Raise A Toast To The People Of Afghanistan, American Forces & Allies


Senior Member
Jun 25, 2004
USS Abraham Lincoln
i post this here so as to semi-protect it from trolls

i want to offer a warm toast to the people of afghanistan, who just had free and fair elections (despite some problems that will work themselves out sooner than later) for the first time in decades. i sincerely hope that this is another major step towards peace and prosperity for them, a bright future for their young people and a boon to stability in the region and the greater world.

a toast to the american forces and their allies who liberated afghanistan from bin laden and the taliban. a death knell has been sounded for those still opposed to freedom and democracy in afghanistan with this vote. they will not win. our men and women are over there kicking terrorist and taliban ass and not giving up in the face of adversity. this is a hard earned victory that they deserve substantial credit for.

so with congratulations passed around for momentous achievement, let us hope and pray this is the first chapter in a new and prosperous Afghanistan.


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