Raise the Union Jack - and wave it proudly


Senior Member
May 12, 2004
Enterprise, Alabama
Bayonet Brits kill 35 rebels
The Sun (UK) ^ | 5/16/04 | Unattributed

Posted on 05/16/2004 11:46:27 PM EDT by 1066AD

OUTNUMBERED British soldiers killed 35 Iraqi attackers in the Army's first
bayonet charge since the Falklands War 22 years ago. The fearless Argyll and
Sutherland Highlanders stormed rebel positions after being ambushed and
pinned down.

Despite being outnumbered five to one, they suffered only three minor wounds
in the hand-to-hand fighting near the city of Amara.

The battle erupted after Land Rovers carrying 20 Argylls came under attack
on a highway.

After radioing for back-up, they fixed bayonets and charged at 100 rebels
using tactics learned in drills.

When the fighting ended bodies lay all over the highway - and more were
floating in a nearby river. Nine rebels were captured.

An Army spokesman said: "This was an intense engagement."

The last bayonet charge was by the Scots Guards and the Paras against
Argentinian positions.

I had a blast during the period leading up to first Gulf War partying with some Highlanders in Bahrain when we were there for R&R.... it was a blast to say the least!

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