Read, ye noahides, and repent.


Senior Member
Jan 5, 2004
Read, ye noahides, and repent.

Forsake the power the jews have given you in satan's realm, replace this powerlust with love of the truth, and of jesus christ, who's not "just a guy". That Reveal Antichrist Coming Blood Bath

The Talmud is the most ungodly book ever written. It is the true *satanic verses* against Jesus Messiah and Christains. There have been some newer *censored* versions of the Talmud put out and the public perception that the Jews have retracted these blasphemous statements. But if so, why have they continued the program of the Talmud to destroy Jesus and Christianity by whatever means possible? We would welcome an end to the antichrist hatred because this and only this will change the future wrath of God as depicted in the Book of Revelation upon Jerusalem and Israel. And if all Israel does not repent and continues the hatred against their King and brother, and if they do not obey by faith Acts 2:38, then they are deserving and scheduled for the wrath of God in the seven seals, seven trumpets, and seven vials. And we pray hard that they will repent. When Jews live for God in true New Covenant fashion they are a kind and loving people.

And if they do not repent and take lightly the message since it comes from Gentile lips and a few Messianic Jews; ...and if they kill Christians or Messianic Jews, after which they run to the Temple and offer a red heifer or any other animal sacrifice, is God really going to be flattered?

And to end this mystery of iniquity episode, I bring to you the accusation by unbelieving Jews that the blood of Jesus is bastard blood and can not save them. This blasphemous statement is the hatred behind the comment that he was born of fornication and that Mary was a whore (Toldoth Jesu).

Any doctrine or teaching based upon the Talmud, or any teaching of the Jews contrary to what the Apostles of Jesus Messiah preached, found in the New Testament, is antichrist. Anyone who contends for any antichrist doctrine including Noahidism, is an apostate. And anyone who claims exposing apostasy within Judaism and the Talmud is antisemitism and uses this accusation above the identity of antichrist, has blasphemed the Holy Spirit and can never be saved.

we're supposed to be converting them, Not finding ways to dowplay christ to relieve the cognitive dissonance the truth creates in our CJDD (Chronic Judeo Deferential Disorder) afflicted selves.
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acts 2:38 Peter replied, "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
rtwngAvngr said:
Do you enjoy Talmudic Satanic Lie Pie?

Satanic is redundant I suppose, as 'lies' are sins...but then again, the Devil isn't always the cause of our sins; often it's our very flesh - our sinful nature leading us to sin.

What's the Talmud anyway and why should I care about it?
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dmp said:
Satanic is redundant I suppose, as 'lies' are sins...but then again, the Devil isn't always the cause of our sins; often it's our very flesh - our sinful nature leading us to sin.

What's the Talmud anyway and why should I care about it?

It's INTERPRETATION by early jewish rabbis on of the old testament, and is actually considered more authoritative in the lives of observant jews than the torah itself. Jews are to take these early interpretations as "the gospel", so to speak, even over their own understandings of the torah. I have the same problem with this as I do with catholics who maintain the worldly church has the last and only say in how the bible is to be interpreted, the infallibility of the pope and all that jazz.
rtwngAvngr said:
It's INTERPRETATION by early jewish rabbis on of the old testament, and is actually considered more authoritative in the lives of observant jews than the torah itself. Jews are to take these early interpretations as "the gospel", so to speak, even over their own understandings of the torah. I have the same problem with this as I do with catholics who maintain the worldly church has the last and only say in how the bible is to be interpreted, the infallibility of the pope and all that jazz.

Again, why should I, or others who don't read the thing, care?
dmp said:
Satanic is redundant I suppose, as 'lies' are sins...but then again, the Devil isn't always the cause of our sins; often it's our very flesh - our sinful nature leading us to sin.
Which happens to have come from Satan. He is the author of sin.
James 4:7, Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.
dmp said:
Again, why should I, or others who don't read the thing, care?

Knowing what's in it may make you think twice about being such a jew lackey.
from the same page
Watch now, as quotes from the Talmud and other Jewish writings use the phraseology that reveals the mind-set and the right to kill Christians thinking to do God service:

Noahide Laws for conversion of Gentiles for the coming utopia: Sanhedrin 56-60
Christians are children of Eve and the serpent: Zohar 1, 28b.
The seed of Christians the seed of beast: Kethuboth 3b.
Christian people are like asses: Kidduschim 68a.
Jews called men, but Christians not called men: Iebhammoth 61a.
Sexual intercourse with Christians same as a beast: Sanhedrin 74b.
Souls of Gentiles have unclean origins: Zohar 1, 46b 47b.
Christian Churches are places of Idolatry: Abhodah Azarah 78.
High place in heaven for those who kill idolaters: Zohar L, 38b 39a.
Christians and animals grouped for comparisons: Orach Chaiim 225, 10.
Non-Jews souls go down to hell: Rosch Haschanach 17b.
Adam had sexual relations with animals: Yebamoth 63a.
Deeds of Jews righteous but Gentiles are sin: Baba Bathra 10b.
Divine presence rests only on Jews: Berakoth 7a.
Forbidden to teach Gentiles God's Law: Megillah 15b.
All Gentiles are bastards and only animals: Yebamoth 98a.
Gentile girls are "niddah" unclean: Abodah Zarah 36b.
Gentiles who study the Law deserve death: Sanhedrin 59a.
Gentiles outside the legal protection of the Laws of Israel: Baba Kamma 38a.
Eve had sex with the devil conveying lust to Gentiles: Abodah Zarah 22a.
Israelites exempt from the lust infused by the devil in Eve: Abodah Zarah 22b.
Jesus was a bastard born of adultery: Yebamoth 49b.
He was a fool, and we do not pay attention to what fools do: Sanhedrin 67a
Speaking of Jesus, ...practices sorcery and enticed Israel to apostasy: Sanhedrin 43a
Speaking of Jesus, ...bloody and deceitful: Sanhedrin 106b
Speaking of Jesus counted among, ...sinners of Israel: Gittin 56b
Jesus was excommunicated for the thought of seducing a woman and in his ensuing grief he fell down and worshipped a brick: Sanhedrin 106a.
Speaking of the soul of Jesus, ...he is now in hell: Gittin 56b-57a
Going to prostitutes same as becoming a Christian: Abodah Zarah 17a.
When Messiah comes he will destroy the Christians: Sanhedrin 99a.
Hatred of Christians is commanded in Psalms 139:21: Shabbath 116a .
Gospels are the falsehood of blank paper: Shabbath 116a.
Gentile men prefer sex with cows than their wives: Abodah Zarah 26a.
Replace dead Christians like a lost cow or ass: Iore Dea 337, 1.
Male animals not to be left with Gentile women: Abhodah Zarah 15b.
Gentiles fornicate with sheep: Abhodah Zarah 22b.
Gentiles unclean because they were not at Sinai: Abhodah Zarah 22b.
The seed of a Gentile the same as that of a beast: Kethuboth 3b.
Animals in the form of Gentiles to minister to Jews: Midrasch Talpioth 225d.
Gentiles are children of the serpent that seduced Eve: Zohar I, 28b.
God created or predestinated two natures, good and evil or one nature with two sides, one clean and the other unclean. Gentiles come from the unclean side and are called "Kelipath or Kelipot" rind, or scabby crust: Zohar I, 131a.
The front of a female is said to be the right or correct side. The rear of a female is said to be the left or incorrect side. Thus, Rabbi Eliezer, speaking of the Gentiles says: "where do the idolatrous Gentiles come from? From the left side, which makes their souls unclean. They are therefore unclean and they pollute all who come in contact with them: Zohar I, 46b 47a.
Jews do not need blood sacrifice to achieve forgiveness: Megillah 31b.
Israel's sins were atoned for by the garments of the priests: Zebahim 88b.
Studying the Bible is indifference to God: Baba Mezia 33a.
Studying the Talmud is meritorious: Baba Mezia 33a.
Studying the Bible after the Talmud produces trouble: Hagigah 10a.

From Jewish antichrist book: Toldoth Jesu
Jesus was crucified on a cabbage stock
Judas urinated on Jesus
Mary was a whore
Jesus the son of a whoremonger named Joseph Pandora
Joz said:
Which happens to have come from Satan. He is the author of sin.
James 4:7, Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.

Our sinful nature comes from Adam and Eve bowing to Satan's influence.

James 1:
13When tempted, no one should say, "God is tempting me." For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; 14but each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed. 15Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.

My point is, the devil doesn't have to be anywhere near us for us to enter into, and fall to temptation.
rtwngAvngr said:
Knowing what's in it may make you think twice about being such a jew lackey.

Jew lackey? Because I allow any Jewish Man I find to have sex with my wife, and take half my income doesn't mean I'm a lackey.

dmp said:
Jew lackey? Because I allow any Jewish Man I find to have sex with my wife, and take half my income doesn't mean I'm a lackey.


He's right RW--it's better to give than receive .
5stringJeff said:
And why would you care whether Darin, or anyone else, is a "jew lackey?"

A. Because I care about darin.

B. I want people to engage in healthier examinations of what jews advocate regarding american policy.
dmp said:
Thank you - but honestly Jews don't bother me. :)

Right now they're trying to get you to help them establish their wordly power grid. Later you will be persecuted for idol worship, unless you renounce christ and bow to Moshiach, the anti christ.

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