Quotes by industry heads from 1909-1911

children buring to death in crowded factories is not what I call freedom

Real Estate Industry
 During one executive session, he [Robert Dowling, NYC real estate man, and voice of business on the FIC] referred to statistics on the number of people killed in factory fires. Notwithstanding the catastrophe at the Triangle, he ventured, “It is an infinitesimal proportion of the population.”
FIC Final Report; Von Drehle, p. 215-216.
 “Many owners will be so financially embarrassed by the great expenditure made necessary thereby that great numbers of buildings would be forced into foreclosure or otherwise sacrificed.”
The Realty League inveighs against the FIC fire regulations. “Realty Men Protest. Albany Measures for Fire Prevention Regarded as Oppressive”. NYT, March 19, 1913.
 In response to the changes to the fire code, a spokesman for the Associated Industries of New York insisted that the Wagner-Smith acts would mean “the wiping out of industry in this state.”
FIC Third Report, Vol 1, p. 62; Martin, p. 108
 “To my mind this is all wrong….The experience of the past proves conclusively that the best government is the least possible government, that the unfettered initiative of the individual is the force that makes a country great and that this initiative should never be bound…”
Laurence M. D. McGuire president of the Real Estate Board of NYC. He replaced Dowling on the FIC in July of 1914. FIC Fourth Report, 1915, Vol. 1, p 76-83.
 “The owners of real property are becoming terrified by the number of laws which have been enacted affecting real property in New York City…in each succeeding year there is a law passed…This compels the owner to expend…large sums of money, which…are absolutely needless and useless.”
Op-ed by George W. Olvany, special counsel to the Real Estate Board: “The Fire Hazard in Big Buildings,” NYT. May 3, 1914.


We should dig all those people up and execute them.
I don't know why anyone should be surprised at quotes like that. They illustrate a basic principle: business sinks to the level of depravity allowed by law. It's a competitive game. Any behavior which provides a competitive advantage, be it moral and ethical or otherwise, will be engaged in unless forbidden by law. Any business owner who declines to engage in permitted behavior which provides a competitive advantage will lose to his less-scrupulous competitors.

Laws and regulations restraining business from vile behavior not only stop that behavior from occurring, they also increase the average level of integrity in business, because the more honorable can compete successfully with thugs as long as the thugs are restrained from their thuggery.

If there were literally NO laws and regulations restraining business, all business would be at the level of depravity shown by South American drug cartels.
This is what the corps want a return to.

They want to be able to toss humans like tissues.

Some poor blockheads get caught up thinking its a great idea.

Some people are just suckers for propaganda

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