Rand Paul trolls Marco Rubio on Twitter


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
The 2016 race just got interesting for the Republicans

"Sen. Rand Paul took a shot at his colleague, Sen. Marco Rubio, on Twitter, slamming the Florida Republican for an isolationist view on Cuba.

“Senator @marcorubio is acting like an isolationist who wants to retreat to our borders and perhaps build a moat. I reject this isolationism,” Mr. Paul tweeted."

Read more: Rand Paul trolls Marco Rubio on Twitter as Cuba feud turns nasty - Washington Times
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Rand Paul trolls Marco Rubio on Twitter as Cuba feud turns nasty - Washington Times
That's a pretty odd statement from someone who is supposed to be a libertarian.
Rand Paul isn't listing to what Rubio is saying either.
Notice that they did not post any of Rubio's tweets.
It is a one sided report.
I'm surprised that Paul would want to cozy up to Communist Cuba. I generally support Paul on most issues but not in this instance. If I had to choose between "isolationism" and "globalism/communism/one-worldism" I'd choose the former.
Ya, Rubio is a liar. We know why he plays this gig:

He was the “son of exiles,” he told audiences, Cuban Americans forced off their beloved island after “a thug,” Fidel Castro, took power.
But a review of documents — including naturalization papers and other official records — reveals that the Florida Republican’s account embellishes the facts. The documents show that Rubio’s parents came to the United States and were admitted for permanent residence more than two-and-a-half years before Castro’s forces overthrew the Cuban government and took power on New Year’s Day 1959.

The supposed flight of Rubio’s parents has been at the core of the young senator’s political identity, both before and after his stunning tea-party-propelled victory in last year’s Senate election. Rubio — now considered a prospective 2012 Republican vice presidential candidate and a possible future presidential contender — mentions his parents in the second sentence of the official biography on his Senate Web site. It says that Mario and Oriales Rubio “came to America following Fidel Castro’s takeover.”
Marco Rubio s compelling family story embellishes facts documents show - The Washington Post

All things considered he could have slammed him a hell of a lot harder and I am not a Rand fan. At all.
I'm surprised that Paul would want to cozy up to Communist Cuba. I generally support Paul on most issues but not in this instance. If I had to choose between "isolationism" and "globalism/communism/one-worldism" I'd choose the former.

Paul isn't cozying up to Cuba, he is cozying up to Wall St.
I'm surprised that Paul would want to cozy up to Communist Cuba. I generally support Paul on most issues but not in this instance. If I had to choose between "isolationism" and "globalism/communism/one-worldism" I'd choose the former.

Paul isn't cozying up to Cuba, he is cozying up to Wall St.

He's been in Washington for too long so he's cozying up to the wrong people.
I'm surprised that Paul would want to cozy up to Communist Cuba. I generally support Paul on most issues but not in this instance. If I had to choose between "isolationism" and "globalism/communism/one-worldism" I'd choose the former.

Globalism is a corporatist phenomenon. It's big multi-national corporations that want to take away your nation, not "communists".

I'm sorry you are too stupid to realize that.
Rand is right, the Cuba embargo is stupid and should have been dropped a long time ago.
Ya, Rubio is a liar. We know why he plays this gig:

He was the “son of exiles,” he told audiences, Cuban Americans forced off their beloved island after “a thug,” Fidel Castro, took power.
But a review of documents — including naturalization papers and other official records — reveals that the Florida Republican’s account embellishes the facts. The documents show that Rubio’s parents came to the United States and were admitted for permanent residence more than two-and-a-half years before Castro’s forces overthrew the Cuban government and took power on New Year’s Day 1959.

The supposed flight of Rubio’s parents has been at the core of the young senator’s political identity, both before and after his stunning tea-party-propelled victory in last year’s Senate election. Rubio — now considered a prospective 2012 Republican vice presidential candidate and a possible future presidential contender — mentions his parents in the second sentence of the official biography on his Senate Web site. It says that Mario and Oriales Rubio “came to America following Fidel Castro’s takeover.”
Marco Rubio s compelling family story embellishes facts documents show - The Washington Post

All things considered he could have slammed him a hell of a lot harder and I am not a Rand fan. At all.

It's too bad that the papers do not do this same type of investigating reporting with the Democrats.
It isn't about when they arrived, it's about why they had to stay in America.
Rand is right, the Cuba embargo is stupid and should have been dropped a long time ago.
It's the last treasured remnant of the cold war, a nostalgic time for some who miss the days when geopolitics were simpler and more sharply defined. We declared the cold war over a long time ago yet we have held on to the Cuba embargo for so long that it does more to prop up the Castro government than hurt them. They always have a handy scapegoat for a bad economy, I say we need to take away their excuse and quit punishing the Cubans for shit that happened before most of them were born.
50+ years of a failed embargo has accomplished nothing.

Nixon opened up China and it is moving away from Communism and towards capitalism.

Cuba will embrace capitalism in a heartbeat if given the chance. Communism in Cuba will be gone within a decade or two at the most because of this smart move by Obama.
50+ years of a failed embargo has accomplished nothing.

Nixon opened up China and it is moving away from Communism and towards capitalism.

Cuba will embrace capitalism in a heartbeat if given the chance. Communism in Cuba will be gone within a decade or two at the most because of this smart move by Obama.

Incorrect, as per usual.

There are NO CAPITALISTS countries on the face of mother earth.

China moved towards MERCANTILISM not Capitalism. Mercantilism is a form of fascism.

Rand Paul's deliberate mischaracterization of Rubio's position on Cuba as "isolationism" just lost him credibility as a serious Presidential candidate. As any high school student should know, Isolationism is a policy of not getting involved in disputes between other countries (e.g., pre-WW2). It has nothing to do with whether we grant diplomatic recognition to another country.

Personally, I believe that Obama's actions only add to the credibility and stature of the Castro regime. I do not understand why these actions needed to be taken NOW, when the Castro's will be gone in just a few more years. Is this another example of Obama massaging his own ego?
50+ years of a failed embargo has accomplished nothing.

Nixon opened up China and it is moving away from Communism and towards capitalism.

Cuba will embrace capitalism in a heartbeat if given the chance. Communism in Cuba will be gone within a decade or two at the most because of this smart move by Obama.

Incorrect, as per usual.

There are NO CAPITALISTS countries on the face of mother earth.

China moved towards MERCANTILISM not Capitalism. Mercantilism is a form of fascism.



Ah, fuck it. It's you, why bother?
It's too bad that the papers do not do this same type of investigating reporting with the Democrats.
It isn't about when they arrived, it's about why they had to stay in America.

Yeah the media really ignored all that stuff about Obama's birth certificate.
I agree with Paul on this one. Isolating Cuba for 50 years has accomplished nothing.

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