Reason for destruction of Libya and murder of Gaddafi by America and the EU

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim
Most U.S. citizens do not have a clue as to why Libya was bombed into a failed state at the behest of Obama and Hillary.

This short video lays it out in plain language. .... :cool:

Pan Am flight 103 is totally adaquete reason to have killed Gadafi. He owed us a blood debt and we collected. End of story.
Bullshit. He was disarming based on agreements forged with the US. You don't set that kind of deal up then do what we did and ever expect to be taken seriously again.
Putin: The military intervention in Iraq and Libya are the most vivid examples of this irresponsible and mistaken policy that has led to a rise in terrorism and extremism. It is clear to everyone today that this policy has contributed to the emergence of menacing organisations such as ISIS. "
Meeting of Russian Federation ambassadors and permanent envoys
Putin: Remember what Libya or Iraq looked like before these countries and their organisations were destroyed as states by our Western partners’ forces?

Certainly, these were not examples of democracies as we understand the word today, and there probably was a need and possibility to influence these societies’ organisation, the state organisation, and the nature of these regimes. But whatever the case, these states showed no signs of terrorism. They were not a threat for Paris, for the Cote d’Azur, for Belgium, for Russia, or for the United States.

Now, they are the source of terrorist threats. Our goal is to prevent the same from happening in Syria.
Answers to questions from French journalists from TF1 TV channel
Gaddafi made the same mistake Saddam did several years earlier. By announcing he was going to stop accepting the west's fiat paper currency for his oil.

In essence, they each signed their own death warrant. .... :cool:
Gaddafi made the same mistake Saddam did several years earlier. By announcing he was going to stop accepting the west's fiat paper currency for his oil.

In essence, they each signed their own death warrant. .... :cool:

Guess what, BRICS [Brasil, Russia, India, China, South Africa] has announced the same thing lately. May be that's one of the reasons Globalists started all that anti-Russian paranoia.
Putin accuses America of 'political schizophrenia'
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Khadafffy Duck was a classical example of KISS MY STINKING ISLAMIC ASS ---OR
Gaddafi made the same mistake Saddam did several years earlier. By announcing he was going to stop accepting the west's fiat paper currency for his oil.

In essence, they each signed their own death warrant. .... :cool:

Gold always threatens printed paper money.
Gaddafi made the same mistake Saddam did several years earlier. By announcing he was going to stop accepting the west's fiat paper currency for his oil.

In essence, they each signed their own death warrant. .... :cool:

Bingo. That and they did not have a Central Bank.
Gaddafi made the same mistake Saddam did several years earlier. By announcing he was going to stop accepting the west's fiat paper currency for his oil.

In essence, they each signed their own death warrant. .... :cool:

Guess what, BRICS [Brasil, Russia, India, China, South Africa] has announced the same thing lately. May be that's why Globalists started all that anti-Russian paranoia.
Putin accuses America of 'political schizophrenia'

Pan Am flight 103 is totally adaquete reason to have killed Gadafi. He owed us a blood debt and we collected. End of story.
You're getting in the game too late. Lockerbie was ghadaffi duck's revenge for our killing of his baby when we bombed his home in 1986. That completely justifiable bombing was prompted by a series af terror attacks ghadaffi duck perpetrated at the height of the Cold War. Another megalomaniacal Muslim dictator destabilizing a highly sensitive region at a most intense time.
He eventually behaved himself and provided a relative stability until Obama and his hack ilk upset things.
Obama is a subversive.
Libya under Gaddafi was the richest and most prosperous country in Africa. It's citizens enjoyed a high standard of living, with free health care and free higher education.

That is until the western nations decided to bomb Libya under the guise of giving the Libyan people "human rights".

Now the country is a fail state, ruled by tribal warlords and armed gangs. .... :cool:
Gaddafi made the same mistake Saddam did several years earlier. By announcing he was going to stop accepting the west's fiat paper currency for his oil.

In essence, they each signed their own death warrant. .... :cool:

By announcing he was going to stop accepting the west's fiat paper currency for his oil.

Which fiat paper was he going to accept?

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