Question to Protesters


The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018
Boston, MA
Why are they 99% of the time Leftists who look like they are unemployed, likely not showered, loud, obnoxious, whiny people??

I don't see people in suits and ties, likely because they are working and generating revenue for our country. Every time I see these protesters I just laugh at them. Are there any people on these boards that protest? Would you please explain what you think you are accomplishing?

Why would anyone anywhere wear a suit and tie unless forced to? :puke:

I can (barely) remember when I was forced to. Those daze are LOOOOOOOOOONG gone and good fucking riddance.


Fuck conformity.​
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Why are they 99% of the time Leftists who look like they are unemployed, likely not showered, loud, obnoxious, whiny people??

I don't see people in suits and ties, likely because they are working and generating revenue for our country. Every time I see these protesters I just laugh at them. Are there any people on these boards that protest? Would you please explain what you think you are accomplishing?

They are probably being paid minimum wage to protest, so you get the riff raff of employees to protest. Matter of fact, they get a free t shirt.
I found a tube of the protesters practicing.
If it walk, quacks, swims, looks and smells like a duck....

It's time for stir fry.

They look like pieces of shit, because they are pieces of shit.

Why are they 99% of the time Leftists who look like they are unemployed, likely not showered, loud, obnoxious, whiny people??

I don't see people in suits and ties, likely because they are working and generating revenue for our country. Every time I see these protesters I just laugh at them. Are there any people on these boards that protest? Would you please explain what you think you are accomplishing?

We need to ship them to Hollywood. It is already the worlds largest insane asylum.
Why are they 99% of the time Leftists who look like they are unemployed, likely not showered, loud, obnoxious, whiny people??

I don't see people in suits and ties, likely because they are working and generating revenue for our country. Every time I see these protesters I just laugh at them. Are there any people on these boards that protest? Would you please explain what you think you are accomplishing?


In truth I only attended one protest, that in Walnut Creek, CA to protest G.W Bush's war of choice in Iraq.


However, to answer your question, they are exercising their First Amendment Rights and their hope is their march becomes a Referendum to change the minds of those who have been fooled by demagogues and charlatans. Expect many more in nearly every state from now until the November election [I suppose I'll need to buy a new pair of Nikes].

The photo above is a hillside in Lafayette CA of our Iraq Dead to represent their loss in the war of choice. It is not SF or Berkeley, it is in a suburb of both populated by professionals in every field, many of whom voted Republican.
Judge Ford didnt put it together that she could have been raped at the time, thats why it took her so long to come forward
Why would anyone anywhere wear a suit and tie unless forced to? :puke:

I can (barely) remember when I was forced to. Those daze are LOOOOOOOOOONG gone and good fucking riddance.

Yup lower the bar some more .
Why would anyone anywhere wear a suit and tie unless forced to? :puke:

I can (barely) remember when I was forced to. Those daze are LOOOOOOOOOONG gone and good fucking riddance.


Fuck conformity.​

Yup lower the bar some more .

I don't go to bars. But have fun.

Kinda waiting for the OP to essplain why anyone would dress up in a monkey suit for a protest.
Not expecting an answer on that real soon.
Why would anyone anywhere wear a suit and tie unless forced to? :puke:

I can (barely) remember when I was forced to. Those daze are LOOOOOOOOOONG gone and good fucking riddance.


Fuck conformity.​

Yup lower the bar some more .

I don't go to bars. But have fun.

Kinda waiting for the OP to essplain why anyone would dress up in a monkey suit for a protest.
Not expecting an answer on that real soon.

next you will tell me at your mega chuch they sell peanuts and hot dogs in the stands.

Why are they 99% of the time Leftists who look like they are unemployed, likely not showered, loud, obnoxious, whiny people??

I don't see people in suits and ties, likely because they are working and generating revenue for our country. Every time I see these protesters I just laugh at them. Are there any people on these boards that protest? Would you please explain what you think you are accomplishing?


Drive through any shithole community in south Mexifornia on a Wednesday at 1pm and you’ll find shitty cars lining the streets and packed in through any nice neighborhood and you’ll find no cars as everyone is out working and being productive...My point is this; our lowest grade of degenerate, lowlife filthy fucks are jobless with nothing better to do...the useless trash feels purposeful when they “resist” and protest.
Why are they 99% of the time Leftists who look like they are unemployed, likely not showered, loud, obnoxious, whiny people??

I don't see people in suits and ties, likely because they are working and generating revenue for our country. Every time I see these protesters I just laugh at them. Are there any people on these boards that protest? Would you please explain what you think you are accomplishing?


Drive through any shithole community in south Mexifornia on a Wednesday at 1pm and you’ll find shitty cars lining the streets and packed in through any nice neighborhood and you’ll find no cars as everyone is out working and being productive...My point is this; our lowest grade of degenerate, lowlife filthy fucks are jobless with nothing better to do...the useless trash feels purposeful when they “resist” and protest.

What? Who the heck needs a driveway, they park on the front lawn.
Why are they 99% of the time Leftists who look like they are unemployed, likely not showered, loud, obnoxious, whiny people??

I don't see people in suits and ties, likely because they are working and generating revenue for our country. Every time I see these protesters I just laugh at them. Are there any people on these boards that protest? Would you please explain what you think you are accomplishing?


Drive through any shithole community in south Mexifornia on a Wednesday at 1pm and you’ll find shitty cars lining the streets and packed in through any nice neighborhood and you’ll find no cars as everyone is out working and being productive...My point is this; our lowest grade of degenerate, lowlife filthy fucks are jobless with nothing better to do...the useless trash feels purposeful when they “resist” and protest.

What? Who the heck needs a driveway, they park on the front lawn.

So true..
I still have a number of residential properties in the Inland Empire, I drive through there atleast once a week...It’s unbelievable to see how many cars the cockroaches can park at one 1,100sqft 2bdrm shithole.
Why are they 99% of the time Leftists who look like they are unemployed, likely not showered, loud, obnoxious, whiny people??

I don't see people in suits and ties, likely because they are working and generating revenue for our country. Every time I see these protesters I just laugh at them. Are there any people on these boards that protest? Would you please explain what you think you are accomplishing?


Drive through any shithole community in south Mexifornia on a Wednesday at 1pm and you’ll find shitty cars lining the streets and packed in through any nice neighborhood and you’ll find no cars as everyone is out working and being productive...My point is this; our lowest grade of degenerate, lowlife filthy fucks are jobless with nothing better to do...the useless trash feels purposeful when they “resist” and protest.

What? Who the heck needs a driveway, they park on the front lawn.

What else they gonna do when you have three families living in a two room shack?
Why would anyone anywhere wear a suit and tie unless forced to? :puke:

I can (barely) remember when I was forced to. Those daze are LOOOOOOOOOONG gone and good fucking riddance.


Fuck conformity.​

Yup lower the bar some more .

I don't go to bars. But have fun.

Kinda waiting for the OP to essplain why anyone would dress up in a monkey suit for a protest.
Not expecting an answer on that real soon.

Because they have to go work afterward or because they want to look respectable? What you call a "monkey suit", Pigo, others call professional attire.
Why are they 99% of the time Leftists who look like they are unemployed, likely not showered, loud, obnoxious, whiny people??

I don't see people in suits and ties, likely because they are working and generating revenue for our country. Every time I see these protesters I just laugh at them. Are there any people on these boards that protest? Would you please explain what you think you are accomplishing?


Why are 99% of conservatives (small 'c') white, uneducated, obese, smokers who echo trump?

Please explain what you think you've accomplished with your attempt to define "leftists". Mine above is sarcasm, but at least a half-truth.
I don't go to bars. But have fun.

Kinda waiting for the OP to essplain why anyone would dress up in a monkey suit for a protest.
Not expecting an answer on that real soon.


Monkeys in a monkey suit?

WTF are you babbling about?

I'd tell you to stop huffing paint, but in this case I'd say switch to silver, it's a little cheaper but the objective will be complete either way.

Fugitives from natural selection....

Why are they 99% of the time Leftists who look like they are unemployed, likely not showered, loud, obnoxious, whiny people??

I don't see people in suits and ties, likely because they are working and generating revenue for our country. Every time I see these protesters I just laugh at them. Are there any people on these boards that protest? Would you please explain what you think you are accomplishing?

Look at that

A protester dress code!
Why are they 99% of the time Leftists who look like they are unemployed, likely not showered, loud, obnoxious, whiny people??

I don't see people in suits and ties, likely because they are working and generating revenue for our country. Every time I see these protesters I just laugh at them. Are there any people on these boards that protest? Would you please explain what you think you are accomplishing?


Why are 99% of conservatives (small 'c') white, uneducated, obese, smokers who echo trump?

Please explain what you think you've accomplished with your attempt to define "leftists". Mine above is sarcasm, but at least a half-truth.

I am truly puzzled. Half the head is shaved, 30 piercings, yelling...I just tune it out. They didn't even explain why they were protesting Kav and it was BEFORE the Ford allegations. Disrupting the hearings, like children. I don't understand it. I have told my kids before. If you want something ask quietly and politely. If you scream and or whine and pout you will not convince me but instead I will tune you out.

I think protests are reasonable but now, 90% of the time I don't understand their rationale. Such as occupy Wall St?!?!? Not my fault you have $150k in debt with a degree in Lesbian Dance Study and cannot find a job. Certainly not the fault of Wall St.

You would be surprised at who voted for DJT. Not at all as you described in your comical attempt.

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