Race issues in NYC – Blacks vs. HispanicsRace issues in NYC


Jun 10, 2010
A string of attacks on Hispanic residents in New York has prompted fears of a new wave of racial hatred.

The city that has historically been “a melting pot for immigrants” seems to be reaching boiling point in terms of radical sentiments.

The United States has always been a country of immigrants seeking a better life but they are not always welcome. The western state of Arizona recently passed a tough law targeting undocumented Mexican immigrants.

Despite a backlash, there are now more signs that this sentiment has spread across the country far from the Mexican border – in one area of New York City there has been a string of a dozen attacks on Hispanic residents in recent months.

“Unfortunately most of the attacks most recently have been by blacks against Mexicans,” acknowledged Edward C. Josey, the President of the National Association for Advancement of Colored People.

According to these victims, they were targeted by teens while they were minding their own business, for no other reason than being Mexican.

There appears to be a divide between the minorities sharing poor areas of New York.

“You go through the statistics on education and crime who’ve been at the bottom the blacks and Hispanics been at the bottoms, therefore we have more in common than we don’t have in common,” the NAACP President said.

The rift appears to be growing with the influx of Hispanic immigrants, city blocks that used to be vacant are now flourishing, appearing to leave some behind.

“You seen a lot of Mexicans working and no blacks working here,” Josey said.

Indeed, many of the Mexican shops and markets have popped up in the city where many of the anti-Mexican attacks have occurred, resulting in constant police presence – a feature which is new, although residents saying the underlying issues are not. “This has happened for years and years and years,” says one shopkeeper.

Some argue the problem has been exaggerated and now, it is the Blacks who feel slighted and unfairly targeted by all the attention. They feel Mexicans share in the blame too.

The Black community believes many Mexicans are not legally in the country and they commit crimes.

It is an argument being made all the way from the tucked-away New York town to the streets in Arizona. So in a country of immigrants, does this point to a pecking order that has always been?

The NAACP President admits that “It’s the way it’s always been new arrivals always have a difficult period to go through.”

Mexicans, in turn, draw a parallel between the Whites and the Blacks, when the Whites used to think they were superior to Blacks, and now the Blacks think they are superior to Mexicans.

In the same town that used to be a melting pot, one resident says, “We [Blacks and Mexicans] live together, but cannot stay together.”

Race issues in NYC ? Blacks vs. Hispanics - RT Top Stories


So Black Americans are taking on the invaders!!!


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