Ramirez: Media bias toward Obama a national scandal


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
Excellent article. The cartoon is great but I heard it suggested that there should have been a companion cartoon showing the lapdog pissing on Romney's leg.

Michael Ramirez usually lets his editorial cartoons do the speaking at Investors Business Daily, but today he takes pen to paper in an entirely different medium — a column — to vent his frustration over media bias. While the national media focus relentlessly on issues like Mitt Romney’s taxes and business deals from two decades ago, they pay little attention to mundane trivialities such as millions of Americans falling out of the workforce. Picking up on Jake Tapper’s observation that the media is failing the country on economics, Ramirez argues that the failing is deliberate narrative-building for the incumbent:

ABC’s Tapper criticized the media for not covering the economy more.

“A lot of people are hurting out there,” he said. “Unemployment is 8.3%. That doesn’t even take into account the underemployed.”

In recent polls, the most important issue to Americans continues to be the economy and jobs. What’s not being reported is that there are fewer people employed today than at the end of the last recession — the longest spell without net jobs growth since at least World War II.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, at the end of the recession 59.4% of Americans had jobs. That’s just 58.4% today. …

The media’s No. 1 job should be to cover the substantive issues of this campaign without regard to party affiliation or philosophical bias.

That it’s now acceptable for many in the media to flaunt their bias should be, to use Joe Biden’s words, “a big f-ing deal.” Sadly, it isn’t.
Ramirez: Media bias toward Obama a national scandal « Hot Air
I don't see a difference any more between the US media and Pravda. Just different rulers.
The starkness of the contrast between today's two candidates is astounding, like the difference between night and day: The Capitalist and the Communist. In the old America this never would have come to pass. My wife had to deal with a couple a few days ago that escaped from an Iron Curtain country before the Iron Curtain came down. This couple vehemently vilified Obama as nothing more than an old style Communist.
"These Americans today have no idea of what life under Communism is like. How would you like the Government telling you what to eat, what to do, even where to live, work, and sleep!"
Perhaps that's why the America of old responded so harshly and definitively to the threat of European and Asian tyranny and despotism when it reared its ugly head 71 years ago. The memory of their own escape from tyranny and despotism was still freshly embedded in their consciousness whereas, today, its a distant hazy phenomena unfamiliar to most Americans.
Historically, there's one thing to point out that occurs whenever Communists take over a country's government. The Communists usually find it necessary to kill off most of the Capitalist or property owning classes: ie China's Great Leaps Forward, the Cambodian Killing Fields, the Soviet Unions Siberian Gulags. A few lucky individuals escape with their lives by undergoing some sort of re education program.
The Secret Service is an amazingly efficient, superlative operation. The proof of that is simply the continued hale, hearty, and healthy existence of the Communist. It's simply amazing that no one's managed to even get off a round.
The starkness of the contrast between today's two candidates is astounding, like the difference between night and day: The Capitalist and the Communist. In the old America this never would have come to pass. My wife had to deal with a couple a few days ago that escaped from an Iron Curtain country before the Iron Curtain came down. This couple vehemently vilified Obama as nothing more than an old style Communist.
"These Americans today have no idea of what life under Communism is like. How would you like the Government telling you what to eat, what to do, even where to live, work, and sleep!"
Perhaps that's why the America of old responded so harshly and definitively to the threat of European and Asian tyranny and despotism when it reared its ugly head 71 years ago. The memory of their own escape from tyranny and despotism was still freshly embedded in their consciousness whereas, today, its a distant hazy phenomena unfamiliar to most Americans.
Historically, there's one thing to point out that occurs whenever Communists take over a country's government. The Communists usually find it necessary to kill off most of the Capitalist or property owning classes: ie China's Great Leaps Forward, the Cambodian Killing Fields, the Soviet Unions Siberian Gulags. A few lucky individuals escape with their lives by undergoing some sort of re education program.
The Secret Service is an amazingly efficient, superlative operation. The proof of that is simply the continued hale, hearty, and healthy existence of the Communist. It's simply amazing that no one's managed to even get off a round.

Yes we can't wait to start killing the owning classes.:mad: Seriously, if Obama is a commie then he is the worst commie in the history of the world. Communist love when the dow jones goes from 7000 points to 14000, right? Hell, even Obamacare was a huge boondoggle for private insurance companies. If the size, price and invasiveness of the government make one a Communist, then Obama is a Communist like Reagan, Bush II, and Richard Nixon.
Agree, the media has a vested interest, from a political and philosophical stand point, in ignoring the economy in the hopes of seeing the current administration continue for another four years. Sad to think how mainstream media could be so jaded, consider one fact, those that work in media have a long history of reporting their interpretation of fact to promote the reporters agenda which is why the IBD, WSJ, and Fox news have been so successful and survived the transition from printed and broadcast media to the internet age a blog's et.al. Interesting quote by Kennedy in that is discloses his hidden fear of social unrest and belief that if you through a few scraps to the masses it will preserve his privileged position in society. Sad to think opportunity has been replaced by mediocrity and dependency in the name of preservation of the status quo. Fact remains, the definition of a liberal is very rich, or very poor without the resolve to better ones station in life.

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