Reagan and economy


Nov 25, 2011
Can someone tell me what Reagan caused to world economy when liberatizing capital or whatever the right term is?
It is world economy. They say Reagan sold whole world. They say Reagan caused great problems because then "money has no fatherland".
It is world economy. They say Reagan sold whole world. They say Reagan caused great problems because then "money has no fatherland".

Don't listen to idiots.

Reagan was one of the Greatest American Presidents. He had a real love for this country and knew we did our best work by ourselves.

He called the USSR an "Evil Empire" and vowed to destroy them and he did. That's why so many people hate him
I'm sure Reagan loved the US and did the best job that he could. However, he did oversee vast increases in the size of the U.S. government budget (mostly in increased military spending; a lot of which went to something called "Star Wars" which never really materialized) which led to huge increases in the national deficit. He might have been able to increase government spending as he did without increasing the debt if he hadn't also pushed for and received large tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans. The idea was that tax cuts to the rich would "trickle down" to the rest of the economy as the rich used their extra money to hire more workers. This, however, did not happen and much of the money that the wealthy got back in tax cuts went to purchasing luxury goods and massive amounts of real estate, which didn't end up creating a bunch of new jobs or "trickling down" much at all. President Bush (the elder) was later forced to undo many of those tax-cuts, being forced by reality to renege on his campaign promise of "no new taxes."

Reagan had almost nothing to do with the collapse of the USSR, he simply happened to be president when the internal rottenness of their tyrannical state could no longer support itself. The Soviets had been in the process of collapsing for a long time. Reagan calling them the Evil Empire was just a little political grandstanding.

And let's not forget that it was on Reagan's watch the the whole shameful Iran-Contra scandal happened, which included not only the illegal sales of arms to the Iranians and the illegal funding of mercenaries in Central America, but also the smuggling by CIA agents of massive amounts of cocaine into the U.S. which led, ultimately, to the crack epidemic of the 1980s. (If you don't believe me, do some searching around on the National Security Archive website or the CIA's e-reading room. They have admitted to drug running in the past and are likely doing it now with heroin in Afghanistan.)
It is world economy. They say Reagan sold whole world and for the world economy. They say Reagan caused great problems....
Reagan cut US taxes and healed the US economy and that is 1/3 the world's economy and 1/2 the world's wealth. Reagan ended the cold war with the US and the USSR. That was a very good thing for the world and the world economy. There are still communists that hate Reagan for that so they say lies about him.
Can someone tell me what Reagan caused to world economy when liberatizing capital or whatever the right term is?

Can you rephrase that? I'm not really sure what your'e trying to say.
It is world economy. They say Reagan sold whole world and for the world economy. They say Reagan caused great problems....
Reagan cut US taxes and healed the US economy and that is 1/3 the world's economy and 1/2 the world's wealth. Reagan ended the cold war with the US and the USSR. That was a very good thing for the world and the world economy. There are still communists that hate Reagan for that so they say lies about him.
Osama bin Laden ended the cold war by taking his guys and bankrupting the USSR. Sound familiar ?
No ? Hint: You payed for it.


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Osama bin Laden ended the cold war by taking his guys and bankrupting the USSR. Sound familiar ?
No ? Hint: You payed for it.

Hey... maybe that's where he got the idea for ....

I have heard about a book "Age of Greed. The triumph of finance and the decline of America" ny Jeff Madrick. I have seen article by Paul Krugman&Wells "The busts keep getting better: why?" (New York review of books July 14, 2011). Is not Reagan who ended "regulation". Then "finance" can do what they will? And why US has so huge debts now?
I'm sure Reagan loved the US and did the best job that he could. However, he did oversee vast increases in the size of the U.S. government budget (mostly in increased military spending; a lot of which went to something called "Star Wars" which never really materialized) which led to huge increases in the national deficit. He might have been able to increase government spending as he did without increasing the debt if he hadn't also pushed for and received large tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans. The idea was that tax cuts to the rich would "trickle down" to the rest of the economy as the rich used their extra money to hire more workers. This, however, did not happen and much of the money that the wealthy got back in tax cuts went to purchasing luxury goods and massive amounts of real estate, which didn't end up creating a bunch of new jobs or "trickling down" much at all. President Bush (the elder) was later forced to undo many of those tax-cuts, being forced by reality to renege on his campaign promise of "no new taxes."

Reagan had almost nothing to do with the collapse of the USSR, he simply happened to be president when the internal rottenness of their tyrannical state could no longer support itself. The Soviets had been in the process of collapsing for a long time. Reagan calling them the Evil Empire was just a little political grandstanding.

And let's not forget that it was on Reagan's watch the the whole shameful Iran-Contra scandal happened, which included not only the illegal sales of arms to the Iranians and the illegal funding of mercenaries in Central America, but also the smuggling by CIA agents of massive amounts of cocaine into the U.S. which led, ultimately, to the crack epidemic of the 1980s. (If you don't believe me, do some searching around on the National Security Archive website or the CIA's e-reading room. They have admitted to drug running in the past and are likely doing it now with heroin in Afghanistan.)

It's going to take me days to correct the lies and stupidity in your post and that just for your first sentence!!

First, since apparently totally unfamiliar with our system of government, it is Congress that controls spending, Reagan was an American President and not a dictator. Reagan never said. "Congress won't act on cutting spending so I'm going to take action without them" He had respect for American law, traditions and the office of the Presidency Take a look at any graph and when you have a Democrat Congress you have record spending, debt and deficits.

Obama Deficits > Any Reagan budget

Second (this is just in response to your first sentence) Star Wars did work! That's the truth! You and Carl Sagan better just deal with it. Star War worked.

"A ground-based laser defense weapon was used successfully by the U.S. Nav to shoot down incoming aircraft in a test conducted off the California coast. The laser is being developed for the Navy by Raytheon."


Just fucking wow! Star Wars worked!
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I have heard about a book "Age of Greed. The triumph of finance and the decline of America" ny Jeff Madrick. I have seen article by Paul Krugman&Wells "The busts keep getting better: why?" (New York review of books July 14, 2011). Is not Reagan who ended "regulation". Then "finance" can do what they will? And why US has so huge debts now?

Krugman is wrong, in the trillions column. Why would anyone take him seriously? He writes an economic comedy piece in the NY Times
I have heard about a book "Age of Greed. The triumph of finance and the decline of America" ny Jeff Madrick. I have seen article by Paul Krugman&Wells "The busts keep getting better: why?" (New York review of books July 14, 2011). Is not Reagan who ended "regulation". Then "finance" can do what they will? And why US has so huge debts now?

No one has ended "regulation." the huge debt we have now is certainly NOT attributable to Ronald Reagan. To George W. Bush -- somewhat, to Obama -- a lot. to Congress -- a lot.

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