Race and ethnicity in America.


Gold Member
Jul 20, 2018
I find it rather curious as to why Hispanics and or Latinos are considered to be 'ethnic' and not racial groups. That is the official governmental policy. Thus officially maintaining that African-Americans are our largest minority.

This official doctrine of the African-Americans being our largest minority must have some motivation...as in are there more government programs available for official minorities? There has to be a political reason for this.

'As of July 2016, White Americans are the racial majority. African Americans(officially) are the largest racial minority, amounting to an estimated 12.7% of the population. Hispanic and Latino Americans amount to an estimated 17.8% of the total U.S. population, making up the largest ethnic minority. The White, non-Hispanic or Latino population make up 61.3% of the nation's total, with the total White population (including White Hispanics and Latinos) being 76.9%.'

One can hardly watch any T.V. program now where every other person at least is not black. If someone from another country comes to America and turns on the t.v. they would think they were in Africa.

I can understand the government having a policy of persuading the television networks to properly represent minorities but why not more of a representation of ethnic groups aka latinos or hispanics? Since they are the largest non white population with a 17.8 percentage of the national population. And why does a group (blacks) that only represent l2.7 percent of the population get at least half of all roles on t.v. including commercials. This is certainly not fair to mexican, latinos or hispanics to say the least.

Another factor at play in this racial/ethnic confusion is that in FBI crime reports latino/hispanics are listed as being part of the white population...further skewering an already confusing FBI reporting of crime and race.

Not even to mention Affirmative Action? If a large company does not hire at least a work force composed of 15% African Americans they can be sued for racial discrimination. Now how many latinos or hispanics are required to be hired by big companies? Oh my bad....I forgot they are not a race just a ethnic group and thus excluded.

Race and ethnicity in the United States - Wikipedia
I don't pay any attention to government or political positions on race and ethnicity. The sooner we live up to Martin Luther King's dream the better off we will be.
I find it rather curious as to why Hispanics and or Latinos are considered to be 'ethnic' and not racial groups. That is the official governmental policy. Thus officially maintaining that African-Americans are our largest minority.

This official doctrine of the African-Americans being our largest minority must have some motivation...as in are there more government programs available for official minorities? There has to be a political reason for this.

'As of July 2016, White Americans are the racial majority. African Americans(officially) are the largest racial minority, amounting to an estimated 12.7% of the population. Hispanic and Latino Americans amount to an estimated 17.8% of the total U.S. population, making up the largest ethnic minority. The White, non-Hispanic or Latino population make up 61.3% of the nation's total, with the total White population (including White Hispanics and Latinos) being 76.9%.'

One can hardly watch any T.V. program now where every other person at least is not black. If someone from another country comes to America and turns on the t.v. they would think they were in Africa.

I can understand the government having a policy of persuading the television networks to properly represent minorities but why not more of a representation of ethnic groups aka latinos or hispanics? Since they are the largest non white population with a 17.8 percentage of the national population. And why does a group (blacks) that only represent l2.7 percent of the population get at least half of all roles on t.v. including commercials. This is certainly not fair to mexican, latinos or hispanics to say the least.

Another factor at play in this racial/ethnic confusion is that in FBI crime reports latino/hispanics are listed as being part of the white population...further skewering an already confusing FBI reporting of crime and race.

Not even to mention Affirmative Action? If a large company does not hire at least a work force composed of 15% African Americans they can be sued for racial discrimination. Now how many latinos or hispanics are required to be hired by big companies? Oh my bad....I forgot they are not a race just a ethnic group and thus excluded.

Race and ethnicity in the United States - Wikipedia

Mayhap one fine day neither national origin nor skin tone will be a distinguishing factor in much of anything, if ancient cultural dissonance between Us and Them and Everyone else can be laid to rest. No color, creed, sex, religion, etc. should buy free tickets to anything.
I don't pay any attention to government or political positions on race and ethnicity. The sooner we live up to Martin Luther King's dream the better off we will be.

Ridiculous........MLK was one of the biggest phonies ever foisted on the American People....even Jackie Kennedy agreed.

I don't pay any attention to government or political positions on race and ethnicity. The sooner we live up to Martin Luther King's dream the better off we will be.

Ridiculous........MLK was one of the biggest phonies ever foisted on the American People....even Jackie Kennedy agreed.

Matters not what you think of him.

Yet again a tard misses the message because of the messenger
I find it rather curious as to why Hispanics and or Latinos are considered to be 'ethnic' and not racial groups. That is the official governmental policy. Thus officially maintaining that African-Americans are our largest minority.

This official doctrine of the African-Americans being our largest minority must have some motivation...as in are there more government programs available for official minorities? There has to be a political reason for this.

'As of July 2016, White Americans are the racial majority. African Americans(officially) are the largest racial minority, amounting to an estimated 12.7% of the population. Hispanic and Latino Americans amount to an estimated 17.8% of the total U.S. population, making up the largest ethnic minority. The White, non-Hispanic or Latino population make up 61.3% of the nation's total, with the total White population (including White Hispanics and Latinos) being 76.9%.'

One can hardly watch any T.V. program now where every other person at least is not black. If someone from another country comes to America and turns on the t.v. they would think they were in Africa.

I can understand the government having a policy of persuading the television networks to properly represent minorities but why not more of a representation of ethnic groups aka latinos or hispanics? Since they are the largest non white population with a 17.8 percentage of the national population. And why does a group (blacks) that only represent l2.7 percent of the population get at least half of all roles on t.v. including commercials. This is certainly not fair to mexican, latinos or hispanics to say the least.

Another factor at play in this racial/ethnic confusion is that in FBI crime reports latino/hispanics are listed as being part of the white population...further skewering an already confusing FBI reporting of crime and race.

Not even to mention Affirmative Action? If a large company does not hire at least a work force composed of 15% African Americans they can be sued for racial discrimination. Now how many latinos or hispanics are required to be hired by big companies? Oh my bad....I forgot they are not a race just a ethnic group and thus excluded.

Race and ethnicity in the United States - Wikipedia

Mayhap one fine day neither national origin nor skin tone will be a distinguishing factor in much of anything, if ancient cultural dissonance between Us and Them and Everyone else can be laid to rest. No color, creed, sex, religion, etc. should buy free tickets to anything.

Every race is the product of thousands of years of evolution. Yet some naive and ignorant types yearn to destroy all of that--how pitiful so many have been brainwashed into such folly.

“No one questions the right of the Arabs to have an Arab nation, of China to be a Chinese nation . . . Must we absorb all the people of the world into our society and submerge our historic character as a predominantly Caucasian Western society?” ....Pat Buchanan

December 1998 - American Renaissance
I don't pay any attention to government or political positions on race and ethnicity. The sooner we live up to Martin Luther King's dream the better off we will be.

Ridiculous........MLK was one of the biggest phonies ever foisted on the American People....even Jackie Kennedy agreed.

Matters not what you think of him.

Yet again a tard misses the message because of the messenger

It is true what you or I think matters little............What really matters is the truth and you wish to hide it.

The Truth About Martin Luther King, Jr.
I don't pay any attention to government or political positions on race and ethnicity. The sooner we live up to Martin Luther King's dream the better off we will be.

Ridiculous........MLK was one of the biggest phonies ever foisted on the American People....even Jackie Kennedy agreed.

Matters not what you think of him.

Yet again a tard misses the message because of the messenger

It is true what you or I think matters much............What really matters is the truth and you wish to hide it.

Any honest person must wonder why there is so much glorification of African-Americans in the movies, on television and via the mass media?

Our children have been systematically indoctrinated into political correctness in our public schools now for several generations....is it any wonder you see them on this board exhibiting their ignorance and pathetic views of America and its Negroid problem?

Is negro fatigue sweeping White America?

It all adds up.

'The riots in Britain last summer, Morgan Freeman's spiel about Obama opponents being racists, black thugs randomly attacking Whites at state fairs, a series of black mob robberies of convenient stores, and now the Trayton Martin episode along with the subsequent lynch-mob justice towards George Zimmerman add up to what some are calling 'negro fatigue.'

White people are losing their heightened sensitivity to everything racial. They are beginning to speak their minds in greater numbers. They are starting to fight back against black violent crime and those who excuse it.
A classic example is the straight-laced Southern Baptist leader who punished Revs Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson with a tongue lashing last week. Specifically he accused them of race baiting.
Conservative columnist John Derbyshire was a bit more pointed when he penned an article advising young White people to be cautious in the presence of large groups of blacks and to avoid them. Deberyshire was summarily fired from his position at National Review but endeared himself to thousands of grateful readers who appreciate his stark honesty.
Town Hall's Doug Giles threw his bit in the fray, writing that "blacks can murder whites, and it won't make national news."
Emerging is a new phrase, "negro fatigue."
The term is a bit misleading. White Americans are not tired of black people. Rather, they are fed up with dishonesty and the phony 'racist' stigma that is attached. Aside from Hollywood exaggeration White racism is virtually non-existent.
I prefer the phrase, "White fatigue."
Like "White flight," white fatigue describes a reaction of White people to black crime and violence. It's also a response to institutional racial policies that intentionally punish White people.
White people are tired of being labeled 'racist.' They are weary of hateful black-on-White violence going unchecked. White people are tired of watching entire cities, such as Detroit, collapse when the White infrastructure is removed only to have blight blamed on external causes.

They are weary of Somali immigrants gravitating towards violent crime. They are fed up with historical revisionism that ignores overt black complicity to slavery. They are tired of being lied to and tired of pretending the lies are true.
White people are tired of the TSA monitoring harmless little old ladies at airport terminals while the real terror is plaguing our neighborhoods. It's actually safer to get on an airliner than to enter a convenient store in many cities. Yet law enforcement is concentrated at the airport.

White people are tired of EBT cards and black farmers claiming huge settlements from White taxpayers. They are tired of historical symbols, such as the Confederate flag, being demonized. They are weary of a racist Attorney General who is looking out for 'my people' rather than upholding the Constitution. They are increasingly tired of Barack Obama.

White people are fatigued by Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and the New Black Panther Party. They are tired of the media giving them a pass. They are tired of obnoxious black patrons who refuse to tip, then hurl claims of racism when service is substandard. They are weary of being told that diversity is a strength.

There is a weariness among White people of being passed over for jobs, promotions and education to satisfy Affirmative Action. They are tired of entrance exams being dumbed down to accommodate those who could not compete. They are frustrated by the self-censoring media that often refuses to provide racial profiling of even the most violent of criminals. They are tired of their kids being subjected to physical and sexual abuse on school buses and in schools while society turns a politically-correct blind eye.

White people are suffocated by historical revisionism being served in cinema via Red Tails, To Kill A Mockingbird, The Help and a host of other Hollywood productions. They are tired of being saddled with White guilt, White privilege and White racism. They are tired of their monumental contributions to civilization being overlooked and their culture being overrun.

They grow fatigued when White people, like George Zimmerman and Bernard Goetz, are subjected to a flurry of black fists only to be called 'racist' for having the audacity to defend themselves.

The list can (and does) go on.
Call it what you will, negro fatigue or White fatigue. Either way it describes an awakening of White Americans to the menace of black crime and to the silliness of pretending it doesn't exist.'

I find it rather curious as to why Hispanics and or Latinos are considered to be 'ethnic' and not racial groups. That is the official governmental policy. Thus officially maintaining that African-Americans are our largest minority.

This official doctrine of the African-Americans being our largest minority must have some motivation...as in are there more government programs available for official minorities? There has to be a political reason for this.

'As of July 2016, White Americans are the racial majority. African Americans(officially) are the largest racial minority, amounting to an estimated 12.7% of the population. Hispanic and Latino Americans amount to an estimated 17.8% of the total U.S. population, making up the largest ethnic minority. The White, non-Hispanic or Latino population make up 61.3% of the nation's total, with the total White population (including White Hispanics and Latinos) being 76.9%.'

One can hardly watch any T.V. program now where every other person at least is not black. If someone from another country comes to America and turns on the t.v. they would think they were in Africa.

I can understand the government having a policy of persuading the television networks to properly represent minorities but why not more of a representation of ethnic groups aka latinos or hispanics? Since they are the largest non white population with a 17.8 percentage of the national population. And why does a group (blacks) that only represent l2.7 percent of the population get at least half of all roles on t.v. including commercials. This is certainly not fair to mexican, latinos or hispanics to say the least.

Another factor at play in this racial/ethnic confusion is that in FBI crime reports latino/hispanics are listed as being part of the white population...further skewering an already confusing FBI reporting of crime and race.

Not even to mention Affirmative Action? If a large company does not hire at least a work force composed of 15% African Americans they can be sued for racial discrimination. Now how many latinos or hispanics are required to be hired by big companies? Oh my bad....I forgot they are not a race just a ethnic group and thus excluded.

Race and ethnicity in the United States - Wikipedia

Mayhap one fine day neither national origin nor skin tone will be a distinguishing factor in much of anything, if ancient cultural dissonance between Us and Them and Everyone else can be laid to rest. No color, creed, sex, religion, etc. should buy free tickets to anything.

Can anyone say ....Naive? Actually what you say demonstrates many worse things...which you acquired by being nurtured in a government psych operation...other wise known as your local public school.

"The liberal intellectual is not wholly to blame for hismisunderstanding of ‘racism’, and his often emotionaldenunciation of anything that appears so chauvinistic,for after all, in this cosmopolitan era, he himself moreoften than not has associated with people of adifferent ethnic background than his own, whom herecognizes as having nothing more than a superficialdifference from his own kin. If he is a universitystudent or graduate he is apt to be even fanatical inhis scorn of racism, since here, in the seats of higherlearning, must be positioned minds of great scope andunderstanding, which have no patience with out-datedbrute concepts. And, of course, if one is particularlyinterested in the subject, there is an array of literatureand opinions presented in everything from the pressto scholarly thick volumes, to confirm the notion thatracism is primitive, unsophisticated, and has no placein the modern world.

I shall hereby disprove these notions, and showthat they are based on nothing more thanemotional sentimentalism, supported bydistorted facts, that have no meaning to a logicalmind. In so doing we need have no fear of being castin bad company, since Lincoln, Madison, Jefferson,Monroe, Jackson, Grant, Clay, Webster, Douglas, eventhe composer Wagner, are some of the men who tooksimilar stands.......Carolyn Yeager

The Importance of Race in Civilization | Ethnicity, Race & Gender | Race (Human Categorization)

The Importance of Race in Civilization | Carolyn Yeage
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Any honest person must wonder why there is so much glorification of African-Americans in the movies, on television and via the mass media?

Our children have been systematically indoctrinated into political correctness in our public schools now for several generations....is it any wonder you see them on this board exhibiting their ignorance and pathetic views of America and its Negroid problem?

Is negro fatigue sweeping White America?

It all adds up.

'The riots in Britain last summer, Morgan Freeman's spiel about Obama opponents being racists, black thugs randomly attacking Whites at state fairs, a series of black mob robberies of convenient stores, and now the Trayton Martin episode along with the subsequent lynch-mob justice towards George Zimmerman add up to what some are calling 'negro fatigue.'

White people are losing their heightened sensitivity to everything racial. They are beginning to speak their minds in greater numbers. They are starting to fight back against black violent crime and those who excuse it.
A classic example is the straight-laced Southern Baptist leader who punished Revs Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson with a tongue lashing last week. Specifically he accused them of race baiting.
Conservative columnist John Derbyshire was a bit more pointed when he penned an article advising young White people to be cautious in the presence of large groups of blacks and to avoid them. Deberyshire was summarily fired from his position at National Review but endeared himself to thousands of grateful readers who appreciate his stark honesty.
Town Hall's Doug Giles threw his bit in the fray, writing that "blacks can murder whites, and it won't make national news."
Emerging is a new phrase, "negro fatigue."
The term is a bit misleading. White Americans are not tired of black people. Rather, they are fed up with dishonesty and the phony 'racist' stigma that is attached. Aside from Hollywood exaggeration White racism is virtually non-existent.
I prefer the phrase, "White fatigue."
Like "White flight," white fatigue describes a reaction of White people to black crime and violence. It's also a response to institutional racial policies that intentionally punish White people.
White people are tired of being labeled 'racist.' They are weary of hateful black-on-White violence going unchecked. White people are tired of watching entire cities, such as Detroit, collapse when the White infrastructure is removed only to have blight blamed on external causes.

They are weary of Somali immigrants gravitating towards violent crime. They are fed up with historical revisionism that ignores overt black complicity to slavery. They are tired of being lied to and tired of pretending the lies are true.
White people are tired of the TSA monitoring harmless little old ladies at airport terminals while the real terror is plaguing our neighborhoods. It's actually safer to get on an airliner than to enter a convenient store in many cities. Yet law enforcement is concentrated at the airport.

White people are tired of EBT cards and black farmers claiming huge settlements from White taxpayers. They are tired of historical symbols, such as the Confederate flag, being demonized. They are weary of a racist Attorney General who is looking out for 'my people' rather than upholding the Constitution. They are increasingly tired of Barack Obama.

White people are fatigued by Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and the New Black Panther Party. They are tired of the media giving them a pass. They are tired of obnoxious black patrons who refuse to tip, then hurl claims of racism when service is substandard. They are weary of being told that diversity is a strength.

There is a weariness among White people of being passed over for jobs, promotions and education to satisfy Affirmative Action. They are tired of entrance exams being dumbed down to accommodate those who could not compete. They are frustrated by the self-censoring media that often refuses to provide racial profiling of even the most violent of criminals. They are tired of their kids being subjected to physical and sexual abuse on school buses and in schools while society turns a politically-correct blind eye.

White people are suffocated by historical revisionism being served in cinema via Red Tails, To Kill A Mockingbird, The Help and a host of other Hollywood productions. They are tired of being saddled with White guilt, White privilege and White racism. They are tired of their monumental contributions to civilization being overlooked and their culture being overrun.

They grow fatigued when White people, like George Zimmerman and Bernard Goetz, are subjected to a flurry of black fists only to be called 'racist' for having the audacity to defend themselves.

The list can (and does) go on.
Call it what you will, negro fatigue or White fatigue. Either way it describes an awakening of White Americans to the menace of black crime and to the silliness of pretending it doesn't exist.'


Stop pretending you speak for 'White People.' You're nothing but another dime-a-dozen, lame-brained racist douche. You're pathetically weak.
Any honest person must wonder why there is so much glorification of African-Americans in the movies, on television and via the mass media?

Our children have been systematically indoctrinated into political correctness in our public schools now for several generations....is it any wonder you see them on this board exhibiting their ignorance and pathetic views of America and its Negroid problem?

Is negro fatigue sweeping White America?

It all adds up.

'The riots in Britain last summer, Morgan Freeman's spiel about Obama opponents being racists, black thugs randomly attacking Whites at state fairs, a series of black mob robberies of convenient stores, and now the Trayton Martin episode along with the subsequent lynch-mob justice towards George Zimmerman add up to what some are calling 'negro fatigue.'

White people are losing their heightened sensitivity to everything racial. They are beginning to speak their minds in greater numbers. They are starting to fight back against black violent crime and those who excuse it.
A classic example is the straight-laced Southern Baptist leader who punished Revs Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson with a tongue lashing last week. Specifically he accused them of race baiting.
Conservative columnist John Derbyshire was a bit more pointed when he penned an article advising young White people to be cautious in the presence of large groups of blacks and to avoid them. Deberyshire was summarily fired from his position at National Review but endeared himself to thousands of grateful readers who appreciate his stark honesty.
Town Hall's Doug Giles threw his bit in the fray, writing that "blacks can murder whites, and it won't make national news."
Emerging is a new phrase, "negro fatigue."
The term is a bit misleading. White Americans are not tired of black people. Rather, they are fed up with dishonesty and the phony 'racist' stigma that is attached. Aside from Hollywood exaggeration White racism is virtually non-existent.
I prefer the phrase, "White fatigue."
Like "White flight," white fatigue describes a reaction of White people to black crime and violence. It's also a response to institutional racial policies that intentionally punish White people.
White people are tired of being labeled 'racist.' They are weary of hateful black-on-White violence going unchecked. White people are tired of watching entire cities, such as Detroit, collapse when the White infrastructure is removed only to have blight blamed on external causes.

They are weary of Somali immigrants gravitating towards violent crime. They are fed up with historical revisionism that ignores overt black complicity to slavery. They are tired of being lied to and tired of pretending the lies are true.
White people are tired of the TSA monitoring harmless little old ladies at airport terminals while the real terror is plaguing our neighborhoods. It's actually safer to get on an airliner than to enter a convenient store in many cities. Yet law enforcement is concentrated at the airport.

White people are tired of EBT cards and black farmers claiming huge settlements from White taxpayers. They are tired of historical symbols, such as the Confederate flag, being demonized. They are weary of a racist Attorney General who is looking out for 'my people' rather than upholding the Constitution. They are increasingly tired of Barack Obama.

White people are fatigued by Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and the New Black Panther Party. They are tired of the media giving them a pass. They are tired of obnoxious black patrons who refuse to tip, then hurl claims of racism when service is substandard. They are weary of being told that diversity is a strength.

There is a weariness among White people of being passed over for jobs, promotions and education to satisfy Affirmative Action. They are tired of entrance exams being dumbed down to accommodate those who could not compete. They are frustrated by the self-censoring media that often refuses to provide racial profiling of even the most violent of criminals. They are tired of their kids being subjected to physical and sexual abuse on school buses and in schools while society turns a politically-correct blind eye.

White people are suffocated by historical revisionism being served in cinema via Red Tails, To Kill A Mockingbird, The Help and a host of other Hollywood productions. They are tired of being saddled with White guilt, White privilege and White racism. They are tired of their monumental contributions to civilization being overlooked and their culture being overrun.

They grow fatigued when White people, like George Zimmerman and Bernard Goetz, are subjected to a flurry of black fists only to be called 'racist' for having the audacity to defend themselves.

The list can (and does) go on.
Call it what you will, negro fatigue or White fatigue. Either way it describes an awakening of White Americans to the menace of black crime and to the silliness of pretending it doesn't exist.'


Stop pretending you speak for 'White People.' You're nothing but another dime-a-dozen, lame-brained racist douche. You're pathetically weak.

I find it rather curious as to why Hispanics and or Latinos are considered to be 'ethnic' and not racial groups. That is the official governmental policy.

Both the racial and ethnic categories employed are somewhat arbitrary, and always have been. There's a great timeline of the categories employed in the census here. The arbitrariness of the categories, and the fact that they change over time, is a good example of what anthropologists and social scientists mean when they talk about the "social construction of race." The choice to group together Mexican-Americans, Cuban-Americans, Puerto Ricans, and etc. as "hispanic", and to treat it as an ethnicity, is loosely related to the use of a common language, where shared language is an important way of identifying an ethnic group. The problem of course is that shared language alone shouldn't really define a distinct ethnic group; ethnicity is supposed to capture a higher level of cultural homogeneity and shared history.

Of course in the popular imagination it is in fact common to treat "hispanic" as a de facto race (there is a plethora of research on this as well), and the process by which people come to identify members of a particular social category as a "race" is called "racialization" in social science. Again, the research on racialization processes illustrates the socially defined nature of "race" itself. Racialization is important to understanding how negative sentiments and discrimination against hispanics is also a form of racism.

Not even to mention Affirmative Action? If a large company does not hire at least a work force composed of 15% African Americans they can be sued for racial discrimination.

This is false. No such law exists, and there are plenty of large companies (especially in tech) which have disclosed the racial demographics of their workforces. See for example the data for Google. 2.5% of their workforce is black, but this fact alone does not guarantee the success of a racial discrimination suit against them, and there are no such suits pending against Google even though they've been publishing this data for several years.

And why does a group (blacks) that only represent l2.7 percent of the population get at least half of all roles on t.v. including commercials.

This claim is rather dubious, although I think it's difficult to find good data, especially incorporating commercials. A 2015 study found a small over-representation for blacks in TV roles, but did not investigate commercials:


Clearly this doesn't get close to "at least half".

Every race is the product of thousands of years of evolution.

This statement depends on a misunderstanding of the relationship between the racial categories we use ("white", "black", "asian", or even "hispanic") and the actual nature of population genetics. To save time, I'll just quote myself from another thread:

The major problem is that "race" as you use the term is a "culturally constructed label that crudely and imprecisely describes real variation" (Relethford 2009). So while variations between different human sub-populations exist, they do not map neatly on to the way you categorize people into racial groups. Hence why I point out that it's not only Asians who have epicanthic folds, and for that matter not only Europeans who have lactase persistence as a trait, and there is a lot of variability even within European ethnic groups. Similarly, the genetic distance between various ethnic groups in Africa is much larger than that between Europeans and East Asians, yet you place both of those African ethnic groups into the category "black" while distinguishing between the Asian and European. (cf. The Genome Factor, 2017, p. 86-7, citing Tishkoff et al 2009). The point being that actual population genetics research does not support the racial classifications employed in popular culture.
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There is the 'World' and then there is 'The Real World'....in the world the justice/civil rights depts. claim there is no quota system regarding blacks in the labor force..........in 'The Real World' what the feds do is to twist or manipulate the civil rights legislation outlawing discrimination in the work place....aka if a company of over 50 employees does not have what is considered to be by the civil rights enforcers a adequate number of blacks --the accepted number is usually around l5% then the company exposes themselves to expensive audits designed to prove discrimination and it is very difficult if not impossible to prove federal allegations of discrimination are false.

Thus to avoid these expensive audits and possible penalties for discrimination U.S Corporations do their best to hire an adequate number of blacks to dissuade prosecution by the Feds.....and the more blacks the better even if some of them are not qualified to do the work...such a policy shrinks the time EEOC spends with your HR team, and is a defense against lawsuits. The larger corporations not only have to worry about the Feds but also about individual blacks who will sue them for discrimination at the drop of a hat.

Not even to mention Jesse Jackson the most successful extortionist in history. He victimized many large corporations...threatening to sue if the company did not donate to his civil rights organization...he made a fortune doing that.

Jesse Jackson Accused of 'Shaking Down' Toyota
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I find it rather curious as to why Hispanics and or Latinos are considered to be 'ethnic' and not racial groups. That is the official governmental policy.

Both the racial and ethnic categories employed are somewhat arbitrary, and always have been. There's a great timeline of the categories employed in the census here. The arbitrariness of the categories, and the fact that they change over time, is a good example of what anthropologists and social scientists mean when they talk about the "social construction of race." The choice to group together Mexican-Americans, Cuban-Americans, Puerto Ricans, and etc. as "hispanic", and to treat it as an ethnicity, is loosely related to the use of a common language, where shared language is an important way of identifying an ethnic group. The problem of course is that shared language alone shouldn't really define a distinct ethnic group; ethnicity is supposed to capture a higher level of cultural homogeneity and shared history.

Of course in the popular imagination it is in fact common to treat "hispanic" as a de facto race (there is a plethora of research on this as well), and the process by which people come to identify members of a particular social category as a "race" is called "racialization" in social science. Again, the research on racialization processes illustrates the socially defined nature of "race" itself. Racialization is important to understanding how negative sentiments and discrimination against hispanics is also a form of racism.

Not even to mention Affirmative Action? If a large company does not hire at least a work force composed of 15% African Americans they can be sued for racial discrimination.

This is false. No such law exists, and there are plenty of large companies (especially in tech) which have disclosed the racial demographics of their workforces. See for example the data for Google. 2.5% of their workforce is black, but this fact alone does not guarantee the success of a racial discrimination suit against them, and there are no such suits pending against Google even though they've been publishing this data for several years.

And why does a group (blacks) that only represent l2.7 percent of the population get at least half of all roles on t.v. including commercials.

This claim is rather dubious, although I think it's difficult to find good data, especially incorporating commercials. A 2015 study found a small over-representation for blacks in TV roles, but did not investigate commercials:


Clearly this doesn't get close to "at least half".

Every race is the product of thousands of years of evolution.

This statement depends on a misunderstanding of the relationship between the racial categories we use ("white", "black", "asian", or even "hispanic") and the actual nature of population genetics. To save time, I'll just quote myself from another thread:

The major problem is that "race" as you use the term is a "culturally constructed label that crudely and imprecisely describes real variation" (Relethford 2009). So while variations between different human sub-populations exist, they do not map neatly on to the way you categorize people into racial groups. Hence why I point out that it's not only Asians who have epicanthic folds, and for that matter not only Europeans who have lactase persistence as a trait, and there is a lot of variability even within European ethnic groups. Similarly, the genetic distance between various ethnic groups in Africa is much larger than that between Europeans and East Asians, yet you place both of those African ethnic groups into the category "black" while distinguishing between the Asian and European. (cf. The Genome Factor, 2017, p. 86-7, citing Tishkoff et al 2009). The point being that actual population genetics research does not support the racial classifications employed in popular culture.

You data is outdated. Pick some night and watch t.v. and note what percentage of the entertainment and the commericals are African-Americans.
the accepted number is usually around l5%

Again, this is something you made up. There is no such requirement or "accepted" or "adequate" number. Here are the EEOC guidelines on racial discrimination. You will find no mention of quotas or any requirement that X% of a companies employees be of any particular race. It is generally pretty difficult to prove racial discrimination because you have to do a lot more than simply show that an employer's demographics are different from the general population. You can see from EEOC's own data that they reject the complaint in about 70-75% of the cases they evaluate.
Companies that employ 50 or more workers and have contracts with the federal government worth $50,000 or more are required to have written affirmative action plans. Executive Order 11246 is the federal law that mandates affirmative action practices for federal contractors. The U.S. Department of Labor's Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs enforces the order.


'The United States today has employment discrimination laws that could have been written by the Queen of Hearts in Alice in Wonderland. They are a tangle of contradictions that stand the most elementary notion of fairness on its head. They are the all-too-real horrors that govern employment decisions every day in America.

The law, in its majesty, specifically forbids an employer to discriminate by race. Yet, the law punishes an employer who does not discriminate by race. The law specifically forbids racial quotas in hiring. Yet it punishes those who do not hire by racial quota.

The law is in manifest contradiction with itself because what its language requires — non-discrimination — will never produce what social dogma demands: equal results. Whenever the law of non-discrimination conflicts with the dogma of equal results, it is the law that must be changed, reinterpreted, or simply ignored. Thus, in the name of non-discrimination America practices discrimination; in the name of equality it practices injustice. The results are hypocrisy, cynicism, and a seething resentment that will only grow with the passage of time.'

Discrimination in Federal Hiring Now Works Against White Males | The Center for Individual Rights

Did Obama Executive Order force government to hire unqualified applicants? | Sonoran News

May 1992 - American Renaissance

Discrimination Against Whites Still Legal - American Renaissance

Diversity and Exclusion: The War on White Men and Meritocracy - Steve Tobak
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Is this not an 'official' government position?

Overview (Demographics): In July 2015, 40.7 million people in the United States were black alone, which represents 12.7 percent of the total population. African Americans are the second largest minority population, following the Hispanic/Latino population.
Or is your OP full of it?
What affirmative action does:

Deprive one group to favor another based on race (racism)
Teach children that one race is superior (racism)
Teach children that the strong must be handicapped so that the weak can succeed (communism)
Teach children that they can get goodies based solely on the color of their skin (perhaps even the oval office)
Force business to practice racism (Racistic fascism, as seen in Germany 1933 - 1945)
Create opportunities for liberals to wedge in their anti-faith, anti-family, anti American agenda and make people feel like it is their civic duty to support that agenda
Deprive businesses of the ability to hire based upon qualifications and merit rather than the hue of the applicant's skin or the nation of his family's origin.
Create special classes of people (who would otherwise be capable of rising or falling under their own merit or lack thereof) who "Must" be assisted and supported by public funds
Enhance the destructiveness of the welfare state
Open the door to classify any group of people as eligible for Affirmative Action programs, even based solely upon their chosen behavior and other non-inborn, well-alterable characteristics
Enable the passage of more pork-barrel politics
Engender deep resentment
Promote racist sentiment as a backlash to its inequitable foundations, methods and procedures

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