Quick question


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
If the base temperature of the planet were raised by 1 degree would you expect that after that happened that years would be hotter then before that happened?
If the base temperature of the planet were raised by 1 degree would you expect that after that happened that years would be hotter then before that happened?
Wouldn't it depend on what caused the raise...and is it a permanent change? What in this universe is permanent?
If the base temperature of the planet were raised by 1 degree would you expect that after that happened that years would be hotter then before that happened?
Wouldn't it depend on what caused the raise...and is it a permanent change? What in this universe is permanent?
bitch please ! most all event in the universe happen on time scales that are all but permanent .
you expect things to happen on time scale matching your short and silly life .
the word pretentious come to mind.
nobody cares about 1 degree...........except the k00ks.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance: If you got to know any of these knuckleheads, you'd see they get hysterical over a lot of things in life most of us just roll with!! That's is the essence of all this nonsense at the end of the day.........:gay:

You look at the polling on concerns of voters and globalw arming is always waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down the bottom of the list. Why? Its because most regular people are worried about real things in life they need to be worrying about. Not the k00ks......it really is a thought processing fuck up ( see OCD in the DSM IV-R )
If the base temperature of the planet were raised by 1 degree would you expect that after that happened that years would be hotter then before that happened?
Wouldn't it depend on what caused the raise...and is it a permanent change? What in this universe is permanent?
bitch please ! most all event in the universe happen on time scales that are all but permanent .
you expect things to happen on time scale matching your short and silly life .
the word pretentious come to mind.
Just because your perspective is as short as your dick, don't bitch at me, Homer.
If the base temperature of the planet were raised by 1 degree would you expect that after that happened that years would be hotter then before that happened?
Wouldn't it depend on what caused the raise...and is it a permanent change? What in this universe is permanent?
bitch please ! most all event in the universe happen on time scales that are all but permanent .
you expect things to happen on time scale matching your short and silly life .
the word pretentious come to mind.
Just because your perspective is as short as your dick, don't bitch at me, Homer.
that's all you.
perspective? your comment proves you have none.
I believe this is happening now............with all the liberal talking heads and politicians the HOT AIR is rising and so is the mercury.................

Perhaps they could shut the hell up and save the planet already. geesh.
If the base temperature of the planet were raised by 1 degree would you expect that after that happened that years would be hotter then before that happened?
Wouldn't it depend on what caused the raise...and is it a permanent change? What in this universe is permanent?
bitch please ! most all event in the universe happen on time scales that are all but permanent .
you expect things to happen on time scale matching your short and silly life .
the word pretentious come to mind.
Just because your perspective is as short as your dick, don't bitch at me, Homer.
that's all you.
perspective? your comment proves you have none.
You're right...sorry I don't have time to talk right now. Have to clean up the mess the dinosaurs left in the back yard.
If the base temperature of the planet were raised by 1 degree would you expect that after that happened that years would be hotter then before that happened?
Wouldn't it depend on what caused the raise...and is it a permanent change? What in this universe is permanent?
bitch please ! most all event in the universe happen on time scales that are all but permanent .
you expect things to happen on time scale matching your short and silly life .
the word pretentious come to mind.
Just because your perspective is as short as your dick, don't bitch at me, Homer.
that's all you.
perspective? your comment proves you have none.
You're right...sorry I don't have time to talk right now. Have to clean up the mess the dinosaurs left in the back yard.
giant sloths and wooly mammoths are not dinosaurs .
It would not surprise me if you actually believed dinosaurs and people lived together.
The point is we know the temperature went up a whooping one degree as it was predicted it would in 1900. And now we have all the doom and gloom whiners complaining that we have hotter years. Of course they are warmer the temperature went up a degree. Ohh by the way unless you believe the scientists in 1900 were predicting global warming caused by man please explain why they said the temp would go up one degree?
The point is we know the temperature went up a whooping one degree as it was predicted it would in 1900. And now we have all the doom and gloom whiners complaining that we have hotter years. Of course they are warmer the temperature went up a degree. Ohh by the way unless you believe the scientists in 1900 were predicting global warming caused by man please explain why they said the temp would go up one degree?
Oh my, another really ignorant ass. Ever heard the the name Svante Arrhenius?


Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science
Series 5, Volume 41, April 1896, pages 237-276.

This photocopy was prepared by Robert A. Rohde for Global Warming Art (Global Warming Art) from original printed material that is now in the public domain. Arrhenius’s paper is the first to quantify the contribution of carbon dioxide to the greenhouse effect (Sections I-IV) and to speculate about whether variations in the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide have contributed to long-term variations in climate (Section V). Throughout this paper, Arrhenius refers to carbon dioxide as “carbonic acid” in accordance with the convention at the time he was writing. Contrary to some misunderstandings, Arrhenius does not explicitly suggest in this paper that the burning of fossil fuels will cause global warming, though it is clear that he is aware that fossil fuels are a potentially significant source of carbon dioxide (page 270), and he does explicitly suggest this outcome in later work.

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