Radical right anti-muslim video


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Anti-Islam film made by Coptic fraudster and pornographer

The film was promoted by a network of right-wing Coptic and Evangelical Christians with a radical anti-Muslim agenda, like Egyptian American provocateur Morris Sadek and Terry Jones, a Florida pastor notorious for publicly burning a Koran.
And, acting as "consultant," was Steve Klein, a Vietnam veteran and founder of Courageous Christians United who is notorious for protests outside mosques and Mormon temples and who told Agence France-Presse (AFP) he helped the moviemakers.
A man identifying himself as Sam Bacile gave interviews to US media this week in which he claimed to be an Israeli-American Jew who made the film to help Israel, but a consultant on the movie has since debunked this claim.

Anti-Islam film made by Coptic fraudster and pornographer | News | World | Mail & Guardian

Far-Right Extremists Tried Pinning Blame for Anti-Islam Film on Jews | Crooks and Liars

Attack on the American Embassy in Libya and the killing of four Americans is because of foreign policies put in place by Bush and his invasion and occupation of Islamic land and planned and carried out by Al Qaeda and more attacks on American interest is planned. Nothing to do with Obama’s foreign policies and nothing to do with the anti-Muslim video. Protesting is because of the video but not the killing of the four Americans.
I believe the video was released to cause the violence and discredit Obama because he snubbed Netanyahu and he was winning the election.
Anti-Islam film made by Coptic fraudster and pornographer

The film was promoted by a network of right-wing Coptic and Evangelical Christians with a radical anti-Muslim agenda, like Egyptian American provocateur Morris Sadek and Terry Jones, a Florida pastor notorious for publicly burning a Koran.
And, acting as "consultant," was Steve Klein, a Vietnam veteran and founder of Courageous Christians United who is notorious for protests outside mosques and Mormon temples and who told Agence France-Presse (AFP) he helped the moviemakers.
A man identifying himself as Sam Bacile gave interviews to US media this week in which he claimed to be an Israeli-American Jew who made the film to help Israel, but a consultant on the movie has since debunked this claim.

Anti-Islam film made by Coptic fraudster and pornographer | News | World | Mail & Guardian

Far-Right Extremists Tried Pinning Blame for Anti-Islam Film on Jews | Crooks and Liars

Attack on the American Embassy in Libya and the killing of four Americans is because of foreign policies put in place by Bush and his invasion and occupation of Islamic land and planned and carried out by Al Qaeda and more attacks on American interest is planned. Nothing to do with Obama’s foreign policies and nothing to do with the anti-Muslim video. Protesting is because of the video but not the killing of the four Americans.
I believe the video was released to cause the violence and discredit Obama because he snubbed Netanyahu and he was winning the election.

What's your point? Oh never mind, I got it. Bush did it. :lol:
What part of PROTECTED Speech Don't you understand? What part of a movie is not responsible for VIOLENT behavior escapes you? Muslims chose to riot, murder and destroy and burn. Not because a Movie made them do it, but because they are intolerant shit stains.

Remind me of Christian riots and similar acts at all the anti Christian movies that have been made? Remind me how Mormons rioted and did similar acts because of movies attacking their Prophet and their religion.

I recall 12 cartoons resulting in riots murder and mayhem, and guess what? That was Muslims too. I recall riots and mayhem, because of a Miss Universe Contest, by Muslims.

Our rights are not predicated on the idiotic childish murderous behavior of Islamic retards. They want to live in the dark ages, fine, but they don't get to dictate to me that have to also.

You and your buddies would sell our freedoms because you are COWARDLY assholes afraid of the consequences of freedom.

And that is what you are selling, OUR FREEDOM.

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