Street Juice

Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2018
New York Times:
Trump’s Irrational Border Plan
President Trump escalated his verbal fusillade against immigrants this week by announcing a foolish plan to deploy troops along the Mexican border. Such a move has at best a tenuous basis in law and none in logic, and it will burn through federal funds better spent elsewhere. (April 4, 2018)

New York Times:
Israel Needs to Protect Its Borders. By Whatever Means Necessary
Of course, the death of humans is never a happy occasion. Still, I feel no need to engage in ingénue mourning. Guarding the border was more important than avoiding killing, and guarding the border is what Israel did successfully. (May 18, 2018)
The NYTIMES is a vanity publication for Carlos Slim, nobody reads it or take it seriously
The NY Times and the Washington Post is excellent for packing glasses in a box, rolled up for fire starter or lining bird cages. Highly recommend not wasting your time actually reading the printed drivel on the page.
The NYTIMES is a vanity publication for Carlos Slim, nobody reads it or take it seriously

New York Times:
Trump’s Irrational Border Plan
President Trump escalated his verbal fusillade against immigrants this week by announcing a foolish plan to deploy troops along the Mexican border. Such a move has at best a tenuous basis in law and none in logic, and it will burn through federal funds better spent elsewhere. (April 4, 2018)

New York Times:
Israel Needs to Protect Its Borders. By Whatever Means Necessary
Of course, the death of humans is never a happy occasion. Still, I feel no need to engage in ingénue mourning. Guarding the border was more important than avoiding killing, and guarding the border is what Israel did successfully. (May 18, 2018)

Isn't it amazing how the New York Times can supposedly produce "stories" --- yet there are somehow no links to them?

It's magic I tell ya.
Trump’s Irrational Border Plan
By The Editorial Board

The editorial board represents the opinions of the board, its editor and the publisher. It is separate from the newsroom and the op-ed section.

Opinion | Trump’s Irrational Border Plan
Opinion | Israel Needs to Protect Its Borders. By Whatever Means Necessary.
New York Times:
Trump’s Irrational Border Plan
President Trump escalated his verbal fusillade against immigrants this week by announcing a foolish plan to deploy troops along the Mexican border. Such a move has at best a tenuous basis in law and none in logic, and it will burn through federal funds better spent elsewhere. (April 4, 2018)

New York Times:
Israel Needs to Protect Its Borders. By Whatever Means Necessary
Of course, the death of humans is never a happy occasion. Still, I feel no need to engage in ingénue mourning. Guarding the border was more important than avoiding killing, and guarding the border is what Israel did successfully. (May 18, 2018)

Isn't it amazing how the New York Times can supposedly produce "stories" --- yet there are somehow no links to them?

It's magic I tell ya.

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