Real plumbers support Obama?

hey dumb fuck
who really give a shit what his name is
you just dont get it
it has nothing to do with HIM, it has to do with the dumb fuicking answer Obama gave

:lol: I already responded to this in the other thread.

This is DiveCon today:


So much Con hate spewed today from DiveCon. :razz:
I wish they would vet obama as fast and hard as they did Joe the plumber.

What the hell is wrong with you people? This election is like some crazy Stephen King horror novel.
Zombies walking the streets and chanting "Obama,Obama,Obama"
i'd love to hear how a simple question is "asking for the limelight". could you please fill me in on that one.

If he asked the question for the sole purpose of getting an answer which everyone already knew, which is that businesses making more than $250K a year would have their taxes raised slightly (wow, 3% more on anything over that $250K) and if he asked that question knowing full well that it didn't apply to him, and if McCain used that question, knowing it was based on falsehood, then yes, I'd say he was asking for the limelight.

Do you go to public events, where you KNOW full well the press is following someone and ask them a question based on a lie? I don't.

and the question stopped being simple when we found out first of all the man isn't even a licensed plumber, second that he's not even planning on buying the business but rather thinking he'd like to someday and third that even IF he bought it, he's admitted that Obama's tax plan wouldn't affect him.

I think in the law that would be called fruit of the poisonous tree or an equivilant thereof. Obtaining evidence based on bad information spoils the rest of the evidence you may have found.

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