RCP Shows Obama Approval Slide


Senior Member
Feb 5, 2009
Interesting polling blog from RCP averaging showing the clear decline of Obama's approval base, with further speculation Obama could be in for an increasingly difficult stretch heading into next year...


A few observations are in order:

1. By separating the pollsters from one another, we can see the various house effects. For instance, CBS and ABC are the most favorable polls to Obama while Fox and NBC tend to be the least. AP and CNN are the "bounciest." Some months, they are above the average. Other months, they are below.

2. Obama's job approval slid precipitously from July through August. This coincides with the heating up of the health care debate. This trajectory is consistent across all eight pollsters.

3. The President rebounded a bit from his August/September lows, but he is now at or near his lowest point in all of the polls except the (bouncy) AP poll, which had him much lower in September than the other polls. This chart makes that clear:

RealClearPolitics - HorseRaceBlog - Another Look at Obama's Job Approval
Thats strange...this mornings news showed Obamas approval up to 56% this week

Mr Sinatra would not be misleading us would he?
Overall, 49% of voters say they at least somewhat approve of the President's performance. Fifty-one percent (51%) now disapprove.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™

It is important to remember that the Rasmussen Reports job approval ratings are based upon a sample of likely voters. Some other firms base their approval ratings on samples of all adults. President Obama's numbers are always several points higher in a poll of adults rather than likely voters. That's because some of the President's most enthusiastic supporters, such as young adults, are less likely to turn out to vote.
Most polls i've seen lately have his approval numbers below 50%. It is a bit of a downward slide for him either way.
Most polls i've seen lately have his approval numbers below 50%. It is a bit of a downward slide for him either way.

It was a signifcant slide heading into the summer months, followed by a flatline, and now a more gradual slide forming again.

The more significant slide was from moderate Republicans and Independents leaving Obama.

Now we are seeing numbers of conservative and moderate Democrats doing the same slowly but surely.

Either Obama fixes this trend with a change in course and perception, or he is going to usher in the great Democrat backlash already fomenting for 2010...
Most polls i've seen lately have his approval numbers below 50%. It is a bit of a downward slide for him either way.

It was a signifcant slide heading into the summer months, followed by a flatline, and now a more gradual slide forming again.

The more significant slide was from moderate Republicans and Independents leaving Obama.

Now we are seeing numbers of conservative and moderate Democrats doing the same slowly but surely.

Either Obama fixes this trend with a change in course and perception, or he is going to usher in the great Democrat backlash already fomenting for 2010...

Obama 56% and climbing.......

Republican approval at 36%

God it sucks to be a republican

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