Rampaging Muslim Protests Spread To Australia


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Rampaging Muslim Protests Spread To Australia, Salafists In Violent Clashes With Police Officers…



You expect this kind of thing to happen in the “multicultural” UK, but Australia?

Riot police have clashed with about 200 protesters who rallied in downtown Sydney as part of global demonstrations against an anti-Muslim film produced in the United States.

Local media reported a policeman had been knocked unconscious and said several people were injured among the mostly male crowd on Saturday that targeted the US Consulate.

Police used pepper spray against protesters, some of whom carried signs reading: “Obama, Obama, we love Osama.”

Rampaging Muslim Protests Spread To Australia, Salafists In Violent Clashes With Police Officers… | Weasel Zippers
Anti-American protests are taking place not only in Muslim countries.

China is rocked by anti-US demonstrations "Pay your debts!" and "Stop imperialism!"
lol and little children-----drag along with their depraved parents in mecca and chant for their "god" DEATH TO AMERICA
i am so impressed

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