Realization of Truth on Death Bed


Aug 4, 2009
Realization of Truth on Death Bed

The effort in achieving the grace of the Lord is the most important goal of human life. This point will be realized when the human being is in the last minute of this life cycle because at that time of juncture, the upper world starts appearing practically to the eyes through the arrived messengers of Lord. Unfortunately there will be no time for spiritual effort at that juncture, even though realization comes.

Lord Jesus told me the following two verses in Sanskrit and asked me to memorise these two verses ten times a day so that the mind will be fixed on God. The first verse means ‘At the time of death the last knowledge dawns to the mind by which the human being realizes that for those whom he has spent his energy and lifetime, are unable to protect him from that moment onwards. The Lord who can protect is not arriving then because no time and energy was spent for Him’. The second verse means ‘When the time was there, this realization did not come and when the realization came, there is no time. By this the human being undergoes silent suffering, which is the agony’. Lord told me that every human being will be given this last knowledge and this agony in the last couple of moments. I started remembering these verses every day ten times and the result of their memory is this wonderful divine knowledge.
At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness Sri Dattaswami

Anil Antony

Universal Spirituality for World Peace
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Why God keeps silent to somebody even after intensive cry?

Ans. A diabetic patient cries before a doctor to get a sweet for eating. The doctor has infinite number of sweets and he does not worry at all for giving a sweet to the patient. You are crying before God, who is the divine father (creator of all the souls) to give some wealth or to solve some problem. If He helps you, there is not even a trace of any personal loss to Him. Neither His wealth nor His power is finite and nor His love to souls is limited. The only factor that guides Him is to see the future position after the help. If your eyes are to climb the roof of your head after the help, God will keep silent. After the help you will fall down even from your present level and then you will cry again before the same God to lift you up.

If the doctor gives you the sweet, the level of sugar may go up and the emergent treatment is also the responsibility of the same doctor. Hence the doctor will not give you the sweet. If the doctor is confident of your health, he may give the sweet. Sometimes the doctor gives the sweet and conducts the emergent treatment to show you the truth, if you are scolding the doctor to be unkind. The response of the doctor lies on his analysis of the situation and it is not the subject of the patient at all. You must have the faith in the doctor (God) that any response is for your good only and you must know that the patient is ignorant of his own real welfare.

At Thy Lotus Feet His Holiness Sri Dattaswami

Anil Antony

Universal Spirituality for World Peace
First, I am going to reaffirm my request that you actually discuss matters with people instead of ignoring them and posting whatever the heck you feel like. It's rather trollish to do so.

Second, I deny that death is the end of it all. Repentence doesnt end at death. It's just alot easier to do before then.
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First, I am going to reaffirm my request that you actually discuss matters with people instead of ignoring them and posting whatever the heck you feel like. It's rather trollish to do so.

Second, I deny that death is the end of it all. Repentence doesnt end at death. It's just alot easier to do before then.

Death is not end of all. The value of God can be understood – from the bliss you get by
Simply remembering Him, - what will be bliss of His presence?
What will be bliss when you – become God in human incarnation?
Then what is His real value? – When you get bliss directly by
Remembering Him, why should you – ask for worldly things to get
Bliss from them? In fact, they are – sources of worry and tension only.
A mirage never contains water in it – water is illusion in it, similarly
All worldly bonds appear blissful – through illusion and really they are
Forms of worry only, - Jesus praised a beggar surrendering a rupee
In the church announcing – that God is pleased with that sacrifice.
A rich man came for salvation to Him, - Jesus told him to sacrifice all
The wealth possessed by him – and then only come for salvation.
Both these indicate that God’s price – is total sacrifice, total surrender,
Which is not the actual price, - but is the maximum possible price.
Omniscient God knows even tiny – vibration of every thought of you!
Realization of Truth on Death Bed

The effort in achieving the grace of the Lord

Demonstrate the existence thereof.

is the most important goal of human life.

Says who? Why?

This point will be realized when the human being is in the last minute of this life cycle

You know for a fact that every single human will realize this when and only when they are about to die? Do share with us how you came to know this.

because at that time of juncture, the upper world starts appearing practically to the eyes through the arrived messengers of Lord. Unfortunately there will be no time for spiritual effort at that juncture, even though realization comes.

Universal Spirituality for World Peace
You're luck I'm not a mod, for I can't tell you apart from the bots that filled my e-mail inbox when I used to use Yahoo *shudder*
1) If you want to link to a site I every post, put it in your sig and stop spamming every thread with it.

2)If you continue to ignore responses, it's clear you're just a spammer.

Either way, I'm surprised noone's flagged you yet and I would imagine that a continuation of these activities will eventually catch a mod's eye. If you're a humasn and not a spammer, then start discussing the matters and not merely posting threads about nonsense and then posting further nonsense.

It's times like this I was I had the power to disable people's ability to post links and shit...

Are the mods watching this 'person'?
Realization of Truth on Death Bed

The effort in achieving the grace of the Lord is the most important goal of human life. This point will be realized when the human being is in the last minute of this life cycle because at that time of juncture, the upper world starts appearing practically to the eyes through the arrived messengers of Lord. Unfortunately there will be no time for spiritual effort at that juncture, even though realization comes.

Lord Jesus told me the following two verses in Sanskrit and asked me to memorise these two verses ten times a day so that the mind will be fixed on God. The first verse means ‘At the time of death the last knowledge dawns to the mind by which the human being realizes that for those whom he has spent his energy and lifetime, are unable to protect him from that moment onwards. The Lord who can protect is not arriving then because no time and energy was spent for Him’. The second verse means ‘When the time was there, this realization did not come and when the realization came, there is no time. By this the human being undergoes silent suffering, which is the agony’. Lord told me that every human being will be given this last knowledge and this agony in the last couple of moments. I started remembering these verses every day ten times and the result of their memory is this wonderful divine knowledge.
At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness Sri Dattaswami

Anil Antony

Universal Spirituality for World Peace


Lord Jesus told you the last moments of life are done in silent suffering?

Not my experience.

In fact my near death experience was quite the opposite, Anil.

As my body was shutting down, as my mind was freed from the burden of constantly working to keep my body going, I experienced the most wonderful feeling of liberation and peace I have ever known.

I was, however, very young when that happened. At that time my faith was absolute and unquestioning, as it so often is with innocent children.

Perhaps that's why shuffling off my mortal coil was expereinced as such a blessed event as it was happening.

Maybe that's why I have been out of step with what appears to be the POV of most people I know -- even those who are deeply and sincerely religious.

I went into the abyss and I followed the light and I was returned (reborn?)

Hence the world, for all its delights and pains, has never seemed to be the whole story of existence

I have no choice but to believe there is something behind the curtain, thus making this world seem somewhat less than everything there is.

While I doubt my faith is what it was when I was an innocent child, I still have faith that this world is only part of our story.

This faith that the mystery is more than what we can sense isn't anything I feel I need to work to keep alive.

It is unshakable.

I make no claims to know anything about GOD, his will, my role in the universe, or any of the big questions that religions seek to answer.

I only know that this world is but part of my story.

Ironically, I think that experience converted me from a Christian to a christian agnostic.

All I think I know is that I don't know much, but that's okay.

Hence, the koan: "If you meet to the Buddha on the road...kill him" makes perfect sense to me.
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Realization of Truth on Death Bed

The effort in achieving the grace of the Lord is the most important goal of human life. This point will be realized when the human being is in the last minute of this life cycle because at that time of juncture, the upper world starts appearing practically to the eyes through the arrived messengers of Lord. Unfortunately there will be no time for spiritual effort at that juncture, even though realization comes.

Lord Jesus told me the following two verses in Sanskrit and asked me to memorise these two verses ten times a day so that the mind will be fixed on God. The first verse means ‘At the time of death the last knowledge dawns to the mind by which the human being realizes that for those whom he has spent his energy and lifetime, are unable to protect him from that moment onwards. The Lord who can protect is not arriving then because no time and energy was spent for Him’. The second verse means ‘When the time was there, this realization did not come and when the realization came, there is no time. By this the human being undergoes silent suffering, which is the agony’. Lord told me that every human being will be given this last knowledge and this agony in the last couple of moments. I started remembering these verses every day ten times and the result of their memory is this wonderful divine knowledge.
At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness Sri Dattaswami

Anil Antony

Universal Spirituality for World Peace


Lord Jesus told you the last moments of life are done in silent suffering?

Not my experience.

In fact my near death experience was quite the opposite, Anil.

As my body was shutting down, as my mind was freed from the burden of constantly working to keep my body going, I experienced the most wonderful feeling of liberation and peace I have ever known.

I was, however, very young when that happened. At that time my faith was absolute and unquestioning, as it so often is with innocent children.

Perhaps that's why shuffling off my mortal coil was expereinced as such a blessed event as it was happening.

Maybe that's why I have been out of step with what appears to be the POV of most people I know -- even those who are deeply and sincerely religious.

I went into the abyss and I followed the light and I was returned (reborn?)

Hence the world, for all its delights and pains, has never seemed to be the whole story of existence

I have no choice but to believe there is something behind the curtain, thus making this world seem somewhat less than everything there is.

While I doubt my faith is what it was when I was an innocent child, I still have faith that this world is only part of our story.

This faith that the mystery is more than what we can sense isn't anything I feel I need to work to keep alive.

It is unshakable.

I make no claims to know anything about GOD, his will, my role in the universe, or any of the big questions that religions seek to answer.

I only know that this world is but part of my story.

Ironically, I think that experience converted me from a Christian to a christian agnostic.

All I think I know is that I don't know much, but that's okay.

Hence, the koan: "If you meet to the Buddha on the road...kill him" makes perfect sense to me.

Death is the most sacred spiritual preacher

The significance of cross in Christianity. Some scholars have interpreted it to the striking of I, which represents the egoism. It is a good interpretation but it does not speak about the significance of Jesus present on the cross in the process of crucification. Therefore, if you consider both the cross and Jesus on it, there is more important significance, which represents the death of Jesus. In the death the soul leaves this external human body. It indicates that one day or other you have to leave your body and everything and everybody associated with the body.

Therefore, the concept of death is the most sacred spiritual preacher, which preaches about the non-eternal bonds with your relations and related things in this world. Thus, death is the most pious concept and one should not fear for it. You should not fear for your spiritual preacher who is the most sacred and pious. You must give your utmost attention to this most pious spiritual preacher, the concept of death. When Nachiketa asked his father about the donation of himself, his father told that he would be donated to the God of death called Yama. Infact, Nachiketa received the best spiritual knowledge from Yama as you find in Veda. Everybody knows that death is inevitable. But such is only knowledge. By Knowledge one just knows. This is not sufficient unless the knowledge is often memorised, which leads to realization. Thus, knowledge, memorization and realization are the three steps after which only practice comes as said in Veda (Srotavyo….).

Due to the absence of the other two steps, in practice the human being is behaving as if these worldly bonds are eternal. Unless these bonds are cut, liberation or salvation is impossible. Without liberation attainment of God is subsequently not possible. When you are bound to certain things, how can you achieve other things? The attachment to the Lord is unable to give the salvation from these bonds because the attachment to the Lord is not strong. Unless you realise the nature of these bonds, you cannot get salvation from these bonds. The nature of these bonds is best exposed by the concept of death. Thus, when you are constantly looking at the cross with Jesus on it in the process of crucification, then you realise the nature of these bonds continuously. Such continuous realization leads to continuous practice. Practise alone can give the result. Thus, the cross with Jesus in the phase of death is having the greatest spiritual significance in giving you the liberation. Unless you derive the concept from the statue of Jesus on cross, such statue becomes useless, if it is conceived only in the sense of the death of Jesus.

Jesus himself advises the people not to weep on His death, but they should weep about themselves. This means that the physical sense of crucification should not be taken. If you take the internal significance; it will be useful for your spiritual development. Thus, when you are worshiping the idols, the concepts for which the idols stand should be realised. The constant attention on the idol is also necessary so that the concept is memorised again and again. It is for this purpose, the idol worship is introduced. Therefore, one should not mock at the idol worship. Christians wear cross with Jesus on it in the chain around the neck. The church also shows the same. Such photos are in the houses. All this is the idol worship. I do not know why they criticize the idol worship and follow the same in practice. The Christian scriptures criticize the idol worship. The point in such criticism is that mere worship of idols without realizing the concepts for which those idols were created is useless. From this angle idol worship is to be criticized. Thus, you have both positive and negative angles for any point based on the context. Thus, we know the concept of death but we have not realized it. Therefore, we do not remember the concept. Our continuous impression is only about the life, which we are constantly experiencing. Hence, our feeling was that we lived in the past, we are living in the present and we will live forever in the future. Due to this we feel that these bonds are eternal and that this world is also eternal. It is said that spiritual knowledge is to be obtained from Lord Siva (Jnanam Mahesvarat..).

Lord Siva is famous for destroying the world. Thus, when we remember Siva, we must remember that this world is not eternal. Siva lives in burial ground. This again signifies that any individual has to meet the death. Therefore, Siva preaches you that both this world and your body are not eternal. Yama, the deity of death preached spiritual knowledge to Nachiketa, which means that the concept of death gives you real spiritual knowledge. The brother of Yama, Sani (Saturn) is the source of all problems and troubles. Astrology says that the planet Sani is the source of spiritual knowledge (Jnana karaka..). Again this means that troubles only make you active by which you will think about God. Thus, Sani and Yama, the brothers, are the source of problems and death give you spiritual knowledge. The pleasures will make you inactive, egoistic and inert.

Kunti asked Krishna for constant troubles only. The very word Siva means auspicious or most pious. This again means that his work of the destruction of world and his burial ground indicate the temporary existence of world and body. Such realization is most sacred. Therefore, the very meaning of the word Siva is that is most sacred spiritual preacher. Yama and Sani are said to be born to the Sun. Sun represents intelligence and light of knowledge, which removes the dark ignorance. This again indicates that the concepts of problems and death are the products of the real intellectual spiritual knowledge.

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