Really Republicans????


VIP Member
Jul 4, 2011
I tend to watch Fox news to keep up with what the Republicans are saying and today Hannity had an old video about Obama talking about redistribution of income to give people a shot. They went off on this about Obama being a socialist.

He may or may not be a socialist..... but since when is looking to provide equal opportunity a socialist ideal and anti-American. From Land Grant colleges to public education our founding fathers have been clear about the value of income redistribution for the purposes of providing people a shot at the American dream.

Many people are against trying to provide equal results. I am aligned with this thought and would happily end Social Security. But almost eveyone supports redistribution to provide equal opportunity. Have Republicans become so blind in their hatred of Obama they have lost their minds????
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I tend to watch Fox news to keep up with what the Republicans are saying and today Hannity had an old video about Obama talking about redistribution of income to give people a shot. They went off on this about Obama being a socialist.

He may or may not be a socialist..... but since when is looking to provide equal opportunity a socialist ideal and anti-American. From Land Grant colleges to public education our founding fathers have been clear about the value of income redistribution for the purposes of providing people a shot at the American dream.

Many people are against trying to provide equal results. I am aligned with this thought and would happily end Social Security. But almost eveyone supports redistribution to provide equal opportunity. Have they become so blind in their hatred of Obama they have lost their minds????

When it is re-distributive, dumbass.
I tend to watch Fox news to keep up with what the Republicans are saying and today Hannity had an old video about Obama talking about redistribution of income to give people a shot. They went off on this about Obama being a socialist.

He may or may not be a socialist..... but since when is looking to provide equal opportunity a socialist ideal and anti-American. From Land Grant colleges to public education our founding fathers have been clear about the value of income redistribution for the purposes of providing people a shot at the American dream.

Many people are against trying to provide equal results. I am aligned with this thought and would happily end Social Security. But almost eveyone supports redistribution to provide equal opportunity. Have they become so blind in their hatred of Obama they have lost their minds????

When it is re-distributive, dumbass.

I want an equal opportunity to enjoy Bill Gates' money and Justin Bieber's girlfriend. Now hand it over.
I tend to watch Fox news to keep up with what the Republicans are saying and today Hannity had an old video about Obama talking about redistribution of income to give people a shot. They went off on this about Obama being a socialist.

He may or may not be a socialist..... but since when is looking to provide equal opportunity a socialist ideal and anti-American. From Land Grant colleges to public education our founding fathers have been clear about the value of income redistribution for the purposes of providing people a shot at the American dream.

Many people are against trying to provide equal results. I am aligned with this thought and would happily end Social Security. But almost eveyone supports redistribution to provide equal opportunity. Have they become so blind in their hatred of Obama they have lost their minds????

When it is re-distributive, dumbass.

If you are all against redistribution for the purposes of equal opportunity it is not suprising you are getting your ass kicked in the current re-election. You guys have gone so far from the mainstream that only a minority can support the current Republican Party. Even our founding fathers would not support you morons.
I tend to watch Fox news to keep up with what the Republicans are saying and today Hannity had an old video about Obama talking about redistribution of income to give people a shot. They went off on this about Obama being a socialist.

He may or may not be a socialist..... but since when is looking to provide equal opportunity a socialist ideal and anti-American. From Land Grant colleges to public education our founding fathers have been clear about the value of income redistribution for the purposes of providing people a shot at the American dream.

Many people are against trying to provide equal results. I am aligned with this thought and would happily end Social Security. But almost eveyone supports redistribution to provide equal opportunity. Have they become so blind in their hatred of Obama they have lost their minds????

When it is re-distributive, dumbass.

If you are all against redistribution for the purposes of equal opportunity it is not suprising you are getting your ass kicked in the current re-election. You guys have gone so far from the mainstream that only a minority can support the current Republican Party. Even our founding fathers would not support you morons.

There is no redistribution for the purpose of equal opportunity. You might be the biggest numbskull on this board.
I tend to watch Fox news to keep up with what the Republicans are saying and today Hannity had an old video about Obama talking about redistribution of income to give people a shot. They went off on this about Obama being a socialist.

He may or may not be a socialist..... but since when is looking to provide equal opportunity a socialist ideal and anti-American. From Land Grant colleges to public education our founding fathers have been clear about the value of income redistribution for the purposes of providing people a shot at the American dream.

Many people are against trying to provide equal results. I am aligned with this thought and would happily end Social Security. But almost eveyone supports redistribution to provide equal opportunity. Have they become so blind in their hatred of Obama they have lost their minds????

When it is re-distributive, dumbass.

If you are all against redistribution for the purposes of equal opportunity it is not suprising you are getting your ass kicked in the current re-election. You guys have gone so far from the mainstream that only a minority can support the current Republican Party. Even our founding fathers would not support you morons.

I take it you didn't like the answer?

When it is re-distributive, dumbass.

If you are all against redistribution for the purposes of equal opportunity it is not suprising you are getting your ass kicked in the current re-election. You guys have gone so far from the mainstream that only a minority can support the current Republican Party. Even our founding fathers would not support you morons.

I take it you didn't like the answer?


It is not really a matter of like or don't like. I am just amazed the party has been so taken over the far right that this concept is considered socialism. I left the party for exactly this reason.

I am mostly amazed at the party's never ending ability to shoot themselves in their foot by taking stupid positions. This dumb attack is just another example. The Democrats are worthless but sadly the Republicans are worse.
If you are all against redistribution for the purposes of equal opportunity it is not suprising you are getting your ass kicked in the current re-election. You guys have gone so far from the mainstream that only a minority can support the current Republican Party. Even our founding fathers would not support you morons.

I take it you didn't like the answer?


It is not really a matter of like or don't like. I am just amazed the party has been so taken over the far right that this concept is considered socialism. I left the party for exactly this reason.

I am mostly amazed at the party's never ending ability to shoot themselves in their foot by taking stupid positions. This dumb attack is just another example. The Democrats are worthless but sadly the Republicans are worse.

Who are you kidding?

You left because pimps like Obama promised you lots of free gubmint stuff.
I tend to watch Fox news to keep up with what the Republicans are saying and today Hannity had an old video about Obama talking about redistribution of income to give people a shot. They went off on this about Obama being a socialist.

He may or may not be a socialist..... but since when is looking to provide equal opportunity a socialist ideal and anti-American. From Land Grant colleges to public education our founding fathers have been clear about the value of income redistribution for the purposes of providing people a shot at the American dream.

Many people are against trying to provide equal results. I am aligned with this thought and would happily end Social Security. But almost eveyone supports redistribution to provide equal opportunity. Have Republicans become so blind in their hatred of Obama they have lost their minds????
What I am against is taking more and more money from those who have done well and redistributing into programs that do nothing but support the clueless, lazy, and downright stupid indefinitely you want to put that same money into programs that provide job training , or help you go back to school I'm all for that.
I tend to watch Fox news to keep up with what the Republicans are saying and today Hannity had an old video about Obama talking about redistribution of income to give people a shot. They went off on this about Obama being a socialist.

He may or may not be a socialist..... but since when is looking to provide equal opportunity a socialist ideal and anti-American. From Land Grant colleges to public education our founding fathers have been clear about the value of income redistribution for the purposes of providing people a shot at the American dream.

Many people are against trying to provide equal results. I am aligned with this thought and would happily end Social Security. But almost eveyone supports redistribution to provide equal opportunity. Have they become so blind in their hatred of Obama they have lost their minds????

When it is re-distributive, dumbass.

If you are all against redistribution for the purposes of equal opportunity it is not suprising you are getting your ass kicked in the current re-election. You guys have gone so far from the mainstream that only a minority can support the current Republican Party. Even our founding fathers would not support you morons.

So when will you be sending me 10% of your wealth?
I tend to watch Fox news to keep up with what the Republicans are saying and today Hannity had an old video about Obama talking about redistribution of income to give people a shot. They went off on this about Obama being a socialist.

There was no need for the Republicans to bring up an old story about Obama being a socialist. Everyone knows he is, including his supporters. It is what it is.
I take it you didn't like the answer?


It is not really a matter of like or don't like. I am just amazed the party has been so taken over the far right that this concept is considered socialism. I left the party for exactly this reason.

I am mostly amazed at the party's never ending ability to shoot themselves in their foot by taking stupid positions. This dumb attack is just another example. The Democrats are worthless but sadly the Republicans are worse.

Who are you kidding?

You left because pimps like Obama promised you lots of free gubmint stuff.

Hardly.... but you and Romney keep believing anyone not supporting the Repubilican party is a lazy government freeloader.
It is not really a matter of like or don't like. I am just amazed the party has been so taken over the far right that this concept is considered socialism. I left the party for exactly this reason.

I am mostly amazed at the party's never ending ability to shoot themselves in their foot by taking stupid positions. This dumb attack is just another example. The Democrats are worthless but sadly the Republicans are worse.

Who are you kidding?

You left because pimps like Obama promised you lots of free gubmint stuff.

Hardly.... but you and Romney keep believing anyone not supporting the Repubilican party is a lazy government freeloader.

You just got done explaining your entitlement mentality.

Romney nailed it.
When it is re-distributive, dumbass.

If you are all against redistribution for the purposes of equal opportunity it is not suprising you are getting your ass kicked in the current re-election. You guys have gone so far from the mainstream that only a minority can support the current Republican Party. Even our founding fathers would not support you morons.

So when will you be sending me 10% of your wealth?

Already send it to the government. If you need it I am sure you will get some.
It is not really a matter of like or don't like. I am just amazed the party has been so taken over the far right that this concept is considered socialism. I left the party for exactly this reason.

I am mostly amazed at the party's never ending ability to shoot themselves in their foot by taking stupid positions. This dumb attack is just another example. The Democrats are worthless but sadly the Republicans are worse.

Please inform us of the time in U.S. History that earned income by any individual was redistributed to the have-nots and I'll show you that we were then a communist state. And you never were in the Republican party to leave it if you in fact are as stupid as your post indicates. My God, how is it possible to become this moronic?
WOW!! Obama's line is straight out of Das Kapital --- and these people are upset because we consider his statement directly from socialism?

...and whoever said that everyone knows Obama is a socialist but his supporters don't care??!!

Are you guys serious? I would love to hear Obama tell the truth about his political ideaology - I mean just come out like Romney did and tell people what he thinks. He would never hold office in America again!!
I tend to watch Fox news to keep up with what the Republicans are saying and today Hannity had an old video about Obama talking about redistribution of income to give people a shot. They went off on this about Obama being a socialist.

He may or may not be a socialist..... but since when is looking to provide equal opportunity a socialist ideal and anti-American. From Land Grant colleges to public education our founding fathers have been clear about the value of income redistribution for the purposes of providing people a shot at the American dream.

Many people are against trying to provide equal results. I am aligned with this thought and would happily end Social Security. But almost eveyone supports redistribution to provide equal opportunity. Have they become so blind in their hatred of Obama they have lost their minds????

When it is re-distributive, dumbass.

If you are all against redistribution for the purposes of equal opportunity it is not suprising you are getting your ass kicked in the current re-election. You guys have gone so far from the mainstream that only a minority can support the current Republican Party. Even our founding fathers would not support you morons.

I'm going to come and live in your house for the next year. I will require Porterhouse stakes twice a week and organic arugula, my own private bath with whirlpool and the use of a Maserati. I will be there Tuesday.
I tend to watch Fox news to keep up with what the Republicans are saying and today Hannity had an old video about Obama talking about redistribution of income to give people a shot. They went off on this about Obama being a socialist.

He may or may not be a socialist..... but since when is looking to provide equal opportunity a socialist ideal and anti-American. From Land Grant colleges to public education our founding fathers have been clear about the value of income redistribution for the purposes of providing people a shot at the American dream.

Many people are against trying to provide equal results. I am aligned with this thought and would happily end Social Security. But almost eveyone supports redistribution to provide equal opportunity. Have Republicans become so blind in their hatred of Obama they have lost their minds????

It's too late for all that crap. Just about EVERYBODY can cite a couple of cases of people scamming the system. The wealth redistribution argument is dependent upon "don't believe your lying eyes". It's kind of hard to make the case that our tax money is well spent when we SEE that it's not.
I tend to watch Fox news to keep up with what the Republicans are saying and today Hannity had an old video about Obama talking about redistribution of income to give people a shot. They went off on this about Obama being a socialist.

He may or may not be a socialist..... but since when is looking to provide equal opportunity a socialist ideal and anti-American. From Land Grant colleges to public education our founding fathers have been clear about the value of income redistribution for the purposes of providing people a shot at the American dream.

Many people are against trying to provide equal results. I am aligned with this thought and would happily end Social Security. But almost eveyone supports redistribution to provide equal opportunity. Have Republicans become so blind in their hatred of Obama they have lost their minds????

There is no "seeking equal opportunity" in Obama's words. Redistribution is the taking of funds from one and presenting it to another under the threat of government sanctions.
No more. No less.
You people can attempt to spin this any way you wish.
Obama said what he said and he practices those very same ideas today.
Our nation was built on equal treatment. Not equal outcome.
Government has NO BUSINESS attempting to "create equal results".
The simple idea of taking from one and giving to another is the same as the complex methods by which government uses it's power to take for the purpose of throwing money at a problem to make the problem go away.
The former just angers those from which the funds were taken with no return on the expenditures.
A fair shot. No one can actually define that. There are merely opinions on the matter.
All that can be done is ensure people have the opportunity to achieve to the best of their ability. Quite frankly the current system seeks to heavily regulate and sometimes punish achievement.
The idea of a fair shot should continue well past the beginning of the opportunity. But our President along with his supporters impugn those who have used their "fair shot" to become successful.
Those people are told "you didn't build that" and "you don't pay your fair share".
The message is contradictory. It is "here is your opportunity. But remember to not do well. Should you achieve the American Dream, you will be told you owe your neighbor."

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