Racism is dead


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Gold Supporting Member
Aug 10, 2008
When I was a teenager, there was this small little club in Connecticut called The Anthrax that the hardcore and punk and ska bands would play at just about every weekend. There were white kids and black kids and hispanic kids and just about every race of kid you could imagine at these shows. Some of the bands that played had all white members. Some of the bands that played had all black members. And some of the bands that played had a mixture. No one cared what color the people playing the music were. No one cared what color the kid next to you was. We were all there to see a good show and have some fun.

There were a few kids that made T-shirts that said, "END RACISM" on them and we bought them up. There were tons of those shirts made and you would see them all the time at the shows. I remember thinking, "Why the hell are people such jerks? Who cares what color someone is. As long as they are cool to me, I'll be cool to them." White, brown, black, yellow, purple.....it didn't matter. I wore my "END RACISM" shirt with pride. I also remember thinking, "END RACISM....it's a nice thought, but there are too many knuckleheads out there who only see the color of skin for racism to end."

I was wrong! Racism has ended. Racism is gone. Racism is dead.


Read the WHOLE article before comments, please.

A dear friend of mine wrote this, and to him I :clap2::clap2:
wow, lots of views, no comments

i wonder why?

It's obvious isn't it? Besides, people on both sides cry racism for everything, so the word has lost it's meaning. However, some movements and actions of certain people against Obama for example are being just simply racist, there's no two ways about it. To be ignorant and assume that not one person is against Obama because they're racist is naive.
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When I was a teenager, there was this small little club in Connecticut called The Anthrax that the hardcore and punk and ska bands would play at just about every weekend. There were white kids and black kids and hispanic kids and just about every race of kid you could imagine at these shows. Some of the bands that played had all white members. Some of the bands that played had all black members. And some of the bands that played had a mixture. No one cared what color the people playing the music were. No one cared what color the kid next to you was. We were all there to see a good show and have some fun.

There were a few kids that made T-shirts that said, "END RACISM" on them and we bought them up. There were tons of those shirts made and you would see them all the time at the shows. I remember thinking, "Why the hell are people such jerks? Who cares what color someone is. As long as they are cool to me, I'll be cool to them." White, brown, black, yellow, purple.....it didn't matter. I wore my "END RACISM" shirt with pride. I also remember thinking, "END RACISM....it's a nice thought, but there are too many knuckleheads out there who only see the color of skin for racism to end."

I was wrong! Racism has ended. Racism is gone. Racism is dead.


Read the WHOLE article before comments, please.

A dear friend of mine wrote this, and to him I :clap2::clap2:

If People READ the entire Blog? They will get the GIST of it. It has a message. And a GOOD one.
I :lol: at how damn partisan and close minded it was though.

They no longer have any power or impact because they have been so misused by the left, that unfortunately they no longer have any meaning.

Statements like that. Honestly, to act like the Left is the only one to misuse the word racist is not only ignorant but again very partisan.
Good piece and I agree. Sadly, all this moronic rhetoric about racism where it hasn't applied has indeed had a boy-calling-wolf effect. I never took any of the racism calls personally because I am confident they don't apply to me. I have been saddened by the marginalization of true racism (the "knuckleheads" in the piece) and I have been saddened by the gutter-like rhetoric of it all.
If racism is dead then why is Jimmy Carter, among many others, making it an issue???

Simple. It's because that card has served them so well that they think it will continue to get them their way to STIFLE people from speaking.

The message overall in this thread? "We aren't falling for this shit anymore". We're gonna speak no matter WHO you are, where your from or what pigmentation is just becuse some childish party, or Politician has run out of options".

In other words? WE have grown beyond this. Some still have yet to GROW UP.
The even sadder thing about all this is that an oppositional trait is not an uncommon one and there is backlash with ugly rhetoric.

It's all served little purpose - scratch that - it's taken us back 25+ years, IMO. It's been destructive.

And for what? Partisanship? Short term payoff for long term damage. Fuck that attitude.
If racism is dead then why is Jimmy Carter, among many others, making it an issue???

Maybe he is still working it out in his own head. I recall papa said once he did not like n...

I asked him what about Charlie his neighbor in California. He said well Charlie is different. I told him aren't we all? He laughed at me and said you have a point.
I :lol: at how damn partisan and close minded it was though.

They no longer have any power or impact because they have been so misused by the left, that unfortunately they no longer have any meaning.

Statements like that. Honestly, to act like the Left is the only one to misuse the word racist is not only ignorant but again very partisan.

ANYONE with a set of belief's is partisan. I have always laughed at people trying to use partisan as an insult....it isn't.

I DO see the ''you are racist b/c you disagree with Obama and he is black'' being used constantly.
You can't deny it.

What the OP was about is NONE of this is even true racism, and now days true racism has been watered down.
If anyone wants to call me a racist b/c I may disagree with a BELIEF of Obama's...go for it, I could care less.
ANYONE with a set of belief's is partisan. I have always laughed at people trying to use partisan as an insult....it isn't.

I DO see the ''you are racist b/c you disagree with Obama and he is black'' being used constantly.
You can't deny it.

What the OP was about is NONE of this is even true racism, and now days true racism has been watered down.
If anyone wants to call me a racist b/c I may disagree with a BELIEF of Obama's...go for it, I could care less.

I'm not denying it. Those people are ignorant. HOWEVER, to deny that is no racism against Obama would be naive and ignorant. Death Threats against Obama are up 400% compared to other Presidents I believe.

That was MY point.
ANYONE with a set of belief's is partisan. I have always laughed at people trying to use partisan as an insult....it isn't.

I DO see the ''you are racist b/c you disagree with Obama and he is black'' being used constantly.
You can't deny it.

What the OP was about is NONE of this is even true racism, and now days true racism has been watered down.
If anyone wants to call me a racist b/c I may disagree with a BELIEF of Obama's...go for it, I could care less.

I'm not denying it. Those people are ignorant. HOWEVER, to deny that is no racism against Obama would be naive and ignorant. Death Threats against Obama are up 400% compared to other Presidents I believe.

That was MY point.

I haven't seen anyone denying there is racism against Obama. I am sure there is.
(the true kind)
But it is now being used to say a person is a racist if they do not agree with him.
He can't be criticized. That is absurd.
"Racism", like sex and food, isn't inherently bad.

It's inherently GOOD.

It can get out of hand, yes.

But so can sex and food.

We don't ban those items.

We actually enjoy them very much.

Racism is a natural instinct that protects people from harm. If you see a black thug headed your way on a dark street and you go the other way, you are being "racist." You also probably just saved your life.
"Death Threats against Obama are up 400% compared to other Presidents I believe."

You've heard this number bandied about a lot here lately. Don't you find it the least bit odd though that they claim there are all these threats but you see nothing about anyone being arrested. Sure there were a couple right at the beginning but that is it! It makes me wonder what they're basing their assumptions of a "threat" as.
"Racism", like sex and food, isn't inherently bad.

It's inherently GOOD.

It can get out of hand, yes.

But so can sex and food.

We don't ban those items.

We actually enjoy them very much.

Racism is a natural instinct that protects people from harm. If you see a black thug headed your way on a dark street and you go the other way, you are being "racist." You also probably just saved your life.

I would go the other way whether no matter the color of the thug. One can kill me just as well as the other.
"Death Threats against Obama are up 400% compared to other Presidents I believe."

You've heard this number bandied about a lot here lately. Don't you find it the least bit odd though that they claim there are all these threats but you see nothing about anyone being arrested. Sure there were a couple right at the beginning but that is it! It makes me wonder what they're basing their assumptions of a "threat" as.

The majority of them details are kept under wraps as to not create copycat attempts.
"The majority of them details are kept under wraps as to not create copycat attempts."

Yeah right! Hey, I've got some beach front property in Montana for sale really really cheap. Interested?

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