Rebuttal To CIT Claims About What 'Did Not' Hit The Pentagon


Terral Corp CEO
Mar 4, 2009
Greetings to All:

This thread is dedicated to debunking Craig Ranke’s claims that:

There Was No Missile At the Pentagon - But the Plane Did Not Hit (link)
(an open letter to the 9/11 truth movement)
by: Craig Ranke
Citizen Investigation Team
February 26, 2009
Craig’s claims are in direct contradiction to my own explanations of what really happened at the Pentagon (thread and thread), so let us see if the evidence agrees with Craig or not:

Craig >> Citizen Investigation Team (CIT) has made it our mission to provide independent verifiable evidence revealing what truly happened at the Pentagon on 9/11/2001.
No. CIT has made it their business to create as many rabbit holes as possible leading everywhere ‘and’ nowhere to throw a ton of dust into the air and hide the fact that the Pentagon was actually struck by a Raytheon Missile at 9:31:39 AM (Pentagon clocks). Yes. The DoD Jet did fly over the E-ring roof during this initial missile strike, but the remote-controlled Jet made a wide turn to the north and returned to strike this same location at 9:36:27 AM just 4 minutes and 48 seconds later. We know this is true by the fact that Terry Cohen ran to the original impact hole in a matter of seconds to see “Just Smoke” (1st video here) like Lloyd England reported seeing only “inside-the-building fires” (Barbara Honegger’s famous paper). The massive ‘fire’ outside the Pentagon (bottom pic) only started in conjunction with Lloyd’s “Big Boom” (story) exactly 4 minutes and 48 seconds ‘after’ the original missile strike. Craig is ignoring a ton of Pentagon evidence to prop up what ‘did not’ happen at the Pentagon . . .

Craig >> As it turns out we have been extremely successful in obtaining quite a large body of evidence that fatally contradicts the official story specifically proving how the attack jet that flew tree-top level over Arlington timed perfectly with the explosion did not hit the building as reported. Naturally such a scenario proves a complex conspiracy on 9/11 every bit as much as controlled demolition of the World Trade Center.
[ame=""]Michael Kelly News Testimony[/ame]
[ame=""]Don Wright News Testimony[/ame]

We have plenty of eyewitness testimony saying a 'smaller jet' hit the Pentagon, which happened at exactly 9:36:27 AM some 4-minutes and 48-seconds 'after' the original 9:31:39 AM Missile Strike (What Really Happened). Aldo, Craig and Dominick (I know these guys very well) are guilty of selecting specific evidence that supports ‘their’ own “What Did NOT Happen” Theories, while ignoring, and even attacking, everyone disagreeing with their CIT Stupidity. I have tried several times to join their silly CIT Board and the boys are just too chicken. :0)

Craig >> When considering a world-wide psychological black operation on this level we must also consider the counter measures that go along with it. Specifically counter-intelligence efforts otherwise known as disinformation that have been deliberately implemented to throw truth seekers off course.
What a joke! This guy is the king of disinformation trying to call the kettle black! This is like a scam artist saying to watch out for scams . . .
Craig >> As far as the Pentagon attack is concerned, the evidence we have uncovered reveals beyond a shadow of a doubt that the missile theory was the result of a very calculated, deliberate, and extremely effective counter-intelligence effort.
Craig is rambling aimlessly in a paper that should have stated his hypothesis at the very top rather than trying to qualify himself and his work as anything but counterintelligence (one word) disinformation. I run through all of the evidence in explaining how April Gallop and her son were injured during the 9:31:39 AM missile strike (here). The fact is that we have photographic evidence of the missile on final approach and about to strike the Pentagon, but Craig simply ignores any evidence that does not fit into his little CIT theory. Note that Craig is talking about a singular “attack,” which represents the biggest problem with his hypothesis. Craig is trying to cram all the evidence from the ‘two attacks’ into one event, which means he must discredit the testimony of about half of his eyewitnesses.

Craig >> The primary results of this complex effort have been to throw us off course, cause a split in the movement (divide & conquer), and create factions that have launched furious campaigns to accept some sort of a plane impact or else avoid the Pentagon attack all together because it's too "divisive".
Here is the deal concerning CIT in a nutshell: Aldo started a silly thread about me and my work on the new Loose Change Board (here) and Dominick promptly pasted some of my work for Aldo to begin ‘debunking’ (Post #2). What a joke! The end result was that these guys found a way to get me banned (Aldo’s prediction) from the Loose Change Board (‘see you in a week’ = “you are gone!” = same here and here), because none of them are man enough to debate me on this Pentagon Topic.

Craig >> In addition to contacting as many of the previously published witnesses we could get a hold of we canvassed the neighborhood on foot to find previously unknown witnesses who have never spoken with the media or authorities.
Craig is rambling aimlessly and proving nothing – as usual . . .

Craig >> No other evidence could possibly be any more independent than first-hand accounts from random witnesses that we could find on the street.
Bullony! Craig is talking to people years after the fact, when we have clear evidence from the pictures and accounts taking place on the very day of the 9/11 attacks! The CIT guys listen to whoever agrees with their theories and they disregard everything else.

Craig >> As it turned out, time and time again we heard the same story from absolutely everyone we could find. They all saw a very large low flying twin-engine commercial aircraft timed perfectly with a big explosion at the Pentagon.

Due to the complex topography and landscape most could not see the alleged impact point of the Pentagon and simply saw the plane and heard or saw the explosion in the distance and therefore assumed the plane must have hit as we were all told by the media and authorities.
Since Craig is trying to compact the information from ‘two attacks’ into a single 9:38 AM event, then he is chasing rabbits down the wrong holes from start to finish. I have told him that on the phone and the guy continues in the wrong direction anyway . . .

Craig >> But absolutely nobody we spoke with saw 2 planes, nobody saw a small plane or drone, and nobody saw anything remotely resembling a missile.
Now Craig is simply lying. We just saw two witnesses in Michael Kelly and Don Wright who both saw a smaller twin-engine jet fly directly into the Pentagon in the two News Videos above. The 9:31:39 AM missile went hypersonic to cover the final half mile in under one second, so obviously nobody ‘saw’ the missile; but people ‘did’ see the DoD Jet like they reported to Terry Cohen in her News Video. The nonsense connected to Craig’s “What did not happen” hypothesis is easy to discredit by simply looking at the pictures:


Somebody look at this picture and tell me that a DoD missile could NOT have created this damage. Well? :0) We have a 45-degree angle line of destruction (pic and pic and pic) running from the outer Route 27 Cloverleaf through the light poles, through the E-ring impact hole and straight through the C-ring hole (pic) saying all of the destruction was created in ‘one’ single attack. However, the DoD Jet began clipping the light poles, so the radio-control operator pulled back on the joystick and created the need for the 4 minute and 48 second circle and subsequent ‘second’ attack that Craig and his buddies think is the ‘first’ attack. These guys have no Pentagon Timeline (mine is here) to place their events in chronological order, which means they are not even running a serious investigation at all!

Craig >> Imagine what your impression of the truth movement would be if you were a witness in the neighborhood who saw the plane but later heard about missile conspiracy theories.
Imagine nothing. This guy is just ‘talking’ and proving nothing . . .

Craig >> Those aware of our work understand how we have uncovered that the real smoking gun is the true flight path of the plane which is entirely irreconcilable with all official data, reports, and the physical damage proving the plane people saw did not hit the building. The entire body of evidence we provide is available for free on our website here.
No. These guys play with the Pentagon evidence and witnesses like children having no idea about what they are even talking about. The idea that CIT can prove that ‘no missile struck the Pentagon’ is ridiculous apart from his thesis, claims and evidentiary support for ‘what did hit the Pentagon’ at 9:31:39 AM.

Craig >> So the independent witnesses who were in the critical area right in front of the alleged impact side of the Pentagon all reported a single jet at the time of the attack however in the wrong place to hit the light poles or cause the damage to the building.
Now Craig is interviewing 9:36:27 AM “Second Attack” witnesses who saw the DoD Jet strike the Pentagon using the ‘North’ of Citgo Flight Path (in blue), while ignoring the 9:31:39 AM witness testimony altogether. The light poles were knocked down during the 9:31 AM missile strike when Lloyd England’s taxi cab was hit by Pole #1. The “Big Boom” takes place at the ‘second’ attack that Craig’s witnesses ‘did’ see.

Craig >> But nothing at all was reported to have been witnessed on the necessary flight path to cause the physical damage. Because we have been unable to find a single piece of independent evidence for anything on the south side flight path we have logically concluded that the damage to the building was covertly implemented with pre-planted explosives similar to how they brought down the three WTC towers.
This is nonsense. We have witnesses who saw the ‘plane’ and ‘light poles’ flying around ‘and’ some that even saw Lloyd’s taxi cab struck by Pole #1 (search “taxi”). I answer all of Craig’s objections to the light pole witnesses (here) if anybody is interested.

Craig >> For years the truth movement has sat back and theorized primarily based off the available images of the event. No comprehensive independent effort to talk with the witnesses first-hand (and provide recorded accounts) had been undertaken by the media, authorities, or the official story skeptics. [snip Craig’s ramblings]
Craig just keeps talking and talking and talking without offering up any third-party support for ANYTHING.

Craig >> This situation already had most people frustrated with the Pentagon attack to the point that many had abandoned researching it all together before CIT even existed. Or else it has made people who are firmly in the missile camp reluctant to entertain anything that doesn't prove a missile. The psychological operation runs so deep that some in the movement have actually chosen to attack CIT personally instead of accepting the fact that the witnesses we spoke with prove a deception.
No. Donald Rumsfeld even says the Pentagon was struck by a missile (story)! The video evidence shows a missile on approach to the CL-14 location (top pic in column 2):


Craig >> We refused to be dismissive or dogmatic and it led to the incredible amount of evidence we have obtained revealing an outcome that most didn't expect. As a result we have been forced to overcome this already convoluted and very heated debate just to get people to even look at the definitive evidence that we provide. The reality is that there is an equal amount of independent evidence for a missile as there is for a 757 impact. Zero.
No. Craig is stating ‘his’ opinion apart from offering up evidence for ANYTHING. The idea that this guy is going to conclude what ‘did not’ hit the Pentagon on 9/11 is ridiculous, when he should be trying to prove what ‘did’ hit the Pentagon and ‘when.’ The CIT boys appear to be deliberately running diversion for the inside-job bad guys by creating more confusion about what really hit the Pentagon at 9:31 AM than anything else.

The thread was posted at Phil Jayhan's LetsRoll Board (archive link = scroll to top of page), but the DoD Ops running that DoD-run Board deleted my work (about ten posts) before banning me from their midst entirely. Now these USMB mods have joined the game by also deleting my "The LetsRoll Phil Jayhan DoD Operative Conspiracy" thread (was here = see my blog entry here) without sending me any notification and under the guise of "Moved:," when in reality my work was 'deleted' yet again. :0)

DoD Operatives/Handlers/Assets are running their Counterintelligence/Disinformation Cover-Up Campaign 'everywhere,' as they do everything to hide 'the' 911Truth out-of-sight and out-of-mind; even right here on the USMB Board. These facts tell you that just one 'real' 911Truther armed with 'the' 911Truth can stand against an entire army of DoD Counterintelligence Disinformation Bad Guys waltzing around and trying to convince you of something else . . .


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Greetings to All:

The Opening Post above was deemed so damning to the DoD Disinformation Cover Story that Phil Jayhan (LetsRoll Admin/Mod/Superhero) not only deleted the entire thread, but also banned me from ever posted at his Board again. His fellow DoD Operatives were making such fools of themselves that his only recourse was to deliberately hide these things by attempting to make everything disappear. This post begins the reconstruction process of bringing these things to Light, so these USMB registered members and readers can sharpen your skills for identifying these DoD Ops hiding very much in plain sight. I have written Gunny about my disappearing USMB Conspiracy Forums thread (link = blog copy here), exposing the Phil Jayhan DoD Operative Conspiracy, so hopefully we will know more about what is going on in the near future.

The Google snapshot of the deleted LetsRoll/Phil Jayhan/CIT Rebuttal Post is here (link), where we can see that the LetsRoll Moderators took turns attacking ‘my person’ rather than address the substance of my OP thesis, claims, evidentiary support and ultimate conclusions. I cannot ‘quote >>’ from these guys directly (obviously), because the original thread has been deleted. So I must cut and paste comments from the Google cache copy:

JD21670 >> Terrel, why do you feel it necessary to chase the CIT guys from site to site trying to debunk their claims? All the info you posted here has already been posted by you in this forum and yet you feel it necessary to post it again...why? One more quick question for you, how many eyewitnesses from Arlington, Virginia have you interviewed?
These cartoon characters delete entire “CIT Rebuttal” threads ‘and’ replace my work with the very same CIT paper that I quoted and debunked word-for-word (LetsRoll Pentagon Board = Craig’s thread) on April 25th, 2009 at 12:51, but on April 4th this JD guy is wondering why I am debunking CIT Disinformation Propaganda. :0) The fact that these guys have gone to so much trouble to hide these things by deleting everything speaks VOLUMES about why JD is coming out here to attack ‘my person’ rather than write on ‘the topic.’ The following post says,

2gether >> Yup, you've been busted Terral, we seen your name mentioned by Craig and don't really appreciate you coming here to smear him. His work can't be too bad, he actually interviewed Lloyd England and got quite a bit of info. from him and his wife that refutes earlier statements. take it to another site if you want to continue with your so-called research. Good day to you sir..
These guys are stumbling all over themselves to blindly support Craig Ranke’s “No Missile At The Pentagon” theory, but without addressing one thing written by Craig or from my OP rebuttal. These guys are “Privileged,” which means they are authorized to ‘attack me’ without ever having any intention of addressing one thing “I did write” on this OP Rebuttal to Craig’s CIT Stupidity. So, I answered JD (04-03-2009, 6:45) and 2gether (04-03-2009, 07:12) where the links should be working on the Google snapshot page.

Donald Rumsfeld >> I for one enjoy Terral's posts he's a very smart analyst. But I'm the one who first stated for the record in that Parade magazine interview that a missile struck this building so was it a freudian slip on my part or a clever bit of disinifo? Terral please tell me if I was telling the truth by accident or was I employing a clever Pentagon disinfo strategy?

Jack A. Lope >> From what I have seen from photos of the damage at the Pentagon I would say that a DU penetrator was used and that would require a missile so I do believe you are right about that. That said CHILL OUT. Your research will be judged by it's merit not by attacking CIT. So stop it please. You are welcome here otherwise.
Donald Rumsfeld (the LR member) and Jack A. Lope (Moderator) add their two cents using sly ‘smart analyst’ trickery and ‘Loyal CIT’ (Jack) devotion, also with no intention of ever addressing one thing I wrote in the OP of that CIT Rebuttal thread. I was to stop attacking CIT misinterpretations of the Pentagon evidence, OR I was not welcome at the LetsRoll Board. :0)

Page 1 of this CIT Rebuttal deliberation process concluded without anybody actually addressing one thing I did say in the OP of the thread, because these guys are avid CIT Athletic Supporters with no loyalties or convictions about presenting or defending ‘the’ 911Truth about what really happened at the Pentagon. I will now begin looking through my records to see how much of Page 2 can be salvaged, as these cartoon characters really and truly make complete fools of themselves as this deliberation process continues; just before being deleted to hide their complete embarrassment.


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Greetings to All:

These posts might be out of order, as they appear on different pages among a host of other posts made on many different Boards. I obviously do not have the original posts from JD, 2Gether and Phil Jayhan, but you can extrapolate their comments from the quotes; even if the original links have been deliberately destroyed. The next potential problem is that I oftentimes paste my work to the reply box and then make changes that do not appear in the original 'Word' document. So this reply might vary a bit from what actually appeared on the original deleted thread. This is a copy of my reply to JD that did appear atop Page 2 if memory serves.


Hi JD:

Answer these questions Terral. Why hit the Pentagon with a missile when you could have easily planted a bomb inside the building?

The 911Truth has nothing to do with what might appear ‘easy’ to JD. The 911Truth says exactly what all the evidence says without creating a single contradiction. Here is the evidence:

1. 9-11 Research: Two Pentagon Videos


The first frame atop column 2 shows the missile on final approach to create the initial explosion like this:


All of the damage was created along the same 45-degree trajectory line (pic) running from the outer Route 27 Clover Leaf (pic), through the light poles (pic), through the E-ring impact hole (pic), and directly to the single C-ring explosion hole (pic). If you want to try and prove that somebody planted explosives along this line of destruction, in the most highly protected military installation in the world, then by all means start hauling out the evidence . . . GL.

What would be the benefit of using a missile?

Again, the benefits of utilizing one explosive charge over another has nothing to do with anything. We have pictures of the missile on final approach to the Column Line 14 location and no evidence to support the planting of any explosives. The retired Military Jets were retrofitted using Raytheon Missiles (story*), according to two civilian defense contractor employees working at commercial corporate facilities at Fort Collins-Loveland Municipal Airport (story). This corresponds to Peter Peterson authorizing the retrofitting of the retired Military Jets at the same time that he also purchased the WTC-7 mortgage (story* above); which just happens to be the same timeframe in which Larry Silverstein took over possession of WTC-1 and WTC-2. Dick Cheney needed no ‘stand down order’ to plant explosives inside the Pentagon, but he did need the order to allow a ‘missile strike’ at exactly 9:31:39 AM to kill his three birds using one missile stone (pic and pic and pic).

Now answer why, if you were in charge of this operation, would you not use a missile.

What I might do has nothing to do with anything. Terry Cohen ran to the original 9:31:39 AM missile strike impact hole to see ‘just smoke’ (4 minute video), because at this stage Lloyd was looking at only “inside-the-building fires” (story); as no fires were started outside the E-ring wall. However, by this time the 45-degree damage path was already cut through the Pentagon from the outer E-ring wall to the inner C-ring wall, which we know by the accounts of multiple ‘explosions’ (April Gallop and Lisa Burgess and Dave). I explain how April Gallop and her son were injured during the 9:31:39 AM Missile Strike here using diagrams and the math to prove that Donald Rumsfeld was right (story) all along.



JD is attempting to question me to death concerning CIT/JD misinterpretations of the Pentagon evidence, as if he has proven that bombs were planted anywhere inside or outside the Pentagon. The evidence clearly indicates that we are looking at a "Missile Strike" no matter how you want to cut the mustard. I am the only member actually offering up evidentiary support in the debate, but we are supposed to believe that someone I am committing Code Of Conduct violations that say I must be banned. Even my critics here must concede that, even though Terral is a pain-in-the-behind 'troofer' (heh), at least I try to be nice to everybody involved.


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Right here is one of the damning posts that Phil Jayhan does NOT want you to see, because one of his "Privileged" buddies is making a fool of himself - again. My records say this reply was posted on April 13, 2009. The 'quote' links are broken, again, because Phil Jayhan deleted the thread . . .


Hi JD:

You can go around and pat yourself on your back all you like, but you have yet to prove anything at all.

Please forgive again, but what has the LetsRoll regulars you talk about ‘quoted >>’ from the Opening Post to prove WRONG in any way using your so-called ‘evidence?’ The answer is NOTHING. When JD decides to start a topic in this fine LetsRoll Pentagon Forum ‘and’ nobody can prove one thing wrong by the evidence, THEN you can go around and pat yourself on your back all you like . . . too. I started the same 9:32 AM First Explosion thread (here = 1-29-08 like the Loose Change Thread = no replies) in this very Forum too ‘and’ guess what? I had to bump my own 9:32 AM First Explosion thread on 10-18-08 (Post #2), because nobody on this Board had one thing to say. Then I updated the OP using information from my “9:31” paper on the US Message Board (here) on 3-21-2009 (Post #3) where JD has not bothered to write one word of rebuttal one way or the other. A few LetsRoll members did raise some objections (Post #4, but I answered each point and PokerFlat ended the deliberations with “very nice post . . .” and “Keep up your great work . . .” (Post #9). Therefore, any ‘back patting’ comes from my fellow 911Truthers on this Board and wherever my work ‘is’ allowed to see the Light of day.

Your best evidence is an extremely poor quality video which shows absolutely nothing. I'll save you the mini novel reply to your post and put it plain and simple.

Your best evidence is summed up by the term “NOTHING,” as these readers know nothing more about JD’s Pentagon Explanations than when you first began your ad hominem (Wiki) attacks against my person in defense of your CIT pals. The idea that JD is going to present ‘opposing views’ to my OP explanations ‘and’ pass judgment is nothing more than ridiculous, because these readers are judging all sides (you and me) based upon our Pentagon explanations supported by the ‘evidence.’ What is JD offering up to counter or replace my OP explanations? The answer again is ‘nothing.’ I cannot even ‘quote >> JD’ concerning his Pentagon explanations for what really happened at the Pentagon, because he has yet to let that kind of information out of his “Let’s Attack Terral” bag. Let’s review:

#1. JD came out to defend his CIT pals in Post #2 using no third-party support for anything. This guy thinks that sending me a barrage of questions is a great replacement for offering his advocating or opposing views to my OP rebuttal of Craig’s “No Missile At The Pentagon” paper, when nothing could be farther from the truth. Do not sit there and ‘talk’ about my “best evidence,” when you came to this debate like this.

#2. JD once again tries to attack ‘my person’ in Post #11 by once again sending a barrage of questions using no third-party support for anything at all. In fact, the guy has not even quoted one word from the Opening Post; but has the audacity to ‘talk’ trash about my ‘evidence.’ :0)

#3. I answered JD’s query post in Post #12, even though to this day he has not quoted one word from my Opening Post Rebuttal and has yet to support one of his statements using any evidentiary support from one verifiable third-party resource. I am here to ‘defend’ my original Opening Post Rebuttal and not to play 20 Questions with JD doing everything to focus all attention upon ‘my person’ rather that the OP Topic of this thread. While I am not required to answer any questions in defending my OP Rebuttal against attack, perhaps some of these unbiased third-party readers can benefit from our exchange of opposing views.

#4. JD then comes out with his “I’m so sick of people” reply in Post #13 that again quotes nothing from ‘my work’ and again supports none of his rant from verifiable third-party resources. In fact, these readers have no clue as to what JD believes actually hit the Pentagon at 9:31:39 AM to stop the Pentagon Clocks (pic), OR at 9:38 AM if he believes the Official Cover Story. If anybody ever figures that one out, then please paste the link to that information on this thread right away.

#5. Once again I answer JD’s concerns in Post # 14 that even includes four links to my other “9:31 AM” and “9:32 AM” First Explosion threads, but the guy continues to focus all attention upon ‘my person’ with no intention of ever addressing what I did write in the OP of this thread against Craig’s “No Missile At The Pentagon” Hypothesis. If JD really thinks in his heart of hearts that Craig and ‘his’ Pentagon “No Missile” explanation has any merit at all (complete bull), then he has every opportunity to “quote >> from Craig’s Work” to write his advocating arguments using whatever he considers credible evidence. And yet, once again we find this:

#6. Now I am looking at JD’s “Pat Yourself On The Back” offering in Post #16 where we see three references to “You” and “yourself” and “you” in the opening sentence, if you can believe that anyone can use three personal pronouns making reference to his debating adversary between one capitalized beginning and one period (.) to open his latest attempt to attack ‘my person’ rather than the substance of my OP rebuttal, thesis statement, claims and conclusions base upon the ‘evidence.’ I suppose being “Privileged” means never having to actually address ‘the Topic’ at all, because attacking other registered members is so much fun. :0) Which brings us around to this:

You refuse to answer the simplest of questions, so I will do it for you.

Please forgive again, but I have been the one answering questions ‘and’ providing third-party support, which everyone reading this thread can verify by following the links above. Debate is still about the presentation of ‘opposing views’ and your side of this debate has not presented anything in the way of a Pentagon Argument one way or the other. The fact that you can ask 1000 questions adds nothing to ‘your’ Pentagon argument and attacking my person with your petty insults takes away NOTHING from my OP rebuttal against Craig’s bogus “No Missile At The Pentagon” paper that everyone here can review by simply clicking on the OP links to ‘his work.’ BTW, I happen to like Craig and we have talked about these things in great detail over the telephone, but we simply disagree about how the evidence is interpreted.

They would have not used a missile do to the very real threat of it being seen by the wrong people.

Just keep on ‘talking’ JD and perhaps somebody will believe you. :0)

People like Generals, Colonels, Majors and Captains of our armed forces. Or how about Senators or a Representative of the House? And then you would most certainly have the threat of having scores if not hundreds of regular citizens witness the missile.
We disagree. The 9:31:39 AM DoD Jet ‘Flyover’ caught the eyes of some Pentagon witnesses (like Lloyd England, and those informing Terry Cohen), but that diversion allowed the hypersonic Raytheon missile to go undetected during the original missile strike. The DoD Jet lost altitude and began clipping the light poles, until the remote-control operator pulled back on the joystick to send the DoD Jet ‘through the single smoke plume’ and over the E-ring Roof, NOT at 9:38 AM, but at 9:31:39 AM (my USMB ‘What Happened’ paper). The DoD Jet then returned to strike the same Pentagon location at exactly 9:36:27 AM, or exactly 4 minutes and 48 seconds later; after making the wide turn to the north, which was seen by the C-130 pilot (O’Brien).

Another reason I can't buy into you beliefs is the fact that you find Loyd Englund's testimony believable, while totally discounting all the others that don't jive with your pet project. So to me your missile misses the mark.

You are a CIT sympathizer/supporter, so obviously Lloyd England’s testimony means nothing ‘to you,’ but JD has not made a Pentagon case for ANYTHING, so these readers are not given any opportunity to believe one thing ‘from you.’ Your mind was already made up LONG before you started attacking ‘my person’ on this thread . . .

However, a bomb could have been planted at any time along with a breaching charge to produce the hole in the building. What would be the risk in doing it this way? You right Terral your Tom Clancy theory has to be right.

That is an interesting theory. Please try to support that Pentagon Explanation using whatever JD calls credible evidence. GL.

Have you ever been to the Arlington VA. or the Pentagon? I have many a matter of a fact I was there last Thursday and Saturday and it would be impossible to have a missile hit where it did and not be seen by many people.

Well. JD has been to Virginia! Wonderful. I used to live in Alexandria myself, but that has no bearing upon the Pentagon ‘evidence’ and any Pentagon explanation one way or the other. The question remains about what JD ‘can’ prove by the evidence, if you ever decide to quote anybody or offer one link to the testimony of anyone saying that bombs were planted at the Pentagon. :0)

In that case, my next rebuttal thread might be against your ‘work,’ because I would never be reduced to attacking JD using the kind of trickery on full display in your empty posts right here on my CIT Rebuttal thread. BTW, I currently have over 300 posts on the USMB (my critics started a Compilation thread here = see Post #3) since March of 2009. However, I continue to have fewer than 100 posts on this LetsRoll Board since September of 2007. Do you want to know the reason why? You guys run like crazy to attack ‘my person’ (Timeline thread, What Happened thread) rather than address the substance of ‘my work’ and loyalty to your ‘friends’ is more important than service to ‘the’ 911Truth and these unbiased third-party readers.

Please try again if we are ever allowed to know ‘your’ Pentagon explanations that ‘are’ supported by the evidence, so these readers have some opportunity to weigh ‘that’ against what appears in the OP of this thread. Otherwise, the CIT boys are open for business (their website) and I am confident that they are willing to answer your questions about ‘their’ Pentagon explanations. I have tried to sign up there many times, but all I can hear is the CIT knees knocking from utter fear of having to face me in a real Pentagon Debate. :0)



All of these DoD Handler/OP/Asset Disinfo Agents are COWARDS and must delete threads and hide behind LIES to make their disinformation propaganda look like the real deal. My defending arguments are drafted in the absence of any serious rebuttal or counterproposal, so the unbiased third-party reader has every opportunity to see 'the' 911Truth about "What Really Happened At The Pentagon" on 9/11. These guys never had a case for anything, so deleting my thread became their only cowardly option . . .


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This is my Microsoft Word copy of a Page 2 Post to JD that Phil Jayhan deleted to hide his embarrassment.

Hi JD:

If you type the same thing time and again does it make it any more believable?

Asking the same questions time and time again does nothing to tell anyone what JD thinks happened at the Pentagon on 9/11. The idea that anyone is going to rule out a ‘missile strike’ taking place here . . .


. . . is nothing but ridiculous. We can see where the 1.5 ton missile plowed through the generator fence to strike the Column Line (CL) 14 location on a 45-degree angle, which is the reason that the massive cable spools were untouched.


Note that two of the cable spools are tipped back away from the E-ring wall, because the massive explosion/shockwave created ‘inside’ the Pentagon; but you insist (like the CIT boys) that this damage was created by planted ‘bombs.’ :0) Take a good look around to realize this is the very location where the Gov’t says the right wing and starboard engine crashed into the Pentagon going 530 miles per hour. The fire is raging ‘inside’ the pentagon, but the black plastic is not even melted on the wires on the cable spools and the ground on this side of the spools is not even burned. We are looking at debris thrown ‘out’ of the Pentagon from the initial 9:31 AM explosion that not only stopped the Navy Clock inside the Pentagon (pic), but also stopped the Army clock ‘outside’ the Pentagon in the Heliport Building at 9:32 AM (on left). And yet, you can see Column #17 (inside white circle) and #18 still very much intact even on the first floor.

JD likes asking rhetorical questions! Great! Okay, hotshot, so how did the planted bombs create the big fat hole in the generator fence after the light poles were also taken down during the 9:31:39 AM missile strike along this flight path (pic and pic)? Let me guess that JD believes the light pole evidence was ‘staged’ by FBI inside job bad guys (Craig’s LetsRoll thread). :0)

I'm done with this thread and all of your non sense.

Anybody can go back to review the content of all your posts on this thread (starting with #2) and see that JD never bothered to address one thing that I ‘did’ write in my rebuttal to Craig’s “No Missile At The Pentagon” Counterintelligence/Disinformation DoD Propaganda. Here is the killer of your silly theory right here:

[ame=]Look Through The Interstate Columns[/ame]

Reply the short video clip over and over again to realize that we can see the DoD Jet on final approach to the Pentagon at 9:31:39 AM through the columns of the overpass ‘and’ the initial ‘explosion’ where April Gallop and her son were injured (my thread).


The time stamp data on this Doubletree Security Video also says the Pentagon was first attacked at 9:32 AM and NOT 9:38 AM like the Gov’t says. And yet, the CIT boys (and JD apparently) wants us to believe that some inside-job bad guys planted ‘bombs’ to coincide with this flying object approaching the Pentagon that murdered the bookkeepers, accountants and budget analysts (story) and Navy Command Heads (story) and Defense Intelligence Heads (pic and pic) using one DoD missile using perfect military precision. Then let’s just forget about the fact that Dick Cheney’s “stand down order” (story and story) was required to allow this DoD Missile Strike/Jet Attack, as if the inside-job bad guys needed a stand down order to plant CIT ‘bombs’ along this same 45-Degree Death Corridor. The fact is that ‘all’ of the Pentagon evidence says exactly what I am saying in my “two attack” presentations whether JD ever realizes that fact or not.

For the record I have no affiliation with the CIT guys.

Please forgive, but your DoD Counterintelligence/Disinformation “Planted Bombs” Propaganda smells just like what appears on the CIT Menu over at their DoD-run Website (link). Let us remember that JD started Post #2 by saying,

Post #2

Terrel, why do you feel it necessary to chase the CIT guys from site to site trying to debunk their claims? All the info you posted here has already been posted by you in this forum and yet you feel it necessary to post it again...why? One more quick question for you, how many eyewitnesses from Arlington, Virginia have you interviewed?

Where is the evidence that I am chasing CIT around anywhere? :0) This LetsRoll Board just happens to have Craig’s work plastered atop the Pentagon Forum among your sticky posts (here) in the same exact location where all of my “9:31/9:32 AM First Pentagon Explosion” work appears on Page 1. Craig’s work is held up as the ‘gospel’ here, but you guys run to attack ‘my person’ when I offer up a rebuttal to his “No Missile At The Pentagon” paper that is currently the ‘cat’s meow’ over at the Loose Change Board. :0) If you want to see a truly sick display of partisanship, then just head over and feast your eyes upon everyone running to pat Craig’s back in support of his “No Missile At The Pentagon” nonsense (here). The CIT “No Missile” interpretations of the evidence receive applause from most everybody, because anyone opposing their stupidity gets banned from saying anything at all. :0) We see the same pattern of CIT deception over at the PilotsForPainter’sTruth Board (here) where this same “No Missile At The Pentagon” thread is pinned along with five other CIT Topics, but my work was shoveled into the garbage can (link), because Painter says CIT says there is “no (credible) evidence” (link) for a missile at the Pentagon. :0) Painter then reprimands ‘me’ for making personal attacks ‘and’ bans me two months after I stopped writing there, when everyone can see that Aldo is the one acting out and calling me every name under the sun (as usual). CIT ‘light pole stupidity’ (pic) gets pinned atop these so-called 911Truth Boards, when the posts showing the 9:31 AM missile strike are hidden out of sight and out of mind. :0)

I try to use a common sense approach to things in life while other like yourself think the world is one big Mission Impossible movie.

JD has not posted one link to support one statement about what really happened at the Pentagon on 9/11, but he is here to try and defend his CIT pals by asking me all of these ridiculous questions in support of CIT misinterpretations of the evidence. Again, if anybody sees anything in my work that disagrees with ‘the EVIDENCE,’ then please ‘quote >> that part’ and show us what you got using whatever ‘you’ call credible evidence. If you can make a case that I cannot refute from ‘the EVIDENCE,’ then I will be the very first to run back to my OP presentation and make the required changes and pat you on the back for helping to show me the 911Truth Light. :0)

Or maybe you don't and are just filling websites with your nonsense for kicks.....dunno.

Please forgive again, but JD has failed to prove one thing wrong with my ‘work’ in the OP of this or ANY thread, as if sending a barrage of questions to anyone makes ‘your’ case for anything at all. Simply compare the number of supported arguments from my side of this debate against what JD and his buddies here have mustered up to realize all of them showed up here to defend their CIT pals like this (pic and pic). And yet, JD is finished in this Pentagon Debate when he never offered up a single explanation and evidence for anything at all. The fact is that every word of my OP rebuttal remains standing, because these guys never bothered to address a single thing I ‘did’ write against Craig’s “No Missile At The Pentagon” Counterintelligence/Disinformation DoD Propaganda.

Please come out to defend your CIT pals again, when you ‘do’ have a supported argument that proves their Light Pole Bandito/Planted Bombs nonsense and I will begin drafting my defending arguments ASAP.

BTW, what does JD think really hit the Pentagon at 9:31:39 AM? :0)



The damning evidence came from the Doubletree Hotel Security Video that clearly shows a flying object entering Pentagon airspace through the I-395 overpass columns on the way to creating the initial 9:31:39 AM First Explosion. This evidence proves beyond all doubt that the Pentagon was 'attacked' from the outside and 'not' using planted bombs inside the Pentagon; which these LetsRoll guys simply refuse to address.


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  • Thread starter
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  • #6
Greetings to All:

This is a copy of the Page 2 deleted post addressed to Phil Jayhan and Donald Rumself with Jack mentioned dated April 17, 2009.

Hi Phil with Donald Rumsfeld and Jack mentioned:

Its not a real shocker that no one from this forum likes you Terral. I can't count one. Now why do you think this is?

First of all, what Donald Rumsfeld and Jack and Phil ‘like’ has nothing to do with anything. I wrote a rebuttal to Craig Ranke’s “There Was No Missile At The Pentagon” (link) paper, because my “two attack” Pentagon explanation (link) includes a 9:31:39 AM Missile Strike by a Raytheon Missile; which just happens to be the same attack where April Gallop was injured (link). Donald Rumsfeld and Jack have every opportunity to ‘quote >>’ from my OP work to defend the CIT explanations, but neither decided to write on ‘the topic’ at all. Why? That is easy: The CIT Pentagon explanations simply DO NOT even begin to match ‘the evidence.’ I would consider it an honor if Phil would like to defend the CIT position that a missile did not hit the Pentagon, when the pictures taken on 9/11 look something like this:


This damage could NOT be caused by a missile strike, because . . . Please go right ahead and try to finish the sentence – if Phil really wants to climb out onto that flimsy limb. The Pentagon clocks stopped at 9:31 AM and 9:32 AM (pic) and the FAA Timeline says the aircraft crashed into the west side of the Pentagon at 9:32 AM (link). Now try to guess the ‘time’ on April Gallop’s watch that stopped at the moment she was injured? Any clue? :0) Barbara Honegger reports that April’s watch stopped “shortly after 9:30 AM” (link), because the Missile Strike took place at 9:31:39 AM; which Craig and Aldo are attempting to DENY.

If anybody here can find one error in the OP of this thread, then please “quote >> that part” and present your case from ‘the evidence’ and I will stand corrected. Thanks in advance,



You offer salutations of 'greetings' to say 'please' and 'thank you' to these guys and they just delete your work and ban your behind anyway. :0) None of these guys have posted 'their' Pentagon explanations for what really hit the Pentagon at 9:31 AM, OR 9:38 AM, or at any time, because they only care about 'what did NOT hit the Pentagon' like every DoD Op/Asset you will ever meet.


  • Thread starter
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  • #7
Greetings to All:

This is a copy of a deleted Page 2 Post addressed to Phil Jayhan, JD, 2gether and Donald Rumsfeld dated April 22, 2009. Now they are getting desperate and realize that attacking my person is their only option, until the new realization raises its ugly head that my time at the LetsRoll Board must come to a timely END. :0)

Hi Phil with JD, 2gether, Donald Rumsfeld and Jack mentioned:

Wow. Now JD won't even bother talking to you. Big huge shock.

JD has nothing to write on the OP Topic and neither does Phil. :0)

The funny thing is that there are many ways to embrace the truth and investigate and research 911 without being an insulting jerkyboy.

That will be a fine day when you guys start addressing ‘the topic’ and stop trying to attack ‘my person.’ The love you guys have for the CIT guys is affecting your abilities to address any Pentagon Topic at all, as if JD talking to me has anything to do with standing up for ‘the’ 911Truth. CIT claims that no missile hit the Pentagon, when in truth a Raytheon Missile struck the Pentagon at exactly 9:31:39 AM (my thread) What Really Happened At The Pentagon is explained here if Phil or any of your pals want to offer up your opposing views.

But you haven't found one of them.

What I have not found anywhere on this Board is somebody to point out any errors in my Pentagon Explanations using whatever you call ‘credible evidence.’ Does Phil have any evidentiary support to prove a single thing WRONG in any of my Pentagon Presentations posted on this Board? No, and neither do any of the so-called ‘regulars’ who must remain silent; because you guys have no explanations for what really happened at the Pentagon one way or the other.

Why don't you just sit back and relax Terral, take a big deep breath, and unwind your undies which are so in a bunch?

Now you are insulting my intelligence and the combined intellect of these unbiased third-party readers by playing the same silly games as your pals attacking “Terral” rather than the substance of my OP hypothesis, claims and conclusions supported by THE EVIDENCE. The people with their panties in a wad are your buddies running out here to attack ‘Terral’ and offer support to your CIT pals right from the start on Page 1 of this discussion. Let’s test my thesis and see if a pattern exists that points the finger of suspicion directly at Phil and the Privileged characters running around attacking other registered members without a case for anything.

JD is ignoring everything I wrote in the OP to begin attacking me in Post #2. Then his buddy 2gether runs out to offer his CIT athletic support in Post #3, again, without any intention of addressing one thing “I did write” in the OP of this thread. So I answer JD’s concerns in Post #4 and 2gether’s ‘busted’ nonsense in Post #5 in defense of ‘my person,’ because neither of these guys have a Pentagon case for anything at all. Donald Rumsfeld also takes “Let’s bash Terral” avenue with no intention of addressing anything in the Opening Post in Post #6, as if I am supposed to answer questions about whether he is “telling the truth by accident” or “employing clever Pentagon disinfo strategy.”

Jack is pretending that I am breaking some kind of rule by posting a rebuttal to Craig’s “No Missile At The Pentagon” paper, as if I am the one attacking Craig (a very nice guy) and not ‘his work.’ Anyone can go back to the Opening Post and see that I quote Craig word-for-word and address the substance of his theory, claims, evidence and conclusions using what “I” call credible evidence; because ‘my’ Pentagon Explanations include a 9:31:39 AM Missile Strike ‘and’ a 9:36:27 AM DoD Jet Attack part of a ‘two attack’ working hypothesis.


Terry Cohen was sitting in one of the construction trailers when the missile struck at 9:31:39 AM and she ran with her construction people to the very location of the E-Ring impact hole within mere seconds to see “Just Smoke.”


The Pentagon clocks stopped at 9:31 AM and 9:32 AM (pic) and NOT at the Official Cover Story time of 9:38 AM that the CIT boys heartily support. Lloyd’s taxi was struck at 9:31 AM, during the original Missile Strike, that the CIT boys want to DENY even happened. All of the light poles were knocked down at 9:31 AM during the ‘first attack,’ but Craig wants to pretend that there is only ‘one attack’ at 9:38 AM; so he invents the story that Lloyd is an inside-job bad guy and all of the light pole evidence is staged. :0) The evidence says that Lloyd saw only ‘inside-the-building fires’ after the initial missile strike (Barbara Honegger’s paper), until the ‘BIG BOOM’ ( story) that happened exactly 4 minutes and 48 seconds later; while the guy in the white van was helping him remove Pole #1 from his windshield. Therefore, Craig and Aldo must work every day to discredit Lloyd’s ‘two attack’ testimony, because his testimony agrees 100 percent with my explanations and not their CIT bullony.

So I answer Donald’s and Jack’s concerns in Post #8 and here comes Phil using his three-liner “no one from this forum likes you Terral” nonsense in Post #9, because you also have no intention of ever addressing one thing I did present in the OP of this thread any more than your Privileged buddies. So I answer your concerns in Post #10 using pictures to support my original OP case, because at least one registered member ‘is’ trying to write on the OP Topic. Your pal JD reasserts his CIT loyalties by trying to play 20 Questions in Post #11, which is par for the course around this place. So I write Post #12 to answer his concerns using more DoD Video evidence that supported my OP hypothesis to receive JD’s “Im so sick” whiner offering in Post #13 where he uses no third-party support for any case at all. Rather that even try to defend Craig’s “No Missile At The Pentagon” hypothesis, I receive JD’s STUPIDITY that, “. . . you can’t and still stick by your missile theory,” as if he has proven anything in this Pentagon debate using even one argument supported by a single link to any evidence at all. In short, you guys look like a band of DoD Counterintelligence/Disinformation Ops/Assets hiding in plain sight and doing EVERYTHING to divert these readers ‘away’ from the 911Truth that we have been looking at ‘two attacks’ at the Pentagon (9:31 AM ‘and’ 9:36 AM) all along.

So I answer JD’s concerns in Post #14 with the invitation for anybody here to offer up your rebuttals to four of my Pentagon papers posted on this fine LetsRoll Board, when all the evidence says that you guys have NO CASE for anything. Period. Then JD starts up again in Post #16 with his “. . . pat yourself on the back . . .” nonsense, because all of his focus is ‘upon me’ and not anything concerning ‘my work’ that stands unchallenged in every reply I post on this thread. The aptitude around here says “Let’s bash Terral’s head in, so maybe people will believe the CIT Disinformation LIES.” :0) So I once again answer JD’s concerns in Post #17 doing everything possible to write ‘on the topic,’ while defending my OP hypothesis told by ‘the evidence’ and here comes you buddy JD again in Post #18 wanting to focus all attention upon ‘me’ without ever addressing ‘my work;’ which describes “Ad Hominem” attack (Wiki) to a Tee.

So I write Post #19 to answer JD’s concerns using pictures and Doubletree Hotel Security Video evidence that once against supported my 9:31 AM and 9:32 AM first explosion hypothesis, which represents more evidentiary support for a “What Really Happened At The Pentagon” explanation than appears in all the posts from you guys combined. In f act, this thread represents perhaps the most one-sided Pentagon debate this place has ever seen where ‘your side’ continues to have NO CASE for what really happened at the Pentagon at 9:31 AM or 9:36 AM or 9:38 AM or ANY time. So, your pals have no reply to the evidence and Phil takes it upon himself to send a “Wow, jerkyboy” post in my direction in Post #20, as if your buddies not talking to me represents some kind of victory song for a bunch of cartoon characters with NO CASE for anything. The moral to your story is, “When we have no case to help our CIT buddies look good, then just attack Terral and these readers will not know the difference.” I suppose that Phil is the guy who posted Craig’s work atop this Pentagon Forum (here), because CIT explanations deserve the same kind of “Privileged” treatment that your pals carry around like a badge of honor.

Your information, even if true, won't change a single thing in 911 anyways. Not one damned thing.

This is another strange statement coming from a guy with NO Pentagon explanations for what hit the Pentagon at 9:31 AM, or 9:36 AM, or 9:38 AM one way or the other. The fact is that the convoluted ‘ad hominem’ bully from you guys amounts to NOTHING and every word I posted in the OP remains standing ‘against’ Craig’s errant hypothesis that “No Missile” struck the Pentagon.

So is this what you want then, to alienate everyone and to come across as not much more than a selfish jerk?

The jerks are represented by Phil and your Privileged buddies strutting around this place and attacking other registered members without having a case for anything. Here is what the evidence says that everyone here can confirm for themselves:

I began posting on this LetsRoll Board in September of 2007 and this is my 98th post. We can look down the Pentagon Forum Board and see that I am currently defending one, two, three, four, five, six Pentagon Explanation papers against anyone having opposing views back to September 2008. However, Phil and JD and 2gether have presented NO Pentagon Explanations during this period, but would rather waste our time by attacking Terral. Page 2 shows no threads started by Phil, JD nor 2gether, which means I do not have the same opportunity to write rebuttals against ‘your’ Pentagon Explanations; because nothing like that even exists back to February of 2008. Page 3 includes my “Flight 77 Never Crashed At The Pentagon” thread (here) started on 9/12/2007, where Phil offers up his two-liner “crunny 5 frames” reply that starts the ball rolling. Then Phil lets the disinfo cat out of the proverbial bag by making a series of statements that speaks VOLUMES:

Post #15:

I haven't a clue to be honest. Unless it was Superman, I personally don't think anything hit the Pentagon. Have always kind of believed that.

I think it was probably all done with pre-planted explosives, and salted wreckage from some previous crash.

At least for me, I think all we can prove at the Pentagon is what didn't hit it. i.e. Flight 77.

Phil does not think that anything hit the Pentagon and has always believed that. You hold to the CIT notion of planted bombs and planted wreckage ‘and’ from what evidence? None! Phil joins a long list of people (Killtown, Webfairy, Dylan Avery, etc. = explained here) who run around proclaiming what ‘did not’ hit the Pentagon, as if what ‘did not’ hit the Pentagon makes a case for ‘what did’ hit the Pentagon. Another registered member had to ask Phil to remove his off-topic drivel from the AA77 discussion (Post #25), because the Admin/Mod was trying to hijack the Pentagon Topic to Vatican New World OrderVille; which again is typical of what commonly goes on round here when you guys have NO CASE for anything.

Phil then reveals his interest in proving that Lloyd England is a LIAR in Post #33, which again just happens to be the CIT explanation. In fact, the CIT boys have built an entire Forum (here) to prove beyond all doubt that Lloyd the taxi driver is an inside-job bad guy. Phil then comes out to direct traffic by telling me what to do (as usual) in Post #40 using his “I personally think it was a 53 Desoto which struck the Pentagon” STUPIDITY to add insult to injury in Post #43.

The sad story remains the same around here, which says much more about the Privileged characters and the establishment here than what really hit the Pentagon at 9:31:39 AM. The fact is that Phil and JD and 2gether have not started one “What Happened At The Pentagon” thread since I showed up here more than a year and a half ago, which means you have no posted thesis to even begin arguing against one thing I have presented ‘and’ continue to defend from the ‘evidence.’ Period. But hey, all of you guys have plenty of time to come out here and attack me for having the audacity to challenge the CIT misinterpretations of the Pentagon evidence. Perhaps that kind of nonsense makes you guys feel very proud and look good in the eyes of somebody . . .



These guys bow down and worship CIT misinterpretations of the Pentagon evidence . . .


. . . because that is precisely what DoD Handlers/Ops/Assets are paid to do every day of the week and twice on Sundays. :0)


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  • #8
Greetings to All:

Unfortunately I posted two replies to real 911Truthers at the bottom of Page 2 of the deleted LetsRoll thread by simply typing into the reply box, which means there is no backup copy to show you how things progressed. I remember being asked about the missile evidence from this link (here) concerning the Raytheon Missile Retrofit Operation taking place at the small civilian airport in Colorado. I posted the “Refit For Sky Warrior” story link (here), which connects the dots between military contractor Raytheon/TRW owned by “Blackstone” and CEO Peter Peterson of the NYC Federal Reserve. Blackstone bought the WTC-7 mortgage at the same time that Larry Silverstein took possession of the Twin Towers from the NY Port Authority on July 24, 2001 (story and links). You are looking at the nuts and bolts of what really happened on 9/11 from the vantage point of the inside-job bad guys actually financing and reaping billions and billions in the aftermath of the attacks, which Phil Jayhan and his gang do NOT want you to see. Then, when my work has been deleted, they have Craig post his “There Was No Missile At The Pentagon – But the Plane Did Not Hit” Topic that I just debunked word-for-word. :0)

Craig’s New Thread

[FONT=&quot]There Was No Missile At the Pentagon - But the Plane Did Not Hit [/FONT]

Here is an article that I released this year to help people understand the importance of focusing on the hard evidence that we have while letting go of the "theories" that only keep this issue mired in debate. I know a lot of people believe a missile hit the Pentagon but we simply have not been able to find a single piece of independent evidence for this throughout our entire comprehensive investigation while there has been much evidence uncovered to the contrary. Please read this article with an open mind and realize that we are thinking forward here. We have hard evidence proving a deception. It's time to hyper-focus if we want results because it's clear that 7 years of theorizing about missiles has gotten us nowhere . . .
Okay, Craig’s original paper replaced my deleted ‘CIT Rebuttal’ Topic, so somebody explain why my work was deleted ‘and’ my sorry behind was run off like the stray dog? :0) Now Craig’s work ‘can’ stand scrutiny from other LetsRoll members, because the real 911Truther has been banned and I have no access to begin writing my CIT “No Missile At The Pentagon” Rebuttals. Now let’s see how the “Privileged” cartoon characters respond to Craig’s paper. Here comes JD right out of the starting gate in Post #2:

JD >> I for one applaud the work you guys have done and am 100% in line with your thinking. If anything I believe it would have been much easier to have used pre-planted explosives at the Pentagon than at the WTC.
These DoD Ops/Assets have no shame at all and have no problem sucking up to Craig and his “No Missile At The Pentagon” Bullony. :0) Here comes a Mr. Random sock puppet now . . .

Mr. RandomGuy >> I'm in agreement with you about it not being a missile. Not all parts of a missile explode. There would be some parts left behind. No parts were there that were consistent with a missile.

The rest of my belief belongs in the skeptic forum and we'll just leave it at that.
These guys are lining up to ‘agree’ about ‘it not being a missile,’ because not all parts explode (heh) and the Loyal Bushie DoD/FBI/CIA inside-job bad guys would have found them. This is the kind of sickening CRAP that passes itself off as real 911Truth Investigation Activity at the DoD-run LetsRoll Board. But wait! 2Gether is coming out to offer his views:

2Gether >> Thank you Craig for bringing this information to us. Your persistence, hard work, and logical approach on this subject are very much appreciated, and acknowledged. I have to agree with your findings and believe you have come up with as truthful of an answer to the question, "what really happened at the Pentagon". Keep up the excellent work, together "we will prevail". The lie will not stand....................
None of the links to Craig’s “No Missile At The Pentagon” Topic are broken, which obviously cannot be said for my original “Rebuttal To CIT Claims About What ‘Did Not’ Hit The Pentagon;” that Phil Jayhan and his band of Privileged cohorts believe in their heart of hearts that you should never see. This is the same kind of despicable behavior that goes on everywhere (explained here) including at the 911Movement Board (Killtown exposed) and the JREF Board (Mark Roberts = Gravy = exposed) and the Pilots For Truth Board (Painter/Aldo exposed) and even here at the USMB Board (deleted thread); which is just one reason that ‘the’ 911Truth on the internet is something extremely rare to behold indeed.

PS. If anybody has one clue about where my USMB "The LetsRoll Phil Jayhan DoD Operative Conspiracy" Topic was "MOVED:" to, then please pass along that link. I do believe that the "MOVED" sign needs to be changed to "DELETED" out-of-sight 'and' out-of-mind (blog copy is here). Maybe Phil Jayhan's ghost is at work. I apologize if your work was deleted too. I click on my deleted thread to get this message:

vBulletin Message

Terral, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

  1. Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
  2. If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.
I do believe we are looking at evidence of a real live 'conspiracy' . . . so stay tuned, as I might suddenly disappear from this Board the very same way. :0)


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  • #9
Greetings To All:

PS. If anybody has one clue about where my USMB "The LetsRoll Phil Jayhan DoD Operative Conspiracy" Topic was "MOVED:" to, then please pass along that link. I do believe that the "MOVED" sign needs to be changed to "DELETED" out-of-sight 'and' out-of-mind (blog copy is here). Maybe Phil Jayhan's ghost is at work. I apologize if your work was deleted too. I click on my deleted thread to get this message:

vBulletin Message

Terral, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

  1. Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
  2. If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.
I do believe we are looking at evidence of a real live 'conspiracy' . . . so stay tuned, as I might suddenly disappear from this Board the very same way. :0)



Apparently my USMB "The LetsRoll Phil Jayhan DoD Operative Conspiracy" Topic was deleted, because registered USMB members 'are' allowed to start Conspiracy Topics about the President of the USA, the Vice President of the USA, the Joint-chiefs, NORAD, Department of Defense, Justice Department, the corrupt FBI and CIA, 'but,' we are not allowed to start Conspiracy Topics about other message boards deliberately hiding 'the' 911Truth by deleting entire threads. :0)

For this offense nobody is given any warning, or reason why our threads are deleted, 'and' nobody is notified about which rules were broken, 'and' I am a tinfoil idiot for even writing on this fine USMB Conspiracies Forum; according to the powers-that-be here. Wonderful. :0)

A Google copy of the original deleted USMB Opening Post (link) is here if anybody is interested in seeing what some people think you should not be allowed to see. A copy of the first page of the thread that Phil Jayhan deleted is here (again), so that we keep all the DoD bad guy ducks in a row . . .


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Terral I was wondering,what kinda good do you hope to gain out of THIS thread? eventually I will read it but I seriously doubt anybody else will. Also I TRY to not get involved in 9/11 discussions-but as you know,I always find that I have to jump in since its something Im constantly reseaching all the time,but I try not to get involved in 9/11 discussions because I have discovered as you already have as well,that INTERNET people are the worst people in the world to try and reason with about 9/11.Thats why I try to limit only talking to people I know in real life about it as much as I can anyways.Especially since I have never had anybody come out and say-wow your right,9/11 was an inside job. have you?

Editec made a good point about it,as much as we know 9/11 was an inside job,what is posting about it going to accomplish when there are so many people in denial? I myself have been frustrated since 92 when the movie JFK came out and openend my eyes to the REAL kind of government we have.I have been frustrated since then that no justice has ever been done in THAT case and that the government,media and schools systems are STILL forcing that propaganda and B.S down our throuts that oswald did it.:mad: The fact that nothing or any kind of justice has ever been done in that case,it just makes me believe that 9/11 wont be any different.that it also will go by the wayside and an honest investigation will never get conducted and follow the same fate that the JFK assassination has.
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Hi Inside Job:

Terral I was wondering, what kinda good do you hope to gain out of THIS thread?

I serve the Living God, His “The Truth,” the “911Truth” and the unbiased third-party reader in that order; like my Intro Post says. The Lord God sends me everywhere with the good news of the “Gospel” (#2) for the “Church” (#2) right up until the moment He sends me to “convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment.” John 16:8. My abilities to serve our Creator and these ‘Truth Topics’ and these readers suffers greatly when the powers-that-be deliberately delete my work for the benefit of the very bad guys I am sworn to ‘convict concerning sin and righteousness and judgment.’ Everything will make perfect sense at the coming Judgment for those among us not ‘judged already.’

Eventually I will read it but I seriously doubt anybody else will.

Surely you jest! :0) God will judge even ‘the secrets of men through Christ Jesus’ (Rom. 2:16) and these insurrections against the son of God are done in plain sight before everyone. Nobody here need read a single word from any of my posts for all of these things to be rehashed a thousand thousand times - to be carried and shouted on the rooftops - and to the ends of creation by God’s Mighty Angels. Rewards (good and bad) will be issued for even the smallest of insurrections ‘and’ those destined to receive a low (very hot) place in the lake of fire will earn an even lower place of eternal torment in the basement near their father the devil himself. These things have already been done (Ecc. 1:9-11) two times before in God’s Infinite Realm (Fig1*) ‘and’ in the Highest Heaven (Fig 2*) where Michael the Archangel defeated the Dragon (Rev. 12:7-9) and threw him and his little helpers down into this Adamic Realm (bottom of diagram). However, since all ‘I am’ is a tinfoil hat-wearing idiot, then nothing I say means anything anyway. :0)

Also I TRY to not get involved in 9/11 discussions-but as you know, I always find that I have to jump in since it’s something I’m constantly researching all the time, but I try not to get involved in 9/11 discussions because I have discovered as you already have as well, that INTERNET people are the worst people in the world to try and reason with about 9/11.

Stop being foolish! Debate is still about the ‘presentation of opposing views’ (dictionary) and I am here to present ‘my views’ of the Bible Truth and 911Truth SO HELP ME GOD (a short list). Period. The only requirement for any debate is that ‘we disagree’ and there are plenty of registered members to disagree with here at this fine USMB Board. :0) If your 911Truth interpretations of the evidence cannot withstand the test of true ‘debate,’ then go back to the drawing board and come up with some better explanations. :0)

That’s why I try to limit only talking to people I know in real life about it as much as I can anyways. Especially since I have never had anybody come out and say-wow your right,9/11 was an inside job. have you?

I carry pictures like this (pic and pic and pic and pic ) around and show people ‘the’ 911Truth all the time. Perfect strangers look at this picture . . .


. . . and say, “WOW!! Was that hole really that small??” Maybe you guys have not seen a ‘real’ 911Truther before. :0)

Editec made a good point about it, as much as we know 9/11 was an inside job, what is posting about it going to accomplish when there are so many people in denial?

You might want to start thinking about your own heavenly rewards (2Cor. 5:10) more than trying to please mere men. Galatians 1:10. Otherwise, the prize you seek will be handed to another . . . and you will “suffer loss; but he himself will be saved, yet so as through fire” (dark coal-like heavenly garment = 1Cor. 3:15).

I myself have been frustrated since 92 when the movie JFK came out and opened my eyes to the REAL kind of government we have. I have been frustrated since then that no justice has ever been done in THAT case and that the government, media and schools systems are STILL forcing that propaganda and B.S. down our throats that Oswald did it.

Again, these evil-over-good scenarios have been played out two times before ‘and’ you should expect the bad guys to continue winning the battle – right up until the moment that destruction is upon them. 1Thes 5:3. Those hiding ‘the’ 911Truth in their unrighteousness will have no place to hide in the day God’s wrath and condemnation is upon them and they have nowhere to hide - and you are my witnesses.

The fact that nothing or any kind of justice has ever been done in that case, it just makes me believe that 9/11 wont be any different. that it also will go by the wayside and an honest investigation will never get conducted and follow the same fate that the JFK assassination has.

In other words, the bad guys have already convinced you that standing for ‘the’ Truth in His ‘Light’ is effort thrown after foolishness, which means you have already rolled over to play dead. You should know that murders, idolaters and all liars are destined for the lake of fire; but try to guess who God places in front of the line? Any ideas? That would be the ‘cowards’ and the ‘unbelieving’ and then the ‘abominable’ and then the ‘murderers’ and so on down the line (Rev. 21:8). Phil Jayhan (LetsRoll Admin/Mod/Superhero) deliberately sent his pals to attack my person on my “Rebuttal To CIT Claims About What ‘Did Not’ Hit The Pentagon” Thread (link = scroll to top) and then deleted all evidence of their embarrassment when his silly plan backfired. That is the evidence in these posts that perhaps nobody here will read in this life, BUT which everybody will see evaluated and scrutinized a thousand times throughout the ages to come. This is still the USMB “Conspiracies Forum” the last time I checked ‘and’ more than one LetsRoll party is involved in ‘this’ 911Truth Conspiracy. So here I come to the USMB Board to make these readers aware of what is happening ‘and’ that thread (link = Google cache copy) gets trashed in much the same way. Here is what the evidence says:

This is a listing of the ‘Moved’ threads in this USMB Conspiracy Theories Forum starting from the top:

1. The Criminalization of Christianity

2. The LetsRoll Phil Jayhan DoD Operative Conspiracy

3. More Israel Bashing

4. Dinosauroid-lik Alien Reptiles are dominating the World

5. Oops he did it again.

6. Howdy from California

This represents the “Moved” list dating back to 10-28-07, according to the 17-page archive log; but obviously some threads could have been deleted and we would never know it. :0) Anyway, one of these six ‘moved’ threads is different from the others, because all of these threads lead to ‘somewhere’ and the original posted information – except just one. Take a guess which one? That’s right. Only ‘Moved’ thread #2 leads to nowhere and that just happens to be mine that says:

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I expect ‘no’ special treatment from anybody running this USMB Board, because ‘the’ Bible Truth ‘and’ the 911Truth should be presented on a level playing field where the admin/mods occupy the neutral corner and everyone has the same opportunity to share their advocating ‘or’ opposing views.

The funny thing is, like you said, that practically nobody would have read the deleted Topic anyway. :0)


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yeah I noticed how when you made that thread about what went on over there with those people they here at USMB went and did the same thing and trashed your thread.Okay fair enough.I understand.

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