Read it and weep (for our nation)


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By Julian Hattem - 10/25/16 11:42 AM EDT

A top aide to Hillary Clinton appeared to worry in March 2015 that President Obama might be accused of lying about his knowledge of Clinton’s private email server.

In a brief email chain released by WikiLeaks on Tuesday, Clinton allies seemed to scurry to respond to Obama’s claim that he was unaware of Clinton’s use of a personal email account while she was secretary of State until after it became public.

“[L]ooks like POTUS just said he found out HRC was using her personal email when he saw it in the news,” Clinton spokesman Josh Schwerin told other campaign aides in a March 7, 2015, email, using acronyms for the president and Clinton.
“[W]e need to clean this up - he has emails from her - they do not say,” responded Cheryl Mills, Clinton’s former chief of staff at the State Department.

The White House has insisted that Obama was unaware of Clinton’s unusual email setup during her tenure at the State department, even though the two occasionally communicated by email.

Two days after the emails released on Tuesday were sent, White House spokesman Josh Earnest said Obama did know Clinton’s email address but was unaware that she used the account exclusively.

“The point that the president was making is not that he didn’t know Secretary Clinton’s email address, he did,” Earnest told reporters at the time.

“But he was not aware of the details of how that email address and that server had been set up or how Secretary Clinton and her team were planning to comply with the Federal Records Act.”

The State Department has said that at least 18 emails were sent between Clinton and Obama on her private system.

Even as thousands of emails from Clinton’s time as secretary of State have been released to the public, those between her and Obama have remained secret. The White House has claimed that the messages should not be made public until after Obama leaves office, in keeping with procedures for presidential records.
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Does she mean clean it up with a cloth ??

Another slime ball Cheryl Mills who sits quietly behind the scenes and needs to be exposed as well as the President who knew about Hillary's private server way before he saw it on the news.

The shit should hit the fan on this but the media will bury it .

Fwd: POTUS on HRC emails

From:[email protected] To: [email protected] Date: 2015-03-07 21:41 Subject: Fwd: POTUS on HRC emails

we need to clean this up - he has emails from her - they do not say

---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Nick Merrill Date: Sat, Mar 7, 2015 at 6:39 PM Subject: Fwd: POTUS on HRC emails To: Philippe Reines , Heather Samuelson < [email protected]>, Cheryl Mills

Begin forwarded message:

*From:* Josh Schwerin *Date:* March 7, 2015 at 6:33:44 PM EST *To:* Jennifer Palmieri , Kristina Schake < [email protected]>, Nick Merrill ,
Ferguson *Subject:*


Jen you probably have more on this but it looks like POTUS just said he found out HRC was using her personal email when he saw it in the news.

Josh Schwerin
I would love to see a bombshell come out of this, but they better hurry up. The media will suppress it as along as they can.


Funny that they turned out to be fake but even if they're real, they don't say anything incriminating.

Much more important is that we have the Republican candidate working with an enemy of the US to commit open espionage. And it seems to be okay with the right.
Yep Obama had said he learned about Hillary's private server the way we all did, through news reports.

Now it looks like he did know about it prior to that.

Liar !!
You Dims want to carry on about climate change deniers. Now you Dims are firmly in the camp of corruption with Hillary as email deniers. What were all those bleached emails about? Girl parties and exercise groups with guru Elizabeth dingbat Warren?
Dem and GOP are both corrupt.

However, neither are able to 'rig' an election.

If they were, Trump would have that act down pat.
"They wanted to get away with it"..."her instincts can be terrible.”

On the day the news broke that Hillary Clinton had used a private email account as secretary of state, the man who would soon be named to chair her presidential campaign (Podesta) fired off a note of distress, venting frustration about some of Clinton’s closest aides.

“Speaking of transparency, our friends Kendall, Cheryl and Phillipe sure weren’t forthcoming on the facts here,” John Podesta complained in the March 2015 note, referring to Clinton’s personal lawyer David Kendall as well as her former State Department staffers Cheryl Mills and Philippe Reines.

“Why didn’t they get this stuff out like 18 months ago? So crazy,” replied Neera Tanden, a longtime Podesta friend who also has worked for Clinton. Then, answering her own question, Tanden wrote again: “I guess I know the answer. They wanted to get away with it.”

The exchange, found in hacked emails from Podesta’s account and released Tuesday by the anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks, provides a striking window into how the revelation of Clinton’s email setup roiled her nascent campaign team in the weeks before its official April 2015 kickoff.

The emails show that while campaign aides struggled to get past the public controversy, they also expressed exasperation at each other and, at times, at Clinton — both for her decision to use the server and for the way she handled questions about it. Several exchanges illustrate fears among some top advisers that Clinton and other aides were demonstrating the very traits that polls suggested made her vulnerable: a penchant for secrecy and a hesitancy to admit fault or error.

“We’ve taken on a lot of water that won’t be easy to pump out of the boat,” Podesta wrote to Tanden in September 2015, at a time when Clinton’s campaign feared that Vice President Biden was about to enter the race for the Democratic nomination. “Most of that has to do with terrible decisions made pre-campaign, but a lot has to do with her instincts.”

Tanden responded, “Almost no one knows better [than] me that her instincts can be terrible.”

Tanden and Kendall declined to comment. Neither Reines nor a lawyer for Mills responded to requests for comment.

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