Rand Paul files bills that take


Defend Liberty
Aug 27, 2008
TSA critics have their champion: Sen. Rand Paul has dropped a pair of bills that would essentially end the agency as Americans know it.

The Kentucky Republican introduced legislation that would gut the Transportation Security Administration’s government-operated screening program and establish a passenger bill of rights. One bill would require that the mostly federalized program be turned over to private screeners and allow airports — with Department of Homeland Security approval — to select companies to handle the work.

The second bill would permit travelers to opt out of pat-downs and be rescreened, allow them to call a lawyer when detained, increase the role of dogs in explosive detection, let passengers “appropriately object to mistreatment,” allow children 12 years old and younger to avoid “unnecessary pat-downs” and require the distribution of the new rights at airports.

Rand Paul files bills that take aim at TSA - Burgess Everett - POLITICO.com

The first bill they describe strikes me as being mostly pointless, but the second bill is certainly a step in the right direction.
Not a single other member of congress would have had the audacity to introduce legislation like this, but nonetheless I'm supposed to be OUTRAGED that he endorsed Romney :rolleyes:
All the more reason for Rand to make a few inroads with some of his more establishment colleagues.

If he thinks endorsing some of those losers will help him push his agendas then I say more power to him.
Not a single other member of congress would have had the audacity to introduce legislation like this, but nonetheless I'm supposed to be OUTRAGED that he endorsed Romney :rolleyes:

Right. These bills are clearly the work of a traitor.
Good for Rand on this, however he knows they are going nowhere and so do his collegues.
Just a statement at this point, nothing more.
Good for Rand on this, however he knows they are going nowhere and so do his collegues.
Just a statement at this point, nothing more.

The TSA is hugely unpopular. There's plenty of potential for constituent demand to sign on to this in all states, so that being the case I would say this is a great move. It's got to start somewhere.
Wow. Rather than “abolishing” the TSA, as Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) was promising to do just a few weeks ago, he’s now seeking to “privatize” it – not only a bait-and-switch but exactly the non-solution for which Rep[rehensible] John Mica (R-Fl) is crusading. One of the two bills Rand’s introduced “would require that the mostly federalized program be turned over to private screeners and allow airports — with Department of Homeland Security approval — to select companies to handle the work.” Whether it’s Mica’s or Rand’s proposal, both leave the Feds in charge of bungling security at airports. Yes, the deviants pawing you at checkpoints will receive their paychecks – which your taxes will continue to finance – from “private” companies, but the TSA (or, per Rand’s bill, its über-bureaucracy, the DHS) will dictate every move they make, from groping you to stealing your mouthwash.

Some airports already sexually assault passengers under this “private-public partnership” (when foreign governments practice this arrangement, we call it “fascism”). San Francisco’s is one of them. If you’ve ever flown through there, you can testify that from the passenger’s standpoint, there’s absolutely no difference whether Uncle Sam or a “private” company taking detailed orders from Uncle Sam employs the deviant with his hands down your pants.

No wonder the second bill Rand’s offering would “establish a passenger bill of rights.” Um, Rand? We already have a Bill of Rights; it's appended to the US Constitution, which never, ever even remotely allows the Feds to interfere with our travels in any way, let alone gate-rape us at airports. Indeed, its Fourth Amendment specifically prohibits “unreasonable search” – and believe me, the TSA’s searches are as unreasonable as they get. No other regime anywhere at any time, no matter how brutal or totalitarian, has sexually molested its citizenry as a condition of travel.

Rand, no offense, but I’ll take that Bill of Rights over yours any day. Geez, guy, get with the program.

He's On a Losing Streak « LewRockwell.com Blog

I agree regarding the first bill, but the second bill does strike me as being useful. You can object to it being called a "passenger bill of rights," but if they're going to ignore the actual Bill of Rights then something else has to be done.
He wouldn't consider working for JOBS.

Little twerp got his feelings hurt so he's going to whine about it and cost the taxpayers to do it.


I am so sick of the dam R's being against the US and against the US working class.
He wouldn't consider working for JOBS.

Little twerp got his feelings hurt so he's going to whine about it and cost the taxpayers to do it.


I am so sick of the dam R's being against the US and against the US working class.


What in the world are you talking about?
TSA critics have their champion: Sen. Rand Paul has dropped a pair of bills that would essentially end the agency as Americans know it.

The Kentucky Republican introduced legislation that would gut the Transportation Security Administration’s government-operated screening program and establish a passenger bill of rights. One bill would require that the mostly federalized program be turned over to private screeners and allow airports — with Department of Homeland Security approval — to select companies to handle the work.

The second bill would permit travelers to opt out of pat-downs and be rescreened, allow them to call a lawyer when detained, increase the role of dogs in explosive detection, let passengers “appropriately object to mistreatment,” allow children 12 years old and younger to avoid “unnecessary pat-downs” and require the distribution of the new rights at airports.

Rand Paul files bills that take aim at TSA - Burgess Everett - POLITICO.com

The first bill they describe strikes me as being mostly pointless, but the second bill is certainly a step in the right direction.

The TSA is as treasonous as the patriot act and has not done anything but harass innocent citizens and their children at the cost of billions of taxpayer dollars.

The government has always backed claimed airport security is the job of the airlines not the government until Bush and his 9/11 that destroyed our economy.

Americans have become so dunbed down by gpvernment propaganda now that they would easily walk into a gas chamber and say they were being patriotic.
He wouldn't consider working for JOBS.

Little twerp got his feelings hurt so he's going to whine about it and cost the taxpayers to do it.


I am so sick of the dam R's being against the US and against the US working class.
The JOB the TSA is doing are unauthorized 4th Amendment Searches.

If the Airline wanted to search you they could. But since it's govt TSA workers they can't.

(Waiting for Luddite to claim it's not an illegal search and that TSA has authority)

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