Rasmussen: Romney up again


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
Now it's only by one point in the Daily Tracking poll but there are some interesting stats in this poll.

Check it out:

Romney is now supported by 18% of white Democrats.


Romney has solidified the GOP vote and holds a 77-point lead among Republicans. That’s slightly larger than Obama’s 72-point advantage among Democrats.


Perhaps most significantly, Republicans are once again more engaged in the election than Democrats. Forty-nine percent (49%) of GOP voters are following the race on a daily basis. Among Democrats, just 42% are that interested.

Throughout 2012, Republicans have consistently held the enthusiasm advantage. However, for a few days following the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, the president’s party caught up to the GOP on this important measure of potential turnout.


Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™
Just wait until we look a week from now.. This Administration FUCKED up badly.. Hillary is on television apologizing again for the video/movie made.. So sick of these Appeasers.
Why does rass ALWAYS tact to the right of other polls?

Have you ever looked at there accuracy record or do you just spew your BS with out any Research at all.

Rass has one of the most accurate Records of any Pollster in America, when you compare their polls the 2 weeks before an elections, to the Results of the Elections.

Stop being a lemming.
More jobs lost, gas through the roof, inflation climbing-- Gas is up most in 3 years..The Malaise/Appeasement Adnministration couldn't lead a an Aardvark to an ant hole!

FIRE OBAMA----------- and save America
No matter what the small sample polls say... this is a close race... and it will come down to how things play out in 8-10 states... as the others are firmly in either of the 2 camps..
Just wait until we look a week from now.. This Administration FUCKED up badly.. Hillary is on television apologizing again for the video/movie made.. So sick of these Appeasers.

She is embarassing if only because we now know that the attacks were pre planned long ago. What she is really saying is that it's a shame that we have such of fucked up Constitution that we can't stop offensive movies from being made.
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Just wait until we look a week from now.. This Administration FUCKED up badly.. Hillary is on television apologizing again for the video/movie made.. So sick of these Appeasers.

She is embarassing if only because we now know that the attacks were pre planned long ago. What she is really saying is that it's a shame that we have such of fucked up Constitution that we can't stop offensive movies from being made.

It is EXACTLY what that COW said.. I sat here ASTONISHED that this Administration double-downed on the apology-- going as far as apologizing for America having freedom of speech... she stated, "I understand most don't understand why America can even say the most offensive things." Then she goes on to how despicable the film is .. she spent less than a minute on HOW OFFENSIVE American deaths are and she didn't frame it in that manner.. SICK SICK LIBERALISM.

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