil' Miss Wigglesworth...

... knows what her wiggle's worth.

Catchy ain't it?...

... he was inspired by one o' the ladies onna board...

... but he ain't sayin' which one.

He thinks poetry ought to be functional an' utilitarian...

... whatever dat means.
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