RARE EVENT - Four Blood Moons 14/15


Mar 8, 2012
Chicago, IL
Anyone excited about this series of 4 blood moons occurring this year and the next? April 15th, 2014 is the start.

This has only happened eight times in the past few thousand years (four consecutive blood moons), I believe, so do not miss your chance to view it.

Supernatural fun: the last three times this occurred, major world events events have taken place, and those events have generally pertained to the Jewish people. We have 1967 (seven year war), 1948 (establishment of Israel), and 1492 ("discovery" of America, last year of the Spanish inquisition which forced all Jews from Spain). This year all four blood moons will fall directly on/during Jewish holidays.

I find the coincidences neat, but still coincidences. However.. anyone think something crazy might happen this time around?
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Anyone excited about this series of 4 blood moons occurring this year and the next? April 15th, 2014 is the start.

This has only happened eight times in the past few thousand years (four consecutive blood moons), I believe, so do not miss your chance to view it.

Supernatural fun: the last three times this occurred, major world events events have taken place, and those events have generally pertained to the Jewish people. We have 1967 (seven year war), 1948 (establishment of Israel), and 1492 ("discovery" of America, last year of the Spanish inquisition which forced all Jews from Spain). This year all four blood moons will fall directly on/during Jewish holidays.

I find the coincidences neat, but still coincidences. However.. anyone think something crazy might happen this time around?

That is interesting. 'something crazy' seems to happen every day--but yes, I don't discount planetary influences--not sure of how that might work but have heard some credible theories about this.

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Anyone excited about this series of 4 blood moons occurring this year and the next? April 15th, 2014 is the start.

This has only happened eight times in the past few thousand years (four consecutive blood moons), I believe, so do not miss your chance to view it.

Supernatural fun: the last three times this occurred, major world events events have taken place, and those events have generally pertained to the Jewish people. We have 1967 (seven year war), 1948 (establishment of Israel), and 1492 ("discovery" of America, last year of the Spanish inquisition which forced all Jews from Spain). This year all four blood moons will fall directly on/during Jewish holidays.

I find the coincidences neat, but still coincidences. However.. anyone think something crazy might happen this time around?

That is interesting. 'something crazy' seems to happen every day--but yes, I don't discount planetary influences--not sure of how that might work but have heard some credible theories about this.

What is a Blood Moon? | Human World | EarthSky

Yea, I'm not really one of those planetary alignment guys, however the events/coincidences are interesting here.
Granny out onna front porch with her bags packed, waitin' for the Rapture...

Rare 'supermoon' eclipse to unfold Sunday night
25 Sept.`15 - Sky-watchers around the world are in for a treat Sunday night and Monday when the shadow of Earth casts a reddish glow on the moon, the result of rare combination of an eclipse with the closest full moon of the year.
The total "supermoon" lunar eclipse, also known as a "blood moon" is one that appears bigger and brighter than usual as it reaches the point in its orbit that is closest to Earth. "There’s no physical difference in the moon. It just appears slightly bigger in the sky," planetary geologist Noah Petro, with NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, said.

If skies are clear, the phenomenon will be visible from North and South America, Europe, Africa and parts of West Asia and the eastern Pacific. In the United States, the eclipse begins at 8:11 p.m. EDT. The total eclipse starts two hours later and lasts for one hour and 12 minutes. It has been more than 30 years since a supermoon combined with a lunar eclipse, said NASA. The next total lunar eclipse will not be until 2018. The next supermoon-lunar eclipse combination will not happen until 2033.

For more than an hour Sunday night, Earth’s shadow will blanket the full moon as the planet passes between the sun and the moon. The brilliant white glow of the moon will slowly transform into a dim red. The coloring is caused by Earth’s atmosphere scattering sunlight into the shadow. Because the moon is not perfectly round, its distance from Earth varies by about 31,000 miles (49,900 km) as it circles around the planet every 27 days.

At its closest point, known as perigee, the moon comes as close as 225,622 miles (363,104 km) from Earth. At apogee, the most distant point, the moon is 252,088 miles (406,696 km) away.

Rare 'supermoon' eclipse to unfold Sunday night

See also:

Is the Coming ‘Blood Moon’ a Biblical Sign From God That Something Earth-Shattering Is About to Happen to Israel?
Sep. 25, 2015 - This Sunday night will mark the fourth and final “blood moon” in a series of four total lunar eclipses over the past two years that some Bible experts view as prophetic signs from God.
The theological proposals behind the “blood moon” phenomenon are nothing new, having gained support and attracted debate over the years. The notion is based on the idea that a tetrad — a rare series of four total lunar eclipses that occur over two-year periods — could indicate that something profound is about to happen involving the state of Israel. “God is trying to tell us something!” Texas pastor John Hagee, an advocate of the theory and the author of the 2013 book, ”Four Blood Moons: Something Is About to Change,” said in a statement this week.


The moon glows a red hue during a total lunar eclipse, April 15, 2014, as seen from the Milwaukee area.

This fourth blood moon is part of the last tetrad of this kind in the 21st century; it is slated to unfold overnight from Sept. 27 into the early morning hours of Sept. 28. As TheBlaze has previously reported, Hagee has explained that “blood moons” are named for the reddish color that results when the Earth comes between the sun and moon.


The blood moon was not visible from Israel on April 14.

It gets a bit complicated, but to boil Hagee’s theory down down: He contends that these purported messages from God are coming through tetrads that involve four separate blood moons all falling on Jewish holidays. “It is rare that scripture, science and history align with each other, yet the last three series of four blood moons have done exactly that,” reads a description of Hagee’s latest book. ”Just as in biblical times, God is controlling the sun, the moon and the stars to send our generation a signal that something big is about to happen.”


In a 2013 interview with TheBlaze, Hagee said that the premise of his theory is “confirmed by NASA” data. He argued that a series of four blood moons have appeared on Passover and Sukkot — also known as Feast of Tabernacles — during the period of two consecutive years only a few times in history; Passover celebrates the Jews’ liberation from Egyptian slavery and Sukkot commemorates the Jews’ 40-year wandering in the desert. And each time, Hagee said, something significant has happened concerning the Jewish people. “This has happened only three times in over 500 years, so it’s a very rare thing,” Hagee said, adding that the dates during which the tetrads fell always began with “tears” and ended in “triumph.” The current tetrad includes blood moons that appeared on April 15, 2014; Oct. 8, 2014; and April 4, 2015, with the final event taking place on Sept. 28.

The Historical ‘Blood Moons’ Narrative

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