Raising “your” kids a job?


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

I never thought for one second that raising my children was a job. Picking cotton is a job. If my kids knew I felt raising them was a job it would be quite insulting to them. I don’t think my mother who also was teacher ever felt raising 8 children, 5 of her own and 3 adopted was a job
Depends on your difiniton of job, My Mom raised six of us, and four of us were down right hellions. My dad was at sea at lot, so yea I think my Mom did a hellva a job.

I never thought for one second that raising my children was a job. Picking cotton is a job. If my kids knew I felt raising them was a job it would be quite insulting to them. I don’t think my mother who also was teacher ever felt raising 8 children, 5 of her own and 3 adopted was a job

This is your argument? pointing and ------> :lol:
No. Raising your kids is work.

That's undisputable. If you didn't work, then you utterly failed your children and society.
I raised 3 kids alone and worked and raising my kids was a piece of cake compared to working a 9-5 job with an a** h**** like the federal government as a boss.

I wonder how Ann would feel if Mitt was not her boss? Boss with benefits?

Funny how some Democrats are distancing themselves from Rosen's words, while others are embracing them.

"Big tent", I guess.

Either way, I'll continue to push the "Rosen Rule": If you're not one of them, you can't talk about 'em, whomever they may be. You're just not qualified.

Too funny.


I never thought for one second that raising my children was a job. Picking cotton is a job. If my kids knew I felt raising them was a job it would be quite insulting to them. I don’t think my mother who also was teacher ever felt raising 8 children, 5 of her own and 3 adopted was a job

I've been waiting for some dumb bitch to wander in here with this hairsplitting bullshit, and here it is.

This is the kind of softheaded liberal mush passing for thought that gives us those wonderful children we all love to see in the restaurant when we go out to eat, screaming and throwing food while their imbecile mothers look on misty-eyed and talk about how "raising children isn't a job." Perhaps if these ignorant sluts TREATED it like a job, where you have an actual goal you're supposed to work at achieving, our society wouldn't be sliding into a giant cesspit of ill-mannered savagery.

Raising my children is my job; it is my responsibility; and doing it correctly requires WORK. The fact that I love my job and the children who comprise it changes that fact not at all.

If some dumb broad thinks "job" and "work" mean "things I really hate doing", perhaps that dumb broad ought to take it as a hint that having a career isn't for her and stay the hell home. Maybe then the rest of us wouldn't dread seeing her and her brood of vermin walking into the Panda Express next time.

I never thought for one second that raising my children was a job. Picking cotton is a job. If my kids knew I felt raising them was a job it would be quite insulting to them. I don’t think my mother who also was teacher ever felt raising 8 children, 5 of her own and 3 adopted was a job

the discussion at hand is the word "work" "Ann Romney never worked a day in her life." got it now fucktard? W O R K
I raised 3 kids alone and worked and raising my kids was a piece of cake compared to working a 9-5 job with an a** h**** like the federal government as a boss.

I wonder how Ann would feel if Mitt was not her boss? Boss with benefits?

I wonder why you're so hostile to Ann? Because she made better life choices vis a vis who to get knocked up by than you did? Don't hate her for being smarter.

I never thought for one second that raising my children was a job. Picking cotton is a job. If my kids knew I felt raising them was a job it would be quite insulting to them. I don’t think my mother who also was teacher ever felt raising 8 children, 5 of her own and 3 adopted was a job

I've been waiting for some dumb bitch to wander in here with this hairsplitting bullshit, and here it is.

This is the kind of softheaded liberal mush passing for thought that gives us those wonderful children we all love to see in the restaurant when we go out to eat, screaming and throwing food while their imbecile mothers look on misty-eyed and talk about how "raising children isn't a job." Perhaps if these ignorant sluts TREATED it like a job, where you have an actual goal you're supposed to work at achieving, our society wouldn't be sliding into a giant cesspit of ill-mannered savagery.

Raising my children is my job; it is my responsibility; and doing it correctly requires WORK. The fact that I love my job and the children who comprise it changes that fact not at all.

If some dumb broad thinks "job" and "work" mean "things I really hate doing", perhaps that dumb broad ought to take it as a hint that having a career isn't for her and stay the hell home. Maybe then the rest of us wouldn't dread seeing her and her brood of vermin walking into the Panda Express next time.

Sure must make your children feel good to know that you compare raising them a job.
Libs sure know how to give radical right wingers a booty itch. :D

And bitch you don't know me.

I never thought for one second that raising my children was a job. Picking cotton is a job.

Then maybe that's what you're best suited for.

When you lead with your chin........

I never thought for one second that raising my children was a job. Picking cotton is a job. If my kids knew I felt raising them was a job it would be quite insulting to them. I don’t think my mother who also was teacher ever felt raising 8 children, 5 of her own and 3 adopted was a job

If you mean a job in the sense that it is hard, does not pay, you hate it and is a pain in the ass, then no, it is not a job.

If you mean job in the sense that it is hard, does not pay, yet is rewarding on multiple levels and you could not imagine doing anything else.. then certainly it is a job.

I've held down two jobs ever since my first of three children was born. Father... and the other job that allows me monetarily to BE a father. I love them both, but the FATHER job is much more fun and rewarding.

I never thought for one second that raising my children was a job. Picking cotton is a job. If my kids knew I felt raising them was a job it would be quite insulting to them. I don’t think my mother who also was teacher ever felt raising 8 children, 5 of her own and 3 adopted was a job

I've been waiting for some dumb bitch to wander in here with this hairsplitting bullshit, and here it is.

This is the kind of softheaded liberal mush passing for thought that gives us those wonderful children we all love to see in the restaurant when we go out to eat, screaming and throwing food while their imbecile mothers look on misty-eyed and talk about how "raising children isn't a job." Perhaps if these ignorant sluts TREATED it like a job, where you have an actual goal you're supposed to work at achieving, our society wouldn't be sliding into a giant cesspit of ill-mannered savagery.

Raising my children is my job; it is my responsibility; and doing it correctly requires WORK. The fact that I love my job and the children who comprise it changes that fact not at all.

If some dumb broad thinks "job" and "work" mean "things I really hate doing", perhaps that dumb broad ought to take it as a hint that having a career isn't for her and stay the hell home. Maybe then the rest of us wouldn't dread seeing her and her brood of vermin walking into the Panda Express next time.

Sure must make your children feel good to know that you compare raising them a job.
Libs sure know how to give radical right wingers a booty itch. :D

And bitch you don't know me.
My 11 year old asked me if raising three kids was a hard job. I said yes, but I wouldn't have wanted my life any other way. Made him very happy to know that even though raising him is hard, I would not want to NOT do it.

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