Radical right evangelical spewing hate.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
By flipping the channel I happen to come across radical right wing evangelical Jack Van Impe spewing his anti-Obama hate and glorifying Israel and Jews using CBS to do it advertising another book “President of Change” which claim Obama has a plan to destroy this country with the help of radical Muslim for a “donation” of $24. Jack should be on the same long list of white hate groups. It is people like him that lead to division and the kind of radical right wing rhetoric like the million of American that believe Obama is a Muslim. A prime example of radical religion twisting the word of GOD to spew their hate. Jack is deliberately twist the word of GOD as to who the real Jews, Israel and Jerusalem really represent today and in the future. Their hate has blinded them so the truth cannot shine through. That same hate has infiltrated our political system.

This so-called religious program spews forth hate, fear and bigotry not peace, harmony and tolerance other religious programs promote.
Global breaking CAB Code of Ethics by airing Jack Van Impe Ministries' message of hate, fear and bigotry | rabble.ca

Dr. Jack Van Impe thinks President Obama is the Anti-Christ
Daily Kos: Dr. Jack Van Impe thinks President Obama is the Anti-Christ
Why are we not demanding Christians speak out against this kind of hate like we expect Islam to speak out against radical Islamic rhetoric?
Why are we not demanding Christians speak out against this kind of hate like we expect Islam to speak out against radical Islamic rhetoric?

Has he or any of his followers flown planes into buildings or strapped bombs on themselves and detonated said bombs in a crowded market?

There's quite the difference between saying goofy shit and killing thousands of people... but of course you know this.
By flipping the channel I happen to come across radical right wing evangelical Jack Van Impe spewing his anti-Obama hate and glorifying Israel and Jews using CBS to do it advertising another book “President of Change” which claim Obama has a plan to destroy this country with the help of radical Muslim for a “donation” of $24. Jack should be on the same long list of white hate groups. It is people like him that lead to division and the kind of radical right wing rhetoric like the million of American that believe Obama is a Muslim. A prime example of radical religion twisting the word of GOD to spew their hate. Jack is deliberately twist the word of GOD as to who the real Jews, Israel and Jerusalem really represent today and in the future. Their hate has blinded them so the truth cannot shine through. That same hate has infiltrated our political system.

This so-called religious program spews forth hate, fear and bigotry not peace, harmony and tolerance other religious programs promote.
Global breaking CAB Code of Ethics by airing Jack Van Impe Ministries' message of hate, fear and bigotry | rabble.ca

Dr. Jack Van Impe thinks President Obama is the Anti-Christ
Daily Kos: Dr. Jack Van Impe thinks President Obama is the Anti-Christ

Okay, OlBat. I'll see your evangelical and raise you one Sharpton, one Jackson, one Dyson, one Al Gore, and all the loons on air at MSNBC.
Well when you fly planes through our buildings. Then have numerous attempts to kill Americans and succeed. We tend to dislike that. The key to be understood is that yes Bid Laden is dead but his people aren't. These terrorist groups still exist and President Obama's administration would like us to believe otherwise to make him look strong on foreign policy. The fact is President is weaker on foreign policy then he is on the economy how is that possible. It is the truth though
By flipping the channel I happen to come across radical right wing evangelical Jack Van Impe spewing his anti-Obama hate and glorifying Israel and Jews using CBS to do it advertising another book “President of Change” which claim Obama has a plan to destroy this country with the help of radical Muslim for a “donation” of $24. Jack should be on the same long list of white hate groups. It is people like him that lead to division and the kind of radical right wing rhetoric like the million of American that believe Obama is a Muslim. A prime example of radical religion twisting the word of GOD to spew their hate. Jack is deliberately twist the word of GOD as to who the real Jews, Israel and Jerusalem really represent today and in the future. Their hate has blinded them so the truth cannot shine through. That same hate has infiltrated our political system.

This so-called religious program spews forth hate, fear and bigotry not peace, harmony and tolerance other religious programs promote.
Global breaking CAB Code of Ethics by airing Jack Van Impe Ministries' message of hate, fear and bigotry | rabble.ca

Dr. Jack Van Impe thinks President Obama is the Anti-Christ
Daily Kos: Dr. Jack Van Impe thinks President Obama is the Anti-Christ

Jack Van Impe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Recurring topics include a New World Order consisting of one world government and one world religion, prophecies of future wars and the second coming of Jesus, modern Chrislam, differences between the biblical Jesus and the Jesus of Islam, the proposed United Nations blasphemy law and radical Islam, the removal of crosses from churches, the importance of doctrine, and criticism of such individuals as Barack Obama, Rick Warren, Robert Schuller, Joel Osteen, and Oprah Winfrey. Jack also cites numerous bible verses.

The man is a charlatan that feeds morons doses of unrealistic predicitons. He's not right wing, he's just nut job. He thinks Obama plans to destroy america to bring in a new world order.

Not everything on earth is left or right, fucking LOLberal morons. Get a grip.
Same old, same old.

And this kind of hate rhetoric incite the same kind of violence that radical islam does. Obama gets 20 death threats each week and this of religious hatred exacerbates it.

This may come as a shock.

But I could care less if he is threatened. It is his admin that denies constitutional rights to Americans.

We all know about the targeting of an American without due process. But not many know this admin denies many the right to purchases firearms. All under the guise to get you to volunteer for the open appeal file.

There is a saying......F around and F around and soon you wont be around......

Same old, same old.

And this kind of hate rhetoric incite the same kind of violence that radical islam does. Obama gets 20 death threats each week and this of religious hatred exacerbates it.

This may come as a shock.

But I could care less if he is threatened. It is his admin that denies constitutional rights to Americans.

We all know about the targeting of an American without due process. But not many know this admin denies many the right to purchases firearms. All under the guise to get you to volunteer for the open appeal file.

There is a saying......F around and F around and soon you wont be around......


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