Rand Paul's below the belt ad hominem against Bill

Rand Paul Lobs Lewinsky Attack At Bill Clinton

Bill Clinton talks about the economy and this shithead brings up Lewinsky. Despite Clinton's marriage indiscretions, he left the White House with a budget surplus and not with a trillion dollar deficit, but since the shithead wants to use ad hominems, why should any voter trust a politician who accepts and refuses to return donations from white supremacists?

Right, Bill didn't say anything negative about Rand at all. And we know Jack Conway would never say anything below the belt about Rand, because he's strictly focused on the issues. He has to be, because he takes so many positions on every issue it'd be hard to keep that all straight.

Yeah Bill Clinton would NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVER say anything negative about someone that was in his way. Like dragging a dollar bill through a trailer park. Oh no Clinton Inc. would never say a thing like that.

Liberals are such hypocrites.


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