re open ayers/dohrn murders ?


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2010
this is politics cause ayers wrote "dreams from my father" which i think is a joke and chicago ken and barbie are running for president again. whatever

but since there is no statue of limitations on murder, why can't we re open the cases of bill ayers and his wife the way they are with natalie wood.

there must be some new evidence, since ayers and dohrn founded and led the weather underground, couldn't they be culpable for a degree of murder for their followers who blew them selves to kindom com following bill and bernadines' orders (which i think is both great and funny).

i guess i still hate that they thought they could be vigillantes and terrorize their own country. how bout treason ?

why are these mad bombers allowed to continue the political landscape ?
(even to the point where ayer's book got obama elected, that shit pisses me right off. i refer you to jack cashill's analysis)

any legal eagles on the forum ? can we still go after these assholes and make their cushy acedemic lives miserable ?

In 1985, former Weather Underground members Susan Rosenberg (who also was implicated in the Nyack robbery) and Linda Evans were apprehended while transporting 740 pounds of explosives which they both acknowledged were slated for use in additional bombings. Rosenberg was sentenced to 58 years in prison, Evans 40; President Bill Clinton pardoned both women in January 2001.
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this is politics cause ayers wrote "dreams from my father" which i think is a joke and chicago ken and barbie are running for president again. whatever

but since there is no statue of limitations on murder, why can't we re open the cases of bill ayers and his wife the way they are with natalie wood.

there must be some new evidence, since ayers and dohrn founded and led the weather underground, couldn't they be culpable for a degree of murder for their followers who blew them selves to kindom com following bill and bernadines' orders (which i think is both great and funny).

i guess i still hate that they thought they could be vigillantes and terrorize their own country. how bout treason ?

why are these mad bombers allowed to continue the political landscape ?
(even to the point where ayer's book got obama elected, that shit pisses me right off. i refer you to jack cashill's analysis)

any legal eagles on the forum ? can we still go after these assholes and make their cushy acedemic lives miserable ?

In 1985, former Weather Underground members Susan Rosenberg (who also was implicated in the Nyack robbery) and Linda Evans were apprehended while transporting 740 pounds of explosives which they both acknowledged were slated for use in additional bombings. Rosenberg was sentenced to 58 years in prison, Evans 40; President Bill Clinton pardoned both women in January 2001.
Won't happen under obamaturd, he is buddies with the commie murderers.
Well not exactly acquited. Released on a technicality. Not the same thing.

I don't think they can be tried again...UNLESS there is new evidence.
And my understanding is all the evidence was there for the first trial, but because some of it was obtained incorrectly, it couldn't be used.
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And my understanding is all the evidence was there for the first trial, but because some of it was obtained incorrectly, it couldn't be used.

so they went free on a technicality ? as an american growing up in chicago (i was eleven in 1970) i am deeply offended by that... i remember those days, i think the weather underground made my childhood more scary. i think to this day they are proud of their treason and killing people. i also think a lot of ayer's philosophy comes through in that book he wrote for/about obama.
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In 1973, new information came to light about FBI operations targeted against Weather Underground and the New Left, all part of a series of covert and often illegal FBI projects called COINTEL.[20] Due to the illegal tactics[clarification needed] of FBI agents involved with the program, government attorneys requested all weapons- and bomb-related charges be dropped against the Weather Underground, including charges against Ayers.[21]"

Bill Ayers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That's from wiki, which is about as leftist as you get, so I think I can get away with using it. I have pulled up better stuff but the longer Obama's in office, the harder it is to find online.

Funny how that works. Can't find any ugly pictures of Chelsea Clinton, either, lol...
Yes, they were acquitted on a technicality. Ayers himself has stated that he was guilty. However, the fact remains that they were acquitted and the case cannot be reopened.

Of course, double jeopardy doesn't apply in politics and anyone is free to TRY to use Ayers to brand Obama with guilt-by-association. But that didn't work very well in 2008.
That's because Obama denied he was friends with Ayers, and stupidly, people believed him.

Now everybody knows what complete horseshit that was. Obama's toast. Thank goodness. God knows what the next nightmare term will bring. I think our nation is on the downhill slope though.
Let's try OJ again!

Lol...if only Ayers and Obama would get busted burglarizing someone....

Unfortunately, their brains haven't been addled by years of drugs, so it's highly unlikely. Or at least, their brains aren't CURRENTLY addled by drugs...Plus they just don't need the money.
i think to this day they are proud of their treason and killing people. i also think a lot of ayer's philosophy comes through in that book he wrote for/about obama.

Several inaccuracies here. First, Ayers and Dohrn never killed anyone. They could have, but it didn't happen that way. (The "murders" they were accused of were actually the accidental deaths of three of the Weathermen, who blew themselves up with one of their own bombs. That's "murder" only by the same sort of technical legalese stuff that got them off.) Second, I don't know what book you're talking about; I don't believe Ayers ever wrote a book for or about Obama. Certainly his political philosophy can be found from his writings, though.

I've already stated my position with respect to Bill Ayers before, but I'll say it again. I think that Ayers was absolutely right to oppose the Vietnam War. I think that he was dead wrong, though, in thinking that blowing shit up was a good way to bring the war to an end. He should have seen that it was a tactic that wasn't likely to succeed, and one that potentially had dire consequences. He should have thought rationally more, and gone with gut feelings and passion less.

My quarrel with Ayers is over means, not ends. I'm happy to condemn him for his wrongheaded and dangerous actions; what I'm not happy to do is to allow an argument that because he acted wrongly in support of his beliefs, the beliefs themselves were somehow wrong -- let alone that anyone or anything he ever touched is somehow tainted.
You lost me at "ayers wrote "dreams from my father"". try again
Let's try OJ again!

Lol...if only Ayers and Obama would get busted burglarizing someone....

Unfortunately, their brains haven't been addled by years of drugs, so it's highly unlikely. Or at least, their brains aren't CURRENTLY addled by drugs...Plus they just don't need the money.

i agree with you about wikepedia, i was looking at their sheriff joe page yesterday.

so i guess that ayers and dohrn will always have to live their lives in fear, looking over their shoulders, thinking that at anytime someone could just bomb their house in hyde park chicago, to retaliate for the people they killed, or for committing treason against their own country. are they still terrorists ??
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chicago ken and barbie

Is that slang for black people?

it's slang for cowpeople...

That doesn't make sense either. Both are clearly not bovines such as myself, and they're both remarkably in well shape compared to most Americans. Not to mention you just equated them to Ken and Barbie so they must have quite a bit in the looks department.

I'm just trying to understand what the "chicago ken and barbie" phrase means.
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I'm sure if the conservatives try hard enough they wil find a way to link it to eight year old Obama
i think to this day they are proud of their treason and killing people. i also think a lot of ayer's philosophy comes through in that book he wrote for/about obama.

Several inaccuracies here. First, Ayers and Dohrn never killed anyone. They could have, but it didn't happen that way. (The "murders" they were accused of were actually the accidental deaths of three of the Weathermen, who blew themselves up with one of their own bombs. That's "murder" only by the same sort of technical legalese stuff that got them off.) Second, I don't know what book you're talking about; I don't believe Ayers ever wrote a book for or about Obama. Certainly his political philosophy can be found from his writings, though.

I've already stated my position with respect to Bill Ayers before, but I'll say it again. I think that Ayers was absolutely right to oppose the Vietnam War. I think that he was dead wrong, though, in thinking that blowing shit up was a good way to bring the war to an end. He should have seen that it was a tactic that wasn't likely to succeed, and one that potentially had dire consequences. He should have thought rationally more, and gone with gut feelings and passion less.

My quarrel with Ayers is over means, not ends. I'm happy to condemn him for his wrongheaded and dangerous actions; what I'm not happy to do is to allow an argument that because he acted wrongly in support of his beliefs, the beliefs themselves were somehow wrong -- let alone that anyone or anything he ever touched is somehow tainted.

this makes sense to me. but didn't a lot of people protest that war peacefully ? didn't alinsky inspired treason by bombing your own people transcend the cause of peace? who protests violence by killing people, even accidentally as you say. i know lot's of people who never played with dynamite that never blew themselves up following radical leaders' orders.

what about the clinton pardon ? any thoughts. i like your idea of a public opinion trial for ayers and dohrn. have you read jack cashill ?? are both obama books equal in writing skill ?
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