Ready to Learn Real 'Red' History??

Stirring things up for attention, Chic? On t'aime bien, tu sais. You don't have to dredge up a political hack. You have much more potential than that.

"You don't have to dredge up a political hack."


You dare refer to a proud Democrat.....just because when Joe Stalin said "jump," Henry Wallace said "how high, boss?"

And the personal pick of the Imperial President, Franklin the First????

What were you thinin,' eye-sore???

Now, go and say five 'Hail, Franklins," vote twice for any Democrat, and sin no more.

As far as daring, I do what I see is correct.

Of course, the political hack referred to was the gut-wrenchingly disgusting McCarthy. Nice try at turning things!

There have been and are many Democrat hacks, of course. What are you trying to imply; that I defend either of the immoral and perhaps illegal parties that have taken over America? Don't you know me at least better than that?
Stirring things up for attention, Chic? On t'aime bien, tu sais. You don't have to dredge up a political hack. You have much more potential than that.

"You don't have to dredge up a political hack."


You dare refer to a proud Democrat.....just because when Joe Stalin said "jump," Henry Wallace said "how high, boss?"

And the personal pick of the Imperial President, Franklin the First????

What were you thinin,' eye-sore???

Now, go and say five 'Hail, Franklins," vote twice for any Democrat, and sin no more.

As far as daring, I do what I see is correct.

Of course, the political hack referred to was the gut-wrenchingly disgusting McCarthy. Nice try at turning things!

There have been and are many Democrat hacks, of course. What are you trying to imply; that I defend either of the immoral and perhaps illegal parties that have taken over America? Don't you know me at least better than that?

1. "As far as daring, I do what I see is correct."
Bet you see pretty well, what with 4 eyes.

2. "...gut-wrenchingly disgusting McCarthy..."
Oh, no!!
I spoke too soon.
Seems you can't see too well. Mighty Mouse...I'm here to save the day:

a. Whittaker Chambers wrote in his book WITNESS that liberals are/were incapable of ever effectively fighting Communism because they did not see anything in Communism that was antithetical to their own beliefs. In short, Liberals are Communists and Communists are Liberals. The revisionist is aware of the horrors of Communism; the tortures, the Gulags, the over 100 million persons done to death. She is even aware that the American Communists were taking their orders from Moscow and were attempting to impose the Red Utopia upon the United States. If successful, this would have led to millions tortured, enslaved, starved and murdered. It would have led to the death of human freedom for untold years. As the US was the bulwarked of freedom and Democracy, it's communization would have turned the entire world into an abatoir.

b. When anti-communism took its toll in Hollywood, the blacklisting took the “deadly” form of not having ones name in the credits, or living in Paris, or not being able to sell a teleplay for as much as three years. This for folks who had no problem with Ukrainian farmers and their children eating their shoes.
Coulter, "Treason."

That's what the great Senator was aiming to save us from. don't have to thank me.

Friendly advice? In the future, stick to writing about stuff you actually know about.
So all McCarthy's lies, theatrics and b.s. are justified because this shining knight and great example of Americanism was trying to save us from a few college kids who went to a meeting in 1936 or whatever?

Marxist-Leninist-Stalinist communism was never ever even close to being accepted in the US. This impostor used the fear engendered exclusively for his political gains.

Don't worry, no thanks are heading your way.

Friendly advice; keep shallow advice to yourself.
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So all McCarthy's lies, theatrics and b.s. are justified because this shining knight and great example of Americanism was trying to save us from a few college kids who went to a meeting in 1936 or whatever?

Marxist-Leninist-Stalinist communism was never ever even close to being accepted in the US. This impostor used the fear engendered exclusively for his political gains.

Don't worry, no thanks are heading your way.

Friendly advice; keep shallow advice to yourself.

"... trying to save us from a few college kids who went to a meeting in 1936 or whatever?"
You've gotta be a moron.

Your ignorance exposed....and you get testy.

"In my view the American Communist party was a real danger to American democracy in the context of the early Cold War. Its chief threat was that of political subversion, not espionage. It is difficult to imagine that the political mobilization necessary for America’s commitment to the early Cold War would taken place had Communists and their allies retained the influence they had achieved in the labor movement and the broad New Deal coalition.

Initially, it looked as if Henry Wallace and the Progressive Party with its secret Communist leadership might wrest the mantle of heir of the New Deal from a faltering Harry Truman and the Democratic Party."
Return to Responses, Reflections and Occasional Papers

Do you know who Haynes is?

Read his and Klehr's books?

Venona Papers?


But you have strong opinions....based on...what?

Stay'll learn something.
OK, Drama Queen; the Reds were at the gate and 'Tailgunner' saved us.

That should satisfy the minuscule minority ready to believe such garbage.
OK, Drama Queen; the Reds were at the gate and 'Tailgunner' saved us.

That should satisfy the minuscule minority ready to believe such garbage.

Considered 'garbage' only by those ignorant of the facts.

At Chambers's first testimony before HUAC, he implicated Harry Dexter White as well as Alger Hiss as a covert member of the Communist party. White died shortly thereafter, so the case didn't receive the attention that the charges against Hiss did. Transcripts of coded Soviet messages decrypted through the Venona project, revealed in 1995, have added evidence regarding White's covert involvement with Communists and Soviet intelligence. Venona evidence regarding Alger Hiss is less conclusive, though it was sufficient for a bipartisan Commission on Government Secrecy, headed by Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan to conclude "The complicity of Alger Hiss of the State Department seems settled. As does that of Harry Dexter White of the Treasury Department."[24] Whittaker Chambers - New World Encyclopedia

You seem somewhat shy to reveal whether or not you've read Hayne' or Klehr's work, or The Venona Papers or the Mitrokhin (KGB) Archives or
The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression by Jean-Louis Panné, Andrzej Paczkowski, Karel Bartosek and Jean-Louis Margolin or Coulter's "Treason."

I have.

All of 'em.

Care to conjecture what these Americans-Soviet agents had in mind for America?
So all McCarthy's lies, theatrics and b.s. are justified because this shining knight and great example of Americanism was trying to save us from a few college kids who went to a meeting in 1936 or whatever?

Marxist-Leninist-Stalinist communism was never ever even close to being accepted in the US. This impostor used the fear engendered exclusively for his political gains.

Don't worry, no thanks are heading your way.

Friendly advice; keep shallow advice to yourself.

"... trying to save us from a few college kids who went to a meeting in 1936 or whatever?"
You've gotta be a moron.

Your ignorance exposed....and you get testy.

"In my view the American Communist party was a real danger to American democracy in the context of the early Cold War. Its chief threat was that of political subversion, not espionage. It is difficult to imagine that the political mobilization necessary for America’s commitment to the early Cold War would taken place had Communists and their allies retained the influence they had achieved in the labor movement and the broad New Deal coalition.

Initially, it looked as if Henry Wallace and the Progressive Party with its secret Communist leadership might wrest the mantle of heir of the New Deal from a faltering Harry Truman and the Democratic Party."
Return to Responses, Reflections and Occasional Papers

Do you know who Haynes is?

Read his and Klehr's books?

Venona Papers?


But you have strong opinions....based on...what?

Stay'll learn something.

PC has a point here. Socialist revolutions were a real occurrence in the first half of the 20th century. Think of our economic troubles after the roaring 20's. Imagine if our economic policies were not modernized to better reflect America of the previous century. The America where the government bought land from France for you and cleared it of natives then gave it to you in exchange for you building a house and working was replaced by the TVA CCC and other programs.

But she is right. The cold war was pretty serious and the collapse after the 20's a revolution was a threat to our system.

Now McFarty (I'm leaving that cell phone typo lol) and his progressive followers right to the Homeland Security Patriot Act Supporters make Republicans look like they just give lip service to the pro constitutionalists like PC and no doubt cost them many votes. Still though even if any means necessary is a bad idea, they were/are anti Communist ane communism is a bad thing.
OK, Drama Queen; the Reds were at the gate and 'Tailgunner' saved us.

That should satisfy the minuscule minority ready to believe such garbage.

why garbage, without great Republican patriots like McCarthy who would have stopped the liberals from spying for Stalin and giving him the A-bomb??

Republicans are the last best hope for freedom on this planet!!
Liberals never tire of defending their communists comrades...Yesterday and today

but yesterday they were stupid and bold enough to get caught spying for Stalin.

Today Barry is actually President and making great progress by simply flying under the radar!! We're far worse off today.

Norman Thomas quotes:
The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.

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