Racist Dogs: Why Do Some Dogs Seem Not To Like Dark Skinned People?

I think it's the enviroment they're raised in. I've seen dogs raised with black families that didn't like white people and vice versa.

My two Rhodesian Ridgebacks doesn't like anyone, no matter what their color.

Great breed. I had a beautiful female, Ripley in the 90's and agree RR's are aloof. And I bred Catahoulas and again very stand offish.

Just the temperaments of breeds differ greatly. None of my dogs were aggressive with humans but certainly not like a lab who just wants a belly rub and for a milk bone would open the door and show you where the family jewels were.

I'm generalizing but you get my drift because I've also know some excellent retrievers that were guard dogs.

But I think if we are just talking basic traits the differences are there. Then you have super territorial .

Had some "stoner" neighbors a few years back who never worked with their Maremmas and consequently having never been taught what their territory was they would roam and worried me enough when I was out with my guys, I carried bear repellent.

My dogs could have held their own but I'm not macho and had no desire to get mangled in a dog fight. Territorial and brilliant can be a lethal combo.

Happy ending, they gave away the dogs to a really wonderful couple that had Pyrenees and the dogs have flourished with their new family.

And I have no idea what makes one breed more territorial than another breed, just know that's the way it is.
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I once owned an afghan wolfhound.

This breed of dogs are known to rarely bark.

We lived in a mainly white suburban neighborhood and my dog was kept in the back yard behind a solid boarded high fence.

Every once in awhile he would start barking like crazy.

Later I figured out he would only do this when a black person was walking down the street in front of our home.

Since he couldn't see the person.

It must have something to do with black people giving off a different scent than white people.

That's the only conclusion I could come up with. :cool:
Dogs go by instinct...and it's also genetic. Certain breeds back in the day were bred especially to chase and maul a black person...german shepards in particular.
IMO...it's based on instinct and genetics.

I've lived on this earth for quite a while and I have never heard such silliness.

Tell me which breeds were bred especially to chase and maul black people?

And please include some supporting data.

I am going by what I know and expressing my own opinion...Google is your friend. ;)
heh heh..glutton for punishment eh? I can help with that my dear boi...


You like it, don't you?

Yes, you keep utterly crushing my rhetorical fist with your rhetorical face.



I'm making you hot aren't I...you gettin' a chub? That's not allowed...now turn over and take it like a good boi.
I once owned an afghan wolfhound.

This breed of dogs are known to rarely bark.

We lived in a mainly white suburban neighborhood and my dog was kept in the back yard behind a solid boarded high fence.

Every once in awhile he would start barking like crazy.

Later I figured out he would only do this when a black person was walking down the street in front of our home.

Since he couldn't see the person.

It must have something to do with black people giving off a different scent than white people.

That's the only conclusion I could come up with. :cool:

Exactly. We just all smell different.
Guy is driving around the back roads of Arkansas. Sees a sign that says: "Talking Dog For Sale." Goes up to the door and knocks. Farmer answers. "You got a talking dog for sale?" Farmer says, "Yup. He's out back tied to a tree. Go take a look at him if you like."

Guy goes out back. Here's this big, old brown dog tied to a tree next to a water dish. Guy walks up to the dog. "I feel like such an idiot. Can you talk?" Dog says: "Sure can." Guy jumps back several feet. "Holy cow! What? How? . . . "

Dog says: "I could talk from the time I was born. As soon as they knew what they had, they began teaching me different languages. I can speak nine languages. When the CIA heard about that, they hired me to attend meetings of world leaders, lie around on the floor and pick up on what they were talking about. I did that for four years and the got tired of all the flying, so I changed jobs; went to work for the DEA, sniffing out cocaine shipments on commercial airliners. I was personally responsible for the biggest cocaine bust in the history of the DEA - over 600 pounds. Worth two billion on the street. Then I got tired of it all. I retired and here I am. I have dozens of awards, medals, trophies, etc."

The guy runs back to the farmer. "How much you want for that dog?" Farmer says: "Twenty bucks." Guy says: "Twenty bucks? For a dog that can talk like that? How come so little?"

Farmer says: "Because he's just a God damn LIAR. He hasn't done ANY of those things he claims to have done."
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I have one of the most formidable dogs on the planet - a 165lb APBT with papers from a long time ( 30+ year ) breeder! He was socialized as good as any dog. I have never lived in a house without one, or two including part wolves - so I know a little about them. Here is my take:

Dogs since fear, and identify it with a threat. I have had black women flag me over to see my dog - to take pictures, and walk right up to the car with his big head sticking out the window without reservation, and pet, and hug him - more than once! Black males on the other hand are usually petrified of him, and quickly vacate his proximity. I feel that most of these black males are predators, and predators can sense formability, and the fight or flight mode kicks in. I also feel that these vitimizers walk around with the sense that what goes around comes around, and they fear each day that it maybe the day of reckoning - so they flee! I can also easily tell that blacks are not as developed mentally as whites, or other races - so they have a more reflexive response. Most any predator will instinktively flee the more formattable one
without hesitation.

Just last week I was in a puppy store to purchase one. The store had many black males in it - who all vacated it immediately upon our arival. My dog is 7.75, years old. I have had many black males ask me the usual: what kind of dog, how much does he weight, what do you feed him etc. I always ask them if they would like to pet him - I have had 2, that took the offer, and I have him in public every week, and I live outside of DC!
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Racist Dogs: Why Do Some Dogs Seem Not To Like Dark Skinned People?

... that is the most ridiculous and stupid thing I've ever heard. Dogs love humans regardless of their skin , color or whatever.

May be the only thing is that as far as lowlifes? tramps? once a lowlife ..always a lowlife as far as dogs are concerned ..... they just look through you.... no matter if you are wearing nice clothes or anything .... they see the former loser.

I love dogs with all my heart.
Dogs go by instinct...and it's also genetic. Certain breeds back in the day were bred especially to chase and maul a black person...german shepards in particular.
IMO...it's based on instinct and genetics.

I've lived on this earth for quite a while and I have never heard such silliness.

Tell me which breeds were bred especially to chase and maul black people?

And please include some supporting data.

Dogs like Fila Brasilieiros were. "They were taught to chase down jaguars, cattle, and other animals, as well as runaway slaves. The dogs would grab the slave or animals by the neck and hold them until the farmer arrived."

My female dog like blondes, she will go right up to them but with other people she's more reserved.
HuffPost Live on Friday hosted a discussion about how some dogs seem to show bias against people with darker skin, an idea explored in popular culture for years, including in the 1982 movie "White Dog," and more recently, in an episode of "Curb You Enthusiasm" and a "Key and Peele" sketch.

Guest Darrell Mashia told HuffPost Live host Nancy Redd that often his white friends' dogs would treat him differently than other lighter-skinned people.

"I have a lot of friends who have dogs and they're typically nice to most of the people that they encounter which I'd say are mostly white folk,"Mashia told HuffPost Live host Nancy Redd, "but -- I wouldn't say all of them but a good chunk, maybe a third ... whenever I enter the room or try to get close to them they growl or snap or just kinda stare and look very uncomfortable."
•Watch the Full Segment on HuffPost Live.

In a recent Gawker article titled "Why Are Dogs Racist? Canine Experts Speak," a number of experts also sounded off on the topic.

From Gawker's interview with Renee Payne of Walk This Way Canine Behavior Therapy:

The general consensus is that it's because the dog wasn't properly socialized as a puppy, and wasn't exposed to people of all races and ethnicities — or that the dog was abused by someone who "looked" a certain way.

There are certain breeds of dogs that I've noticed don't see well at night, and react poorly to people with darker skin (day or night). I believe that with these dogs, there must be some vision problem, and if a person has slightly darker skin, it can seem as though they appear out of nowhere.

Writing for Newsweek in 2010, columnist Raina Kelly said that dogs simply lack the cognitive capacity to be racist.

Racist Dogs: Why Do Some Dogs Seem Not To Like Dark Skinned People?
Dogs in the wild as do many animals, react to what is different or strange. A black person in a white neighborhood is more likely to get a dog barking than a white person. The same would be true for a white person in a black neighborhood.

Dogs are pack animals. They follow the leader of the pack both literally and in behavior. If a white person with a dog fears black people, the dog is likely to do the same thing.
Racist Dogs: Why Do Some Dogs Seem Not To Like Dark Skinned People?

... that is the most ridiculous and stupid thing I've ever heard. Dogs love humans regardless of their skin , color or whatever.

May be the only thing is that as far as lowlifes? tramps? once a lowlife ..always a lowlife as far as dogs are concerned ..... they just look through you.... no matter if you are wearing nice clothes or anything .... they see the former loser.

I love dogs with all my heart.
Empirical data is never stupid.

We once had a 1/4 wolfe 3/4 sheppard. My granmother who had dogs for 93, years told me that if that dog allows an invited guest that is strange to him to get out of his sight while he
is in the house - they are ok; if he doesn't " I don't trust them " Dogs sense fear !
I have one of the most formidable dogs on the planet - a 165lb APBT with papers from a long time ( 30+ year ) breeder! He was socialized as good as any dog. I have never lived in a house without one, or two including part wolves - so I know a little about them. Here is my take:

Dogs since fear, and identify it with a threat. I have had black women flag me over to see my dog - to take pictures, and walk right up to the car with his big head sticking out the window without reservation, and pet, and hug him - more than once! Black males on the other hand are usually petrified of him, and quickly vacate his proximity. I feel that most of these black males are predators, and predators can sense formability, and the fight or flight mode kicks in. I also feel that these vitimizers walk around with the sense that what goes around comes around, and they fear each day that it maybe the day of reckoning - so they flee! I can also easily tell that blacks are not as developed mentally as whites, or other races - so they have a more reflexive response. Most any predator will instinktively flee the more formattable one
without hesitation.

Just last week I was in a puppy store to purchase one. The store had many black males in it - who all vacated it immediately upon our arival. My dog is 7.75, years old. I have had many black males ask me the usual: what kind of dog, how much does he weight, what do you feed him etc. I always ask them if they would like to pet him - I have had 2, that took the offer, and I have him in public every week, and I live outside of DC!

Your dog has to be mixed with an AB to even get close to that weight! That's the weight and size of some English Mastiffs. That's over the standard weight of Bull mastiffs.

Racist Dogs: Why Do Some Dogs Seem Not To Like Dark Skinned People?

... that is the most ridiculous and stupid thing I've ever heard. Dogs love humans regardless of their skin , color or whatever.

May be the only thing is that as far as lowlifes? tramps? once a lowlife ..always a lowlife as far as dogs are concerned ..... they just look through you.... no matter if you are wearing nice clothes or anything .... they see the former loser.

I love dogs with all my heart.
Empirical data is never stupid.

We once had a 1/4 wolfe 3/4 sheppard. My granmother who had dogs for 93, years told me that if that dog allows an invited guest that is strange to him to get out of his sight while he
is in the house - they are ok; if he doesn't " I don't trust them " Dogs sense fear !

Yes I agree! Dogs can see through you.
Racist dog sounds like a pile of poop.

Nevertheless, I had a Chihuahua who used to help me pick out women. I live by the motto,"love me love my dog". I would go for walks with my little chi and every once in a while I would meet a nice woman and the big test is if she got along with my baby then I would ask her to go on a date.

Seems my dog was more selective than I was and she would go over to the woman I was talking to and jump up not her lap. If the dog peed on her then it was a no go. If the dog liked the woman then I would ask her on a date. Worked like a charm...
HuffPost Live on Friday hosted a discussion about how some dogs seem to show bias against people with darker skin, an idea explored in popular culture for years, including in the 1982 movie "White Dog," and more recently, in an episode of "Curb You Enthusiasm" and a "Key and Peele" sketch.

Guest Darrell Mashia told HuffPost Live host Nancy Redd that often his white friends' dogs would treat him differently than other lighter-skinned people.

"I have a lot of friends who have dogs and they're typically nice to most of the people that they encounter which I'd say are mostly white folk,"Mashia told HuffPost Live host Nancy Redd, "but -- I wouldn't say all of them but a good chunk, maybe a third ... whenever I enter the room or try to get close to them they growl or snap or just kinda stare and look very uncomfortable."
•Watch the Full Segment on HuffPost Live.

In a recent Gawker article titled "Why Are Dogs Racist? Canine Experts Speak," a number of experts also sounded off on the topic.

From Gawker's interview with Renee Payne of Walk This Way Canine Behavior Therapy:

The general consensus is that it's because the dog wasn't properly socialized as a puppy, and wasn't exposed to people of all races and ethnicities — or that the dog was abused by someone who "looked" a certain way.

There are certain breeds of dogs that I've noticed don't see well at night, and react poorly to people with darker skin (day or night). I believe that with these dogs, there must be some vision problem, and if a person has slightly darker skin, it can seem as though they appear out of nowhere.

Writing for Newsweek in 2010, columnist Raina Kelly said that dogs simply lack the cognitive capacity to be racist.

Racist Dogs: Why Do Some Dogs Seem Not To Like Dark Skinned People?
Dogs in the wild as do many animals, react to what is different or strange. A black person in a white neighborhood is more likely to get a dog barking than a white person. The same would be true for a white person in a black neighborhood.

Dogs are pack animals. They follow the leader of the pack both literally and in behavior. If a white person with a dog fears black people, the dog is likely to do the same thing.

My dog has no fear - nor is he a respector of color, and when I am with him I am cofortable!
My friends have had dogs that were allegedly "racist" but they all loved and love me. I think it's more of the fearful reaction, body language, and attitude some Black people, etc. have towards dogs. From my own personal experience I have walking around with my dogs every day, Black people tended to be more tentative to fearful of my dogs and White people tend to want to come up and pet my dogs right away.

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