Qustion about Mittens

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
So, uh, we all know that McCain vetted Mittens in 2008 but he was found wanting and McCain chose ditzy $arah for his runny mate.


How bad do you have to be to be passed over for $arah Palin?

How many rw's have really read this? Reason I ask is that the answer is there.

The Book On Mitt Romney: Here Is John McCain's Entire Opposition Research File

Read it people.

And, rw sheeples, you really need to read it too.

or not .... cuz, if you're rw, ignorance really is bliss.
Everyone already knows Romney isnt a big social conservative. Everyone knows he was more liberal as Governor of Mass. than he is positioning now.

McCain was considered a RINO as well, so him choosing Romney wouldnt have excited the base as much as they thought Palin would.

All Romney has to do to eliminate most of his Massachusetts record from contention is go for the concept of federalism. Showing he knows what plays in the Northeast doesnt play in Texas will reassure the more social conservatives, and maybe even entice some of the more libertarian folks to become energized in this election.
So, uh, we all know that McCain vetted Mittens in 2008 but he was found wanting and McCain chose ditzy $arah for his runny mate.


How bad do you have to be to be passed over for $arah Palin?

How many rw's have really read this? Reason I ask is that the answer is there.

The Book On Mitt Romney: Here Is John McCain's Entire Opposition Research File

Read it people.

And, rw sheeples, you really need to read it too.

or not .... cuz, if you're rw, ignorance really is bliss.

When I look at the two of them together on the stump I have to remind myself that Paul Ryan believes rich people require special care, should pay no taxes, and deserve to rule over poor people, over all people.

That he wants to stop all abortions no matter what the circumstances and almost all birth control.

He is a severely extremist type and, oh, I almost forgot, the LAST thing he is is a Fiscal Conservative, he is the biggest spender maybe on record.
Ryan is a Catholic it would be rather peculiar for him to support abortion and birth control.

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