Question many ask: Why Does God Allow Evil?

Free will. You do right by others or you don't.

It IS that simple.

We've been fed a lot of bullshit, from advertisers, from politicians, from some churches, and most importantly, from cradle to grave.

As kids we were smarter. We asked "why?" a LOT. We are BORN with critical thinking skills and they are beaten out of us.

Accountability requires complete information.
I don't know, that picture isn't exactly the most striking picture of the best nature has to offer. :lol:
Are you the ugly one per chance? Cause every time I'm in a group picture, I'm the ugly one.

This is why opinions and truth are relative to the observer.... Personal beliefs and opinions are like nipples - Every Monkey comes equipped with one set of each and, while some sets can be similar, they can also be quite different, and no two sets of nipples or beliefs are ever identical.

Those young Monkeys are the culmination of Natural beauty in these average eyes...
Look at the life and, more importantly, the collaboration of life in that photo!

True, this is not the greatest photograph, per se... but the content takes my breath away!

Basic but informative Islamic answer if people just want to think of this.....

1. First of all, Allah did not make this world a permanent world. This is a temporary world and everything here has a time limit. When its times comes it will die, come to an end and finish. Neither the good things of this world are forever, nor the bad things eternal. We are here for a short time and we are being tested. Those who will pass this test will find an eternal world that is perfect and permanent. Those who will fail this test shall see the evil consequences of their sins and corruption.

2. Allah has placed a physical law and a moral law in this universe. Allah allows suffering to occur when one or more of these laws are broken. The physical law is based on cause and effect. Sickness comes if one does not take care of one’s health or is exposed to infections. A car accident occurs when one is not alert, or drives in a careless manner, or if the cars are not checked, roads and freeways are not made and kept in right shape, or the traffic laws are not right or not properly enforced. Study of causes and effects is very important to facilitate safeguards. Even here we should keep in mind that Allah often saves us and He does not let us suffer from every negligence. How many times it happens that we are not careful and still we reach safely to our destinations. The way people drive in some cities, it is a miracle that more accidents do not happen and more people do not suffer. Allah says:

“(Allah) Most Gracious! It is He Who has taught the Qur’an. He has created man: He has taught him speech (and Intelligence). The sun and the moon follow courses (exactly) computed; and the herbs and the trees both (alike) bow in adoration. And the Firmament has He raised high, and He has set up the Balance (of Justice), in order that you may not transgress (due) balance. So establish weight with justice and fall not short in the balance. It is He Who has spread out the earth for (His) creatures." (Ar-Rahman:1-10)

The way we exceed the measures set by Allah and violate His laws of cause and effect is incredible. It is really the mercy of Allah that we are saved. Strictly speaking, the question should not be why does Allah allow suffering, but how much Allah protects us and saves us all the time in spite of our violations and negligence. The Qur’an says:

“If Allah were to punish people according to what they deserve, He would not leave on the back of the (earth) a single living creature: but He gives them respite for a stated Term: when their Term expires, verily Allah has in His sight all His servants." (Fatir:45)

But sometimes Allah does punish people because of their violations of His laws whether they are physical or moral. The Qur’an tells us that many nations and communities were destroyed because of their sinful lifestyles:

“If they treat thy (mission) as false, so did the Peoples before them (with their Prophets), the People of Noah, and Ad and Thamud. Those of Abraham and Lut; and the Companions of the Madyan people; and Moses was rejected (in the same way). But I granted respite to the Unbelievers, and (only) after that did I punish them: but how (terrible) was My rejection (of them)! How many populations have We destroyed, which were given to wrong-doing! They tumbled down on their roofs. And how many wells are lying idle and neglected, and castles lofty and well-built?" (Al-Hajj: 42-45)

3. Suffering can also be a test and trial for some people. Allah allows some people to suffer in order to test their patience and steadfastness. Even Allah’s Prophets and Messengers were made to suffer. Prophet Ayyub is mentioned in the Qur’an as a Prophet who was very patient. Good people sometimes suffer but their sufferings heal others and bring goodness to their communities. People learn lessons from their good examples. Martyrs die for their faith, soldiers give their lives for their nations and this brings liberation and freedom for their people.

4. Allah sometimes allows some people to suffer to test others, how they react to them. When you see a person who is sick, poor and needy, then you are tested by Allah. Allah is there with that suffering person to test your charity and your faith. In a very moving Hadith Qudsi (Divine Hadith) the Prophet, peace be upon him, said:

“Allah will say on the Day of Judgment, ‘O son of Adam, I was sick and you did not visit Me.’ He will say, ‘O my Lord, how could I visit You, when you are the Lord of the Worlds.’ Allah will say, ‘Did you not know that My servant so-and-so was sick and you did not visit him? Did you not know that if you had visited him, you would have found Me there?’ Allah will say, ‘O son of Adam, I asked you for food and you fed Me not.’ He shall say, ‘O my Lord, how could I feed you and you are the Lord of the Worlds?’ And Allah will say, ‘Did you not know that My servant so-and-so was in need of food and you did not feed him? Did you not know that if you had fed him, you would have found that to have been for Me?’ ‘O son of Adam, I asked you for water and you did not give Me to drink.’ The man shall say, ‘O my Lord, how could I give You water, when You are the Lord of the Worlds?’ Allah will say, ‘My servant so-and-so asked you for water and you did not give him to drink water. Did you not know that if you had given him to drink, you would have found that to have been for Me.’ (Muslim, Hadith no. 4661)
so which one is the one and only true god that we must worship to get salvation
jesus or allah ?

That's the question that the Monkeys are betting the one and only life they're certain of on...

It behooves the Monkeys to remember that no answer has ever been proven, and "none of the above" is a just as valid an answer as any.
Recent video from Fox news:

"Why does God allow evil?"
Why does God allow evil? | Fox News Video

Link regarding this very serious question:
Why does God allow evil?

..partial quote from link..

Perhaps a practical way to look at this question would be to consider some alternative ways people might have God run the world:

1) God could change everyone’s personality so that they cannot sin. This would also mean that we would not have a free will. We would not be able to choose right or wrong because we would be “programmed” to only do right. Had God chosen to do this, there would be no meaningful relationships between Him and His creation.

My personal encouragement: Ask this of the Lord Jesus Christ yourself. Ask Him sincerely for the answers about evil and why the world is the way it is, and why people do what they do. Be prepared for His answers which He WILL answer if you are calling out to Him with all your heart. Because yes, this will mean looking at your own accountability first and foremost..and frankly that is what most unbelievers (including myself before I went to Him) are afraid of.


Allowing something has never bugged me much. Why does he ignore prayers?

In the 40's and 50's every family in this country either had a member or a close friend who was dying from cancer or heart problems. Usually the first heart attack killed the afflicted but if they survived they usually laid around for a year or two and then died. There was no treatment for cancer. The only option was surgery and the tumor usually metasticized and spread killing the afflicted within a year or two.....sometimes months. Wednesday evening prayer meetings were crowded and prayer lists were a foot long. Hundreds of billions of prayers were said and the patients suffered and died anyway. The average life expectency in America was about 62-64 years.

Now....with better diets, less smoking, sophisticated diagnostic systems, catherization, balloon therapy, stents, bypasses, transplants, laparoscopy, chemotherapy, radiation treatments, stem cell transplants, etc. the same type patients live into their 80's and sometimes 90's. The average life expectency is in the high 70's.

Where was that old bastard 50-60 years ago when we needed him?
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Question many ask: Why Does God Allow Evil?
Nice question, oh wait, that was a crappy question. Better yet, why does God allow unnecessary pain?
God is all powerful, isn't he? Why did he not cause the gun of Adam Lanza to jam, thus sparing the lives of innocent young children, yet still allowing the evil of Adam Lanza to exist? Instead, your god allowed all those parents, family and us to feel the pain of murdered children. He doesn't seem like much of a good god if he allows innocent children to be slaughtered.


For that matter why did God let S&W build that gun.

Could it be that forces other than God have influence in this world?

Could it be like being a parent.....sometimes you have to allow your kids to make mistakes so they can learn? Does a good parent lock their kids up and not allow them to experience life? What would be the point of living?
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Question many ask: Why Does God Allow Evil?
Nice question, oh wait, that was a crappy question. Better yet, why does God allow unnecessary pain?
God is all powerful, isn't he? Why did he not cause the gun of Adam Lanza to jam, thus sparing the lives of innocent young children, yet still allowing the evil of Adam Lanza to exist? Instead, your god allowed all those parents, family and us to feel the pain of murdered children. He doesn't seem like much of a good god if he allows innocent children to be slaughtered.


For that matter why did God let S&W build that gun.

Could it be that forces other than God have influence in this world?

Could it be like being a parent.....sometimes you have to allow your kids to make mistakes so they can learn? Does a good parent lock their kids up and not allow them to experience life? What would be the point of living?

You thumpers can come up with something for everything. Why wouldn't you? Anybody who is so egotistical and arrogant that they believe anyone who doesn't believe what they believe will roast in a pit will say anything and that's not the worst part.....they really do believe it.

LOL...agnostics/Athiests.....try to make themselves feel better about their Godless souls by making stupid observations.

Sorry Alan, but that statement went pretty far.

They're two different words for a reason, and are not both Godless. I take offense to that. As an agnostic, I feel free'd in my admitting "I do not know," but to not know is not to dismiss - it's a plain and simple acknowledgement of the Cerebral state that you're in.

How I live my life is by usually listening to my "conscience," which feels good when I do good and feels awful when I do wrong. It's been a pretty strong guide, and a nice relationship builder, but I do not know its source and noone's about to tell me.

LOL...agnostics/Athiests.....try to make themselves feel better about their Godless souls by making stupid observations.

Sorry Alan, but that statement went pretty far.

They're two different words for a reason, and are not both Godless. I take offense to that. As an agnostic, I feel free'd in my admitting "I do not know," but to not know is not to dismiss - it's a plain and simple acknowledgement of the Cerebral state that you're in.

How I live my life is by usually listening to my "conscience," which feels good when I do good and feels awful when I do wrong. It's been a pretty strong guide, and a nice relationship builder, but I do not know its source and noone's about to tell me.

I think you work here.....what does it pay?

LOL...agnostics/Athiests.....try to make themselves feel better about their Godless souls by making stupid observations.

Sorry Alan, but that statement went pretty far.

They're two different words for a reason, and are not both Godless. I take offense to that. As an agnostic, I feel free'd in my admitting "I do not know," but to not know is not to dismiss - it's a plain and simple acknowledgement of the Cerebral state that you're in.

How I live my life is by usually listening to my "conscience," which feels good when I do good and feels awful when I do wrong. It's been a pretty strong guide, and a nice relationship builder, but I do not know its source and noone's about to tell me.

I think you work here.....what does it pay?

I don't know, that picture isn't exactly the most striking picture of the best nature has to offer. :lol:
Are you the ugly one per chance? Cause every time I'm in a group picture, I'm the ugly one.

This is why opinions and truth are relative to the observer.... Personal beliefs and opinions are like nipples - Every Monkey comes equipped with a set of each and, while some sets can be similar, they can also be quite different, and no two sets of nipples or beliefs are ever identical.

Those young Monkeys are the culmination of Natural beauty in these average eyes...
Look at the life and, more importantly the collaboration of life in that photo!

True, this is not the greatest photograph, per se... but the content takes my breath away!


It is not about the quality of the photograph that matters, what it shows is love, happiness, trust, care and admiration. There can be no doubt that there is a lot of God in there; as I perceive much of what God is all about.

Victor Hugo wrote "To love another is to see the face of God". There are many types of love each having it's own precious God like image.
Question many ask: Why Does God Allow Evil?
Nice question, oh wait, that was a crappy question. Better yet, why does God allow unnecessary pain?
God is all powerful, isn't he? Why did he not cause the gun of Adam Lanza to jam, thus sparing the lives of innocent young children, yet still allowing the evil of Adam Lanza to exist? Instead, your god allowed all those parents, family and us to feel the pain of murdered children. He doesn't seem like much of a good god if he allows innocent children to be slaughtered.

That's just plain retarded.
Evil exists where God is not. God may be disappointed in people who reject Him and accept evil instead but he allows people to make these decisions for themselves. As America rejects God, it embraces evil by default. God permits evil to exist to give us a choice as to whether or not we will be evil people. Whether we will embrace the evil in others and excuse it or reason it away.

This is the United States of America devoted to freedom and we permit evil to exist. More than that, we protect evil. God permits evil to exist, but even He doesn't actively protect it.
That's because one Monkeys Evil is another Monkeys Religion, and Freedom of Religion DEMANDS that Civil Law protect the right of every Monkey to be wrong.

For Evil to be Evil, step one is for two or more Monkeys to agree that something is evil.
God promised Noah he would never again attempt to purge the earth of evil for he knew it would not work, so he then commanded Mosses to establish a code of ethics in the form of commandments. As a last resort he sent his only begotten son to chart the path toward spiritual salvation, sacrificed him on the cross to forgive the sins of the world. Man is inherently evil, for he covets domination and power over his fellow man. He now waits, tests, to see if by his sacrafice, one day man will embrace good over evil and finally follow the teachings and commandments he has provided and thus evolve into the creation he envisioned.
Evil exists where God is not. God may be disappointed in people who reject Him and accept evil instead but he allows people to make these decisions for themselves. As America rejects God, it embraces evil by default. God permits evil to exist to give us a choice as to whether or not we will be evil people. Whether we will embrace the evil in others and excuse it or reason it away.

This is the United States of America devoted to freedom and we permit evil to exist. More than that, we protect evil. God permits evil to exist, but even He doesn't actively protect it.

God doesn't know his ass from a bass drum.
I don't know, that picture isn't exactly the most striking picture of the best nature has to offer. :lol:
Are you the ugly one per chance? Cause every time I'm in a group picture, I'm the ugly one.

This is why opinions and truth are relative to the observer.... Personal beliefs and opinions are like nipples - Every Monkey comes equipped with a set of each and, while some sets can be similar, they can also be quite different, and no two sets of nipples or beliefs are ever identical.

Those young Monkeys are the culmination of Natural beauty in these average eyes...
Look at the life and, more importantly the collaboration of life in that photo!

True, this is not the greatest photograph, per se... but the content takes my breath away!

Are you a school teacher Joe?

Looks like a great bunch of kids.

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