Raising posts from the dead

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
I was thinking about how upset I am about loosing all the posts I worked on today because the board crashed, actually hoping that one or two people would actually re post some of the stupid things they said, when I remembered that I use Lazarus. I was particularl


Thanks to the magic of Lazarus I have every single post I made today, I even have all the post I responded to. I can actually go back and look at every post I made anywhere for the last week. It can be set for longer than that, but I have never needed to go back more than a week.

Anyway, if anyone here wants a post they made that they thought was really good and they know I quoted it, I have it. I even have some posts some people might wish they had not made. I recommend Lazarus to everyone who has ever made a post and watch it disappear to the vagaries of the internet, which includes almost everyone on this board right now.
I was thinking about how upset I am about loosing all the posts I worked on today because the board crashed, actually hoping that one or two people would actually re post some of the stupid things they said, when I remembered that I use Lazarus. I was particularl


Thanks to the magic of Lazarus I have every single post I made today, I even have all the post I responded to. I can actually go back and look at every post I made anywhere for the last week. It can be set for longer than that, but I have never needed to go back more than a week.

Anyway, if anyone here wants a post they made that they thought was really good and they know I quoted it, I have it. I even have some posts some people might wish they had not made. I recommend Lazarus to everyone who has ever made a post and watch it disappear to the vagaries of the internet, which includes almost everyone on this board right now.

Lazarus deletes all my forms after five minutes.

I love Lazarus. I can't tell you how many times I've hit 'backspace' and gone back a page or closed the wrong tab and had Lazarus save me a headache.

+1 for lazarus
I was thinking about how upset I am about loosing all the posts I worked on today because the board crashed, actually hoping that one or two people would actually re post some of the stupid things they said, when I remembered that I use Lazarus. I was particularl


Thanks to the magic of Lazarus I have every single post I made today, I even have all the post I responded to. I can actually go back and look at every post I made anywhere for the last week. It can be set for longer than that, but I have never needed to go back more than a week.

Anyway, if anyone here wants a post they made that they thought was really good and they know I quoted it, I have it. I even have some posts some people might wish they had not made. I recommend Lazarus to everyone who has ever made a post and watch it disappear to the vagaries of the internet, which includes almost everyone on this board right now.

Lazarus deletes all my forms after five minutes.

I love Lazarus. I can't tell you how many times I've hit 'backspace' and gone back a page or closed the wrong tab and had Lazarus save me a headache.

+1 for lazarus

Hopefully USMB had it.
I was thinking about how upset I am about loosing all the posts I worked on today because the board crashed, actually hoping that one or two people would actually re post some of the stupid things they said, when I remembered that I use Lazarus. I was particularl


Thanks to the magic of Lazarus I have every single post I made today, I even have all the post I responded to. I can actually go back and look at every post I made anywhere for the last week. It can be set for longer than that, but I have never needed to go back more than a week.

Anyway, if anyone here wants a post they made that they thought was really good and they know I quoted it, I have it. I even have some posts some people might wish they had not made. I recommend Lazarus to everyone who has ever made a post and watch it disappear to the vagaries of the internet, which includes almost everyone on this board right now.

Lazarus deletes all my forms after five minutes.

I love Lazarus. I can't tell you how many times I've hit 'backspace' and gone back a page or closed the wrong tab and had Lazarus save me a headache.

+1 for lazarus

Hopefully USMB had it.
It seems we were brought back via a selective incremental backup, as I seem to recall this being an old sig- older than 2AM this morning, which is the last timestamp I saw on restored posts. Also, it looks like some settings regarding who was a mod and who was an admin were not up-to-date, though that might be intentional and not a result of the restore.
Lazarus deletes all my forms after five minutes.

I love Lazarus. I can't tell you how many times I've hit 'backspace' and gone back a page or closed the wrong tab and had Lazarus save me a headache.

+1 for lazarus

Hopefully USMB had it.
It seems we were brought back via a selective incremental backup, as I seem to recall this being an old sig- older than 2AM this morning, which is the last timestamp I saw on restored posts. Also, it looks like some settings regarding who was a mod and who was an admin were not up-to-date, though that might be intentional and not a result of the restore.

In English please ?
I was thinking about how upset I am about loosing all the posts I worked on today because the board crashed, actually hoping that one or two people would actually re post some of the stupid things they said, when I remembered that I use Lazarus. I was particularl


Thanks to the magic of Lazarus I have every single post I made today, I even have all the post I responded to. I can actually go back and look at every post I made anywhere for the last week. It can be set for longer than that, but I have never needed to go back more than a week.

Anyway, if anyone here wants a post they made that they thought was really good and they know I quoted it, I have it. I even have some posts some people might wish they had not made. I recommend Lazarus to everyone who has ever made a post and watch it disappear to the vagaries of the internet, which includes almost everyone on this board right now.

Lazarus deletes all my forms after five minutes.

I love Lazarus. I can't tell you how many times I've hit 'backspace' and gone back a page or closed the wrong tab and had Lazarus save me a headache.

+1 for lazarus

I prefer a longer period for things like today when the lost post is not due to me hitting the wrong button.
That sounds too complicated. I just installed a keylogger program on everyone's computer and have the logs sent to me twice a day. It's easier that way.
Don't do it...

... Mod got on me for it...

... not sp'osed to reply to posts more than 2 months old...

... even if its an update to a specific topic like a medical topic like ALS or MS that doesn't get a lot of webplay.
I find that most of the important things I have to say can always be said again if needed. I honestly don't feel any pain in losing postings on USMB. I know all the same topics come up over and over, and edits are always a good thing anyway. I just try to make sure in my mind I know what the hell I'm talking about when I write something. If I do, I don't have to worry about the perfect wording...it can only get better with practice.
Though it's rather a bummer I lost the spectacularly stupid comment of another poster that had just been added as my siggy. Oh well, it's only a matter of time before something just as moronic comes along. I'll bet he's relieved, though.
Though it's rather a bummer I lost the spectacularly stupid comment of another poster that had just been added as my siggy. Oh well, it's only a matter of time before something just as moronic comes along. I'll bet he's relieved, though.

Just look up a random TMN post .... you're sure to find an epic bit of stupidity.
I know, stupid people will always be around to say stupid things....and we'll always be able to look good next to them.
I was thinking about how upset I am about loosing all the posts I worked on today because the board crashed, actually hoping that one or two people would actually re post some of the stupid things they said, when I remembered that I use Lazarus. I was particularl


Thanks to the magic of Lazarus I have every single post I made today, I even have all the post I responded to. I can actually go back and look at every post I made anywhere for the last week. It can be set for longer than that, but I have never needed to go back more than a week.

Anyway, if anyone here wants a post they made that they thought was really good and they know I quoted it, I have it. I even have some posts some people might wish they had not made. I recommend Lazarus to everyone who has ever made a post and watch it disappear to the vagaries of the internet, which includes almost everyone on this board right now.

Hang on

What is that you are sayting?

You said...something...Important?


Who knew?



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