Rebekah Brooks falls on her sword

Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
San Francisco Bay Area
"I have believed that the right and responsible action has been to lead us through the heat of the crisis. However my desire to remain on the bridge has made me a focal point of the debate."
Rebakah Brooks
July 15, 2011

Opposition Labour leader Ed Miliband also welcomed her resignation. "It is right that Rebekah Brooks has finally taken responsibility for the terrible events that happened on her watch, like the hacking of Milly Dowler's phone.

"No-one in this country should exercise power without responsibility. But as I said when I called for her resignation 10 days ago, this is not just about one individual but about the culture of an organization.

"Rupert Murdoch says that News Corp has handled these allegations 'extremely well.' He still hasn't apologized to the innocent victims of hacking. He clearly still doesn't get it."

more at:

Rebekah Brooks resigns over UK phone-hacking scandal -
good gawd, people resign every day. why this is some BIG news, you got me.
Good. She should have resigned days ago.... preferably she should have been fired at the same time as the NotW staff.
I'm so glad to know that Californa Gurl saw how corrupt that Rebekah Brooks was, because...

Rebekah Brooks, Husband, And Four Others Arrested In New Phone Hacking Probe

I haven't forgotten this matter.

Murdoch's TOAST!! TOAST I said. :lol:

She's already been released on bail.... again. I'm a supporter of due process, Marc. If she's guilty, and there is sufficient evidence, great. Charge her, try her, and sentence her. I have no issue with that. I have an issue with hanging people without trial. It's an American thing... due process.
I'm so glad to know that Californa Gurl saw how corrupt that Rebekah Brooks was, because...

Rebekah Brooks, Husband, And Four Others Arrested In New Phone Hacking Probe

I haven't forgotten this matter.

Murdoch's TOAST!! TOAST I said. :lol:

She's already been released on bail.... again. I'm a supporter of due process, Marc. If she's guilty, and there is sufficient evidence, great. Charge her, try her, and sentence her. I have no issue with that. I have an issue with hanging people without trial. It's an American thing... due process.
Please point out where anyone, including me, hanged her for anything.

I'm so glad to know that Californa Gurl saw how corrupt that Rebekah Brooks was, because...

Rebekah Brooks, Husband, And Four Others Arrested In New Phone Hacking Probe

I haven't forgotten this matter.

Murdoch's TOAST!! TOAST I said. :lol:

She's already been released on bail.... again. I'm a supporter of due process, Marc. If she's guilty, and there is sufficient evidence, great. Charge her, try her, and sentence her. I have no issue with that. I have an issue with hanging people without trial. It's an American thing... due process.
Please point out where anyone, including me, hanged her for anything.


You've already ranted about her in other threads.... same with the Murdocks. Neither father or son has been arrested, charged, tried or convicted... and yet you're all for lynching them anyway.

I respect the law... in the US and the UK. There is a Parliamentary inquiry and a police investigation.... I prefer to judge people on evidence of wrong doing... not on media hype or rabid hatred based on dislike of a particular news organization. Seems to me, you are blinded by your hatred of Fox News.... you demonstrate no logic, no reason.... no ability to think past your own rabid hatred.... fueled, no doubt, by bullshit and lies from that other corrupt media outlet... Media Matters.
Geez, "terrible events that happened on her watch"? We are talking about phone hacking rather than shipping 3,000 illegal weapons to Mexico aren't we?
It will be interesting to see if more criminal charges are laid in this phone-hacking scandal. The UK has very different privacy laws than the US, of course, so I'm not sure what lines have been crossed, if any.

It's not about 'lines crossed' it is about laws broken. Hacking cell phones is illegal in the UK. People have already gone to prison... more are likely to follow. Who that will be, no one knows... because the police are still investigating... and, at the same time, the police are also under investigation for their relationships with the media.
You've already ranted about her in other threads.... same with the Murdocks. Neither father or son has been arrested, charged, tried or convicted... and yet you're all for lynching them anyway.

I respect the law... in the US and the UK. There is a Parliamentary inquiry and a police investigation.... I prefer to judge people on evidence of wrong doing... not on media hype or rabid hatred based on dislike of a particular news organization. Seems to me, you are blinded by your hatred of Fox News.... you demonstrate no logic, no reason.... no ability to think past your own rabid hatred.... fueled, no doubt, by bullshit and lies from that other corrupt media outlet... Media Matters.

Can you produce one, just one lie that came from Media Matters?

You've already ranted about her in other threads.... same with the Murdocks. Neither father or son has been arrested, charged, tried or convicted... and yet you're all for lynching them anyway.

I respect the law... in the US and the UK. There is a Parliamentary inquiry and a police investigation.... I prefer to judge people on evidence of wrong doing... not on media hype or rabid hatred based on dislike of a particular news organization. Seems to me, you are blinded by your hatred of Fox News.... you demonstrate no logic, no reason.... no ability to think past your own rabid hatred.... fueled, no doubt, by bullshit and lies from that other corrupt media outlet... Media Matters.

Can you produce one, just one lie that came from Media Matters?


O'Reilly Talking Points: Media Matters Lies & NBC Runs With It - Video Dailymotion

You're welcome.
You've already ranted about her in other threads.... same with the Murdocks. Neither father or son has been arrested, charged, tried or convicted... and yet you're all for lynching them anyway.

I respect the law... in the US and the UK. There is a Parliamentary inquiry and a police investigation.... I prefer to judge people on evidence of wrong doing... not on media hype or rabid hatred based on dislike of a particular news organization. Seems to me, you are blinded by your hatred of Fox News.... you demonstrate no logic, no reason.... no ability to think past your own rabid hatred.... fueled, no doubt, by bullshit and lies from that other corrupt media outlet... Media Matters.

Can you produce one, just one lie that came from Media Matters?


O'Reilly Talking Points: Media Matters Lies & NBC Runs With It - Video Dailymotion

You're welcome.
ZOMG!!! :eek:

The clip you provided is a talking head, RW bloviating opinionator. There was no lie in that clip, just spin, and more spin. In the very clip your provided, there's another RWer telling Bill'O Da Klown how wrong he is.

You just can't stop lying can you? Cementing your horrible rep even more.

WoW!!!!! *SMH*
Last edited:
Can you produce one, just one lie that came from Media Matters?


O'Reilly Talking Points: Media Matters Lies & NBC Runs With It - Video Dailymotion

You're welcome.
ZOMG!!! :eek:

The clip you provided is a talking head, RW bloviating opinionator. There was no lie in that clip, just spin, and more spin. In the very clip your provided, there's another RWer telling Bill'O Da Klown how wrong he is.

You just can't stop lying can you? Cementing your horrible rep even more.

WoW!!!!! *SMH*

No, it was a lie. It was Media Matter's editing O'Reilly's words for partisan spinning. Misrepresenting someone else's words is lying, Marc. The segment shows exactly how those words were edited and why.

Just because you don't like the truth, doesn't make the truth any less true. You asked, you got it.

Sad little man.
Can you produce one, just one lie that came from Media Matters?


O'Reilly Talking Points: Media Matters Lies & NBC Runs With It - Video Dailymotion

You're welcome.
ZOMG!!! :eek:

The clip you provided is a talking head, RW bloviating opinionator. There was no lie in that clip, just spin, and more spin. In the very clip your provided, there's another RWer telling Bill'O Da Klown how wrong he is.

You just can't stop lying can you? Cementing your horrible rep even more.

WoW!!!!! *SMH*

You are one dumb s.o.b.

O'Reilly first played the video as presented by NBC. He then played the entire video, parts of which NBC edited out in order to change the context so they could allege something that wasn't true. And you can't tell the difference. I'm guessing public schools?
I'm so glad to know that Californa Gurl saw how corrupt that Rebekah Brooks was, because...

Rebekah Brooks, Husband, And Four Others Arrested In New Phone Hacking Probe

I haven't forgotten this matter.

Murdoch's TOAST!! TOAST I said. :lol:

She's already been released on bail.... again. I'm a supporter of due process, Marc. If she's guilty, and there is sufficient evidence, great. Charge her, try her, and sentence her. I have no issue with that. I have an issue with hanging people without trial. It's an American thing... due process.

Not any more. Holder told us we are not entitled to judicial process, just "a process". Then they can kill us at will. Comforting huh.

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