Racism, a history

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPyY6NujKJw&feature=related]YouTube - Racism, a history episode 2 - 1/6[/ame]

Some of you insecure whites here need to learn.
You're suggesting there's a dearth of whitey-is-the-devil propaganda?

On a worldwide scale, non-whites have never done to whites what whites have done to them, ie, wiping out entire populations, stealing land and resources and enacting a racist power structure and system designed to keep people of a certain skin color down and in a lower social and econimic status.
On a worldwide scale, non-whites have never done to whites what whites have done to them, ie, wiping out entire populations, stealing land and resources and enacting a racist power structure and system designed to keep people of a certain skin color down and in a lower social and econimic status.

On a worldwide scale, non-whites have never accomplished what whites have: the building and maintaining of stable, wealth-generating, technologically advanced, life-expectancy-enhancing societies that attract people from all over the world and even grant some advantages over whites to raise their status.
On a worldwide scale, non-whites have never accomplished what whites have: the building and maintaining of stable, wealth-generating, technologically advanced, life-expectancy-enhancing societies that attract people from all over the world and even grant some advantages over whites to raise their status.

BS, before there was anything in Europe all civilization and advances were in Africa and Asia, the continents that birthed Europe. Without the total sum of knowledge that was given to Europe from Africa and Asia there would be no advances in Europe.

Getting back on topic, this thread is about a history of racism, which is a mental sickness and you have it very bad, so bad in fact that you are willing to cal genocide and mass extermination and oppression of people the process of giving them civilization and bringing technology. To accomplish this to a means, these sick racist trash invented white supremacy and use it as an excuse and rationalization for committing worlwide slaughter of non-whites, when in reality it was outright treachery, greed, brutality, murder, exploitation, etc that is the cause, not superior "whiteness".
BS, before there was anything in Europe all civilization and advances were in Africa and Asia, the continents that birthed Europe. Without the total sum of knowledge that was given to Europe from Africa and Asia there would be no advances in Europe.

Getting back on topic, this thread is about a history of racism, which is a mental sickness and you have it very bad, so bad in fact that you are willing to cal genocide and mass extermination and oppression of people the process of giving them civilization and bringing technology. To accomplish this to a means, these sick racist trash invented white supremacy and use it as an excuse and rationalization for committing worlwide slaughter of non-whites, when in reality it was outright treachery, greed, brutality, murder, exploitation, etc that is the cause, not superior "whiteness".

If blacks are superior to whites, can you list for us some examples of this, and how it benefits blacks today?
As a Black man you should be celebrating how far the world has come in regard to stamping out racism instead of trying to widen the divide, you ignorant, thick, 'black' bastard.
If blacks are superior to whites, can you list for us some examples of this, and how it benefits blacks today?

Who said anyone was superior to anyone else except for your racist jackass? Still, getting back on topic, nonwhites have never done to whites what whites have done to them, thats an inescapable fact you cannot get around.
Who said anyone was superior to anyone else except for your racist jackass? Still, getting back on topic, nonwhites have never done to whites what whites have done to them, thats an inescapable fact you cannot get around.

Are you talking blacks as individuals or collectively? You stupid bastard.
Who said anyone was superior to anyone else except for your racist jackass? Still, getting back on topic, nonwhites have never done to whites what whites have done to them, thats an inescapable fact you cannot get around.

1. You also cannot get around MY point.

2. And why, one might ask, would these points work in tandem? Answer: to varying degrees, the world's other racial groups, sans Asians, are simply more primitive. They certainly aren't LESS inclined to violence: black Africans hack each others' body parts off with MACHETES, for God's sake. The fact they don't have the brains to come up with nukes just shows they're dumber, not more peaceful and righteous. Whites ought not be penalized for the inevitable marriage of intelligence and military domination. And a powerful argument is to be made that whites are, in fact, more peaceful than the African savages. That's why they're called savages. You can shame whites into peace and penance, but not blacks.
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As a Black man you should be celebrating how far the world has come in regard to stamping out racism instead of trying to widen the divide, you ignorant, thick, 'black' bastard.

If you call pulling a 12 inch knife out of the black man's back by 6 inches coming far with regard to race relations, dream you imbecile.
You are the troll, now fuck off, there's a clever beast:cool:

No, *YOU* are the troll that can't even properly respond to the original post in this thread, must be that the truth is too hard to take. Whites have and are the most racist people on this planet and when the Bass says this he's no speaking about every single individual white, just the collective oppressions and wrongs that some Euro-descendant people have committed against all nonwhites.
No, *YOU* are the troll that can't even properly respond to the original post in this thread, must be that the truth is too hard to take. Whites have and are the most racist people on this planet and when the Bass says this he's no speaking about every single individual white, just the collective oppressions and wrongs that some Euro-descendant people have committed against all nonwhites.

Shut the fuck up you ignorant bastard, you are a racist, homophobic, anti semitic, misogonyst, self righteous retard.I can hardly be bothered with you at all, but I am bored and you are an easy target.

Get over it Troll.Now do us all a favour and fuck off.
Shut the fuck up you ignorant bastard, you are a racist, homophobic, anti semitic, misogonyst, self righteous retard.I can hardly be bothered with you at all, but I am bored and you are an easy target.

Get over it Troll.Now do us all a favour and fuck off.

If what the Bass is saying is wrong prove him wrong, otherwise your idiotic post is just a:

Fallacy: Personal Attack

Also Known as: Ad Hominem Abusive.

Description of Personal Attack

A personal attack is committed when a person substitutes abusive remarks for evidence when attacking another person's claim or claims. This line of "reasoning" is fallacious because the attack is directed at the person making the claim and not the claim itself. The truth value of a claim is independent of the person making the claim. After all, no matter how repugnant an individual might be, he or she can still make true claims.

Not all ad Hominems are fallacious. In some cases, an individual's characteristics can have a bearing on the question of the veracity of her claims. For example, if someone is shown to be a pathological liar, then what he says can be considered to be unreliable. However, such attacks are weak, since even pathological liars might speak the truth on occasion.

In general, it is best to focus one's attention on the content of the claim and not on who made the claim. It is the content that determines the truth of the claim and not the characteristics of the person making the claim.
If what the Bass is saying is wrong prove him wrong, otherwise your idiotic post is just a:

Fallacy: Personal Attack

Also Known as: Ad Hominem Abusive.

Description of Personal Attack

A personal attack is committed when a person substitutes abusive remarks for evidence when attacking another person's claim or claims. This line of "reasoning" is fallacious because the attack is directed at the person making the claim and not the claim itself. The truth value of a claim is independent of the person making the claim. After all, no matter how repugnant an individual might be, he or she can still make true claims.

Not all ad Hominems are fallacious. In some cases, an individual's characteristics can have a bearing on the question of the veracity of her claims. For example, if someone is shown to be a pathological liar, then what he says can be considered to be unreliable. However, such attacks are weak, since even pathological liars might speak the truth on occasion.

In general, it is best to focus one's attention on the content of the claim and not on who made the claim. It is the content that determines the truth of the claim and not the characteristics of the person making the claim.

As you seem to be in constant contact with the Bass and indeed, post his words for him, would you please tell him from the Roomy that he is a twat:D

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