Read the tea leaves: CNN's question to Palin


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
the day after Romney supposedly wins Ohio and declares himself the Republican nominee, CNN asks Palin if she's considering a run 2016.


how could Palin run for President in 2016 when when Romney could be running for reelection?

because everyone knows Romney has no intention of winning the election and CNN just told the whole public that Obama is going to be reelected in 2012.

CNN then asked establishment Republican RINO John McCain what he thinks about his former running mate saying she would consider running in 2016 and although it looked like he was wishing her well, the only comment he really made was "i have great interest in her comment last night"

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Palin: "As I say, anything is possible…and my plan is to be at that convention." – CNN Press Room - Blogs

VERCAMMEN: Sarah Palin for president 2016, is it possible?

PALIN: Anything in this life, in this world is possible. Anything is possible for an American. And I don't discount any idea or plan that at this point isn't in my control. Anything's possible.

The question does not imply she would be running against an incumbent Republican. The question implies Obama is going to win in 2012.
So Romney is running an election that he has no intention of winning solely so Obama can win reelection? Then why did he run in 08? When did they conceive this conspiracy?
When did they conceive this conspiracy?

because the other candidates are "too radical" AKA they want to over-turn the health care mandate.

big business stands to lose billions of dollars if the mandate is over-turned.
let alone all of the people who are invested in health care.

Romney was selected because he passed the ObamaCare prototype in Massachusetts, so on the slim chance Romney wins, either way the health care mandate will stand.
...but Romney can't pull enough support from the independents or the right to win
CNN interview with back-woods redneck James Carville , major Democrat strategist, the day after Romney "wins" Ohio.

CNN: "do you fell more confident that Obama will be re-elected now, then you did two months ago?"
Carville: "of course i do"
Carville: "Romney polls poorly with evangelicals and conservatives"

the day after Romney supposedly wins Ohio and declares himself the Republican nominee, CNN asks Palin if she's considering a run 2016.


how could Palin run for President in 2016 when when Romney could be running for reelection?

because everyone knows Romney has no intention of winning the election and CNN just told the whole public that Obama is going to be reelected in 2012.

CNN then asked establishment Republican RINO John McCain what he thinks about his former running mate saying she would consider running in 2016 and although it looked like he was wishing her well, the only comment he really made was "i have great interest in her comment last night"


You really think CNN knows the outcome of the election? Put down the pipe.

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