R - 49% - o - 47%


Gold Member
May 22, 2011
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Sunday had Mitt Romney at 49% of voters nationwide, and Obama at 47%.

Looking good for President Romney.

Now, all we need is another asswhooping, er..... debate to widen that even further.
Then your government checks are sure to increase under that "small government conservative". More government money....you are a true conservative patriot.
Why would someone so keen on working with facts assume anything?

Are you still a member of the "media"? There must be some reason why you insist on discussing this thing like it is going to be close.
Once again, it looks like it could boil down to Ohio.

I hope they enjoy the attention.

We certainly don't get any here in Kansas. :lol:
After that butt kicking in the debate, even Rassmussen has Romney way behind in electoral votes

2012 Electoral College Scoreboard - Rasmussen Reports™

Obama 237
Romney 181

With Obama still leading swing states Ohio, Wisconsin, Iowa, NV

Romney gave his best shot in the debate and it gave him a bump in the polls.......Evidently not enough
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Then your government checks are sure to increase under that "small government conservative". More government money....you are a true conservative patriot.

Sorry asshole. Military retirees get a pension.

Just like career police officers, auto workers, miners.

It's obvious you hate veterans. Do you hate law enforcement, auto workers, miners as well?


Neg rep'd for being an anti-American asswipe
Warrior, you are aware that the republican House went into recess early without bothering to give you your cost of living increase, right?

The bastards. So much for caring about our veterans.
Today they are tied 48-48. Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™

Looks like the bounce for Romney is starting to come down in Ras

Interesting analysis here not only showing them tied but Obama with a 51% approval and consumer confidence up 10 points since the Friday jobs numbers.

I agree that Romney got a bounce from the debate but I also agree that Obama is still ahead electorally and not much is likely to change that unless something major happens or Obama completely screws himself in the next debates which I doubt. He better have learned his lesson there.

Most people have decided by now. There are a few undecideds that could swing Romeny's way but not enough to change the election.

It'll be close but Obama is still ahead and likely to win.

I'm assuming that the swing states are getting closer. That's all that matters.


Not really; many of the swing states--more than he needs--are in Obama's column.

"Closer" doesn't mean that Romney has overtaken Obama in the swing states. It just means that it's closer. And as I said, it's just an assumption.


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