Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear raises big money. Who gets it?

The Restore the Sanity rally was a Klan Rally of angry white racist!

This guy tells it like it is

This guy is a huge racist himself. That as many black people chose not to go is not these white peoples' fault who went, or indicative of the intent of the rally. The people came are the people who wanted to come and who probably watch the show. That is it. I highly doubt that as many black people watch the Daily Show, because African-American sub-cultures usually chose not to take part in things 'considered' as part of white culture, because they have, and still are, trying to make their own culture to stand apart from the white culture many feel have wronged them for so many years, and I can empathize with that, being a whitey myself. I'm not saying all blacks, but, I live in a mostly African-American, lower income part of Brooklyn, NY (Bed-Stuy), newly moved here from where I grew up- an affluent mostly white town. I feel like the only white person when walking around the streets, which is fine with me. I chose to live here. The people I live with have probably never even heard of the Daily Show, because they really don't care, and I'm not saying I blame them, I'm just saying that's the reality. I am not trying to be racist. If it seems that way, it is because that is the reality of our culture as a whole, so, don't put that on me. If liberal whites ever speak the truth about the inherent racism in our culture, right wingers try to call us racist and then decry themselves being called racists, the irony being it is their policies and views that wish to perpetuate racial lines so they can retain the money and power in this society. Whites have money, therefore by logical necessity, because money is a scarce resource, everyone else doesn't. Of course I'm not saying all whites, but most of the super rich are most probably white and as you go down the ladder, more and more become African American-hispanic (any minorities), until you hit the poorest of the poor, in which most are now minorities. The socio-economic lines are so well split among skin color, it's almost a clear distinction, and it's disgusting. I worked communitiy service in Boston in underprivileged communities, where everyone we interacted with was African-American/hispanic, and there was a clearly defined marker line- a railway track (The Green line C train), that divided an extremely rich (Brighton), mostly white neighborhood, from a low income, mostly African-American/hispanic neighborhood where I worked (Jamaica Plains). It was disgusting to see such clearly divided socio-economic lines along a geographical marker. So... being that White culture in the media is currently this society's current predominant culture, because whites still have all the power and money, when they have 'rallies' around a show on Comedy Central, don't be so surprised when mostly whites show up. Stupid fucking video from an asshole who himself, probably hates white people and wants to stir black sentiment just so he can be considered cool.
I really have to laugh my ass off when black people say "I don'e want to sound racist"...What they really mean is " Yeah, I hate white people because they are victimizing me or because of many decades of past racism" or some other nonsense.
I once watched this panel discussion moderated by Ted Koppel. There was a blcak guy on the panel who's name escapes me said "black people are not racist, we are angry"..Horsehit.
Black people can be every bit as racist or even more than any other race.
In fact if one googles "black self segregation" they can find reems of information on how black people across all economic lines desire to live and associate with black people. And this is almost to the point of exclusivity. In a round about way that can be construed as racist.
Additonally, the lables placed by blacks and self hating white liberals on certain aspects of housing.
For example, when a neighborhood becomes integrated, meaning people of color move in
that is refered to as "progress" which holds a positive connotation...However when white people move into a predominatly black neighborhood, that is called "gentirfication" which the liberal circles hold in a negative regard.
I am so jaded and disgusted with hypesensitivity of PC protected classes, that when I read or hear the word racist or racism , I equate it with the annoying sound of a random car alarm blurring away in the mall parking lot.

First, I am white, as I am said, so I am a not a black person saying "I don't want to sound racist," so please read a little more carefully next time.

You don't think black people have a right to be angry? You really are self-righteous about being white, and egotistical too. I actually feel sorry for you that you can't for one second try to relate to someone elses situation ever- try putting yourself in someone elses shoes for ONCE, and see how you feel. Try actually imagining that you grew up black in America. I don't think you can do it, but that's my challenge to you, for two minutes, with sincerity. Go for it, and make it as real as you possibly can. I doubt you will even let yourself.

Every heard the phrase 'don't judge somone until you've walked a mile in their shoes'? Well, that applies here.

That people want to live with, be around, or socialize among people of their own skin color is racist? Well, then damn, everybody is racist by that definition. I think it's human nature to want to be in a place that is comfortable, and people tend to stick to their own skin color, that's true. But, that's not out of RACISM as you say. That's just people who are uncomfortable with themselves for whatever reason trying to find safety.

Let me get this straight: You think that by white people moving in to a black, poor neighborhood, that's a good thing? There is a shortage of low income housing in this country. You know that right?

I think what you are missing is the basic idea is that the white people ARE THE ESTABLISHMENT. We always have been since we founded this country, so don't act like a fucking victim, EVER. It's PATHETIC. Black people were literally shipped, back during the inception of our country, to work our fields as slaves, so we could profit freely from their labor for YEARS, and the racism still exists. We OWE SO much of this country to their labor, because it was that revenue off of the crops that they worked on that gave this country its start, yet, we still spit in their face. It's so weak. If anything, we OWE them a huge thanks for everything. Now, we are basically kicking them out of their own neighborhoods, because we have more money, and you thinks that's okay? You're an asshole dude. You don't care about anybody except yourself, and white people, because you don't like competition. If you can cut out the blacks on the basis of skin color, that's much less competition to worry about for you to get your coin. That's fucking weak.
The Restore the Sanity rally was a Klan Rally of angry white racist!

This guy tells it like it is

This guy is a huge racist himself. That as many black people chose not to go is not these white peoples' fault who went, or indicative of the intent of the rally. The people came are the people who wanted to come and who probably watch the show. That is it. I highly doubt that as many black people watch the Daily Show, because African-American sub-cultures usually chose not to take part in things 'considered' as part of white culture, because they have, and still are, trying to make their own culture to stand apart from the white culture many feel have wronged them for so many years, and I can empathize with that, being a whitey myself. I'm not saying all blacks, but, I live in a mostly African-American, lower income part of Brooklyn, NY (Bed-Stuy), newly moved here from where I grew up- an affluent mostly white town. I feel like the only white person when walking around the streets, which is fine with me. I chose to live here. The people I live with have probably never even heard of the Daily Show, because they really don't care, and I'm not saying I blame them, I'm just saying that's the reality. I am not trying to be racist. If it seems that way, it is because that is the reality of our culture as a whole, so, don't put that on me. If liberal whites ever speak the truth about the inherent racism in our culture, right wingers try to call us racist and then decry themselves being called racists, the irony being it is their policies and views that wish to perpetuate racial lines so they can retain the money and power in this society. Whites have money, therefore by logical necessity, because money is a scarce resource, everyone else doesn't. Of course I'm not saying all whites, but most of the super rich are most probably white and as you go down the ladder, more and more become African American-hispanic (any minorities), until you hit the poorest of the poor, in which most are now minorities. The socio-economic lines are so well split among skin color, it's almost a clear distinction, and it's disgusting. I worked communitiy service in Boston in underprivileged communities, where everyone we interacted with was African-American/hispanic, and there was a clearly defined marker line- a railway track (The Green line C train), that divided an extremely rich (Brighton), mostly white neighborhood, from a low income, mostly African-American/hispanic neighborhood where I worked (Jamaica Plains). It was disgusting to see such clearly divided socio-economic lines along a geographical marker. So... being that White culture in the media is currently this society's current predominant culture, because whites still have all the power and money, when they have 'rallies' around a show on Comedy Central, don't be so surprised when mostly whites show up. Stupid fucking video from an asshole who himself, probably hates white people and wants to stir black sentiment just so he can be considered cool.

It is always a double standard with you Obamatards. TEA Party is racist but Democrats & Blacks never are when they act exactly the same.

what is a double standard? I didn't say anything that was racist. I only attempted to describe the complex social dynamics that are, despite attempts to deny it by right wingers who all of a sudden want to be PC, very influenced by institutionalized racist trends that run deep in our society, and aren't necessarily anyone's fault who isn't a skin head, but it needs to be recognized if it is to get better.
This guy is a huge racist himself. That as many black people chose not to go is not these white peoples' fault who went, or indicative of the intent of the rally. The people came are the people who wanted to come and who probably watch the show. That is it. I highly doubt that as many black people watch the Daily Show, because African-American sub-cultures usually chose not to take part in things 'considered' as part of white culture, because they have, and still are, trying to make their own culture to stand apart from the white culture many feel have wronged them for so many years, and I can empathize with that, being a whitey myself. I'm not saying all blacks, but, I live in a mostly African-American, lower income part of Brooklyn, NY (Bed-Stuy), newly moved here from where I grew up- an affluent mostly white town. I feel like the only white person when walking around the streets, which is fine with me. I chose to live here. The people I live with have probably never even heard of the Daily Show, because they really don't care, and I'm not saying I blame them, I'm just saying that's the reality. I am not trying to be racist. If it seems that way, it is because that is the reality of our culture as a whole, so, don't put that on me. If liberal whites ever speak the truth about the inherent racism in our culture, right wingers try to call us racist and then decry themselves being called racists, the irony being it is their policies and views that wish to perpetuate racial lines so they can retain the money and power in this society. Whites have money, therefore by logical necessity, because money is a scarce resource, everyone else doesn't. Of course I'm not saying all whites, but most of the super rich are most probably white and as you go down the ladder, more and more become African American-hispanic (any minorities), until you hit the poorest of the poor, in which most are now minorities. The socio-economic lines are so well split among skin color, it's almost a clear distinction, and it's disgusting. I worked communitiy service in Boston in underprivileged communities, where everyone we interacted with was African-American/hispanic, and there was a clearly defined marker line- a railway track (The Green line C train), that divided an extremely rich (Brighton), mostly white neighborhood, from a low income, mostly African-American/hispanic neighborhood where I worked (Jamaica Plains). It was disgusting to see such clearly divided socio-economic lines along a geographical marker. So... being that White culture in the media is currently this society's current predominant culture, because whites still have all the power and money, when they have 'rallies' around a show on Comedy Central, don't be so surprised when mostly whites show up. Stupid fucking video from an asshole who himself, probably hates white people and wants to stir black sentiment just so he can be considered cool.
I really have to laugh my ass off when black people say "I don'e want to sound racist"...What they really mean is " Yeah, I hate white people because they are victimizing me or because of many decades of past racism" or some other nonsense.
I once watched this panel discussion moderated by Ted Koppel. There was a blcak guy on the panel who's name escapes me said "black people are not racist, we are angry"..Horsehit.
Black people can be every bit as racist or even more than any other race.
In fact if one googles "black self segregation" they can find reems of information on how black people across all economic lines desire to live and associate with black people. And this is almost to the point of exclusivity. In a round about way that can be construed as racist.
Additonally, the lables placed by blacks and self hating white liberals on certain aspects of housing.
For example, when a neighborhood becomes integrated, meaning people of color move in
that is refered to as "progress" which holds a positive connotation...However when white people move into a predominatly black neighborhood, that is called "gentirfication" which the liberal circles hold in a negative regard.
I am so jaded and disgusted with hypesensitivity of PC protected classes, that when I read or hear the word racist or racism , I equate it with the annoying sound of a random car alarm blurring away in the mall parking lot.

First, I am white, as I am said, so I am a not a black person saying "I don't want to sound racist," so please read a little more carefully next time.

You don't think black people have a right to be angry? You really are self-righteous about being white, and egotistical too. I actually feel sorry for you that you can't for one second try to relate to someone elses situation ever- try putting yourself in someone elses shoes for ONCE, and see how you feel. Try actually imagining that you grew up black in America. I don't think you can do it, but that's my challenge to you, for two minutes, with sincerity. Go for it, and make it as real as you possibly can. I doubt you will even let yourself.

Every heard the phrase 'don't judge somone until you've walked a mile in their shoes'? Well, that applies here.

That people want to live with, be around, or socialize among people of their own skin color is racist? Well, then damn, everybody is racist by that definition. I think it's human nature to want to be in a place that is comfortable, and people tend to stick to their own skin color, that's true. But, that's not out of RACISM as you say. That's just people who are uncomfortable with themselves for whatever reason trying to find safety.

Let me get this straight: You think that by white people moving in to a black, poor neighborhood, that's a good thing? There is a shortage of low income housing in this country. You know that right?

I think what you are missing is the basic idea is that the white people ARE THE ESTABLISHMENT. We always have been since we founded this country, so don't act like a fucking victim, EVER. It's PATHETIC. Black people were literally shipped, back during the inception of our country, to work our fields as slaves, so we could profit freely from their labor for YEARS, and the racism still exists. We OWE SO much of this country to their labor, because it was that revenue off of the crops that they worked on that gave this country its start, yet, we still spit in their face. It's so weak. If anything, we OWE them a huge thanks for everything. Now, we are basically kicking them out of their own neighborhoods, because we have more money, and you thinks that's okay? You're an asshole dude. You don't care about anybody except yourself, and white people, because you don't like competition. If you can cut out the blacks on the basis of skin color, that's much less competition to worry about for you to get your coin. That's fucking weak.

You don't think black people have a right to be angry? You really are self-righteous about being white, and egotistical too.

The blacks oif the 60's had a right to be angry. But the blacks of now are walking on the path paid for by the blacks of the 60's so they do not have any right to be angry.

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